
  • 网络image resources
  1. 形象资源与公共关系活动

    A study on image resources and public relations

  2. 因此,将公共关系活动与形象资源的培植与开发活动紧密结合起来,才能取得最佳的效果。

    In order to acquire a best effect , we should combine public relation activities with the cultivation and development of image resources .

  3. 系统、旅游展示系统和旅游宣传与传播系统,旨在树立人们对旅游形象资源的认

    Tourism image , tourism exhibition , and tourism propagation and communication for

  4. 论文指出旅游形象资源开发与设计是一项系统工程,需立足于对旅游地具

    Image of tourism resource . This thesis points out that the exploitation and design of the image of tourism

  5. 图书馆独特而丰富的形象资源能否得到有效开发,关系到读者和用户对图书馆及其文献信息资源的利用程度和利用效果。

    Can library 's special and plentiful image resources get development validity , Relate to the readers and customers make use of the library and its cultural heritage information resources .

  6. 以此推动我国正在发展中的城市视觉导向系统设计的研究。在实践的基础上不断创新,使城市视觉导向设计系统成为城市的形象资源、文化资产。

    Impels our country by this to develop the urban vision guidance system design rule sexual knowledge deliberation . Innovates unceasingly in the practice foundation , causes the urban vision guidance design system to become urban the vivid resources , the cultural property .

  7. 开发国有企业形象力资源的途径

    Approach to Developing State-Owned Enterprise Image Resources

  8. 景区信息平台是游客获取相关信息的窗口,也是景区展示自身形象和资源的主要手段。

    Scenic spots information platform not only is a window for tourists to obtain correlation information , but also is a main method to show its image and resources .

  9. 本文认为大旅游产品观和形象市场资源综合导向型开发观是保证旅游产品合理开发、有效。

    The paper believes that ideas of macro-tourist products and leading type of image-market-resources are the rational foundation of assuring the reasonable development of tourist products and its effective application .

  10. 电子政务软件企业品牌竞争力包含企业形象、资源、能力、技术、管理、营销、服务等多方面的综合优势。

    The E-government software enterprise brand competitive power contains the enterprise image , the resources , ability , the technology , the management , the marketing , the service and so on various comprehensive superiority .

  11. 学校的无形资产可分为权利技术型、文化形象型、资源策略型、社会关系型等。

    The intangible assets of a school can usually be divided into the types of potent technology , cultural image , resource management and social relations .

  12. 加强质量管理具有非常重要的意义,它可以增进顾客满意、加强企业竞争力、改善企业形象、节约资源,降低成本。

    It is significant to emphasize quality management , the enterprises can enhance customer 's satisfaction , promote competitive ability , improve enterprise image , save resource and reduce cost .

  13. 创新营销方案的顺利实施将有效提升一汽丰田在烟台地区的整体销量,提升整体的服务水平和品牌形象,提升资源的利用率,最终实现品牌整体盈利能力的全面提升。

    The plan will promote the overall sales , service , brand image and resource usage of the Faw Toyota and ultimately realize the improvement of the brand overall profit ability .

  14. 旅游形象是联系资源与客源的媒介,在市场经济条件下,旅游竞争是比价格、比服务、比文化,文化内涵是旅游竞争力的核心,形象是旅游区的生命。

    Tourist image is a medium connecting resource with guest source . Under marketing economy , tourist competition lies in aspects of price , service and culture . Cultural connotation is a core of tourist competition and image is a life in tourism .

  15. 结论从影响旅游者渴望来华旅游因素及旅游信息认知途径等方面的分析,对中国旅游市场的拓展、旅游形象设计及旅游资源的开发均有一定的参考价值。

    Conclusion Factors influencing decision and sources of traveling information are analyzed and the value on market development , tourism image design , tourism management and tourism resources exploitation was discussed .

  16. 围绕总体形象,以旅游资源特色及空间分布为基点,提出彗星式的旅游业发展总体布局,将大连划分出三大特色功能区,即现代都市旅游区、蓝色滨海旅游区和旅游发展延伸区。

    Based on the tourism image positioning and features of the tourist resources , this section points out the " comet-style " layout of tourist development , including three large functional districts .

  17. 通过对土地学科所需图种、图的作用、图的内容、基本要素的研究,提出了综合地、微观地、形象地描述土地资源的自然特性和经济特性的有效方法。

    The effective methods , in which natural and economic characteristics of land resources were described in a systematic , minute and concrete way obtained through the studies on the kinds of maps , their functions , their contents , and their fundamental elements of them , were proposed .

  18. 在现代社会中,形象已经成为一种资源&形象资源。

    On the basis of image , image resources have been widely accepted in modern society .

  19. 企业的市场形象和社会形象决定企业获得资源的多寡,进而影响企业的竞争力和长期发展,企业形象也成为企业的一种重要资源。

    The market image and social image of the corporate , decide the amount of required resources , and then affect the competition ability and the long-term development of the corporate . Additionally , the corporate image also becomes a kind of important resources of the corporate .

  20. 针对城市形象问题,分析了济南市的城市形象资源。并分别从理念识别、行为识别、视觉识别定位三方面对济南市的形象进行了初步设计。

    In relation to the problem of city image , the authors analyze the resources of city image in Jinan and design the images of Jinan City primarily from three factors : rational identification , activity identification , and vision identification .