
  • 网络Behavior culture;behavioral culture;behaviour culture
  1. 全国排球联赛现场观众行为文化研究

    The Study of the Audience Behavior Culture in Nationwide Volleyball League

  2. 浅谈高校图书馆行为文化建设

    Talking about the Construction of Behavior Culture in University Library

  3. 这其中主要包括网络法律行为文化、网络法律制度文化等。

    Network which includes legal culture , legal system and cultural networking .

  4. 行为文化层-塑造良好的服务形象;

    Behavioral culture level-to mold a good serving image ;

  5. 两种行为文化一对比,伪善就显露出来了。

    Hypocrisy is always evident when behaviors of the two cultures are compared .

  6. 高校校园行为文化刍议

    A Simple Discussion on College Campus Behavior Culture

  7. 理工类院校和谐行为文化环境的构建

    The Building of a Harmonious Environment for Behavioural Culture in Colleges of Science and Engineering

  8. 整合企业行为文化,建立行为规范系统。③整合企业形象文化,建立形象识别系统。

    Conformity of enterprise behaviour cultural .

  9. 建设和谐社会的行为文化

    Building Behavior Culture of Harmonious Society

  10. 健康向上、生动活泼、丰富多彩的校园行为文化。

    Colorful campus behavior culture .

  11. 这是最新两项相关非语言行为文化差异研究的最新研究结果。

    These are just two relatively new findings to emerge from studying cultural differences in nonverbal behaviour .

  12. 它包括物质文化层、行为文化层、制度文化层、精神文化层。

    It contains material culture level , behavior culture level , system culture level and spirit culture level .

  13. 其次,深入和细化质量行为文化建设,将质量至上落到实处。

    Second , in-depth and detailed acts of cultural construction quality , the " quality first " letter .

  14. 从结构上来讲,它是由喀斯特洞穴物态文化层、行为文化层和心态文化层有机耦合而成。

    In the terms of structure , it is formed integrating physical culture , behavior culture and mental culture .

  15. 行为文化作为大文化概念的一个类型,由价值取向、行为方式和行为环境等要素构成。社会的强制性规范、传承性规范和文化传播是行为环境的主要构成部分。

    Behavior culture as a type of great culture consists of value orientation , behavior mode and behavior environment .

  16. 大学校园隐性文化主要包括器物文化、制度文化、行为文化、精神文化等几个方面。

    Campus culture mainly includes material culture , system culture , behavior culture , spirit culture and so on .

  17. 行为文化是企业文化现象的最直接的表现,企业文化现象通过行为文化表现出来。

    Behavioral culture is the most directive expression of the cultural phenomenon , which in turn reflects Behavioral culture .

  18. 结果表明,调查对象在跨文化交流中运用行为文化,信息文化和成果文化的能力呈现不均匀分布。行为文化能力要比信息和成果文化能力强;

    12 . The results show uneven distribution of the students ' competence in behavior , information and achievement culture .

  19. 现代领导文化的核心内容包括领导制度文化、领导行为文化和领导观念文化。

    The kernel contents of modern leadership culture includes leadership system culture , leadership behavior culture and leadership concept culture .

  20. 在经典理论中,企业文化被划分为精神文化、行为文化、制度文化和物质文化。

    Corporate culture was divided into spirit culture , behavior culture , institution culture and material culture in classical theory .

  21. 摘要校园文化建设可分为物质文化建设、行为文化建设、制度文化建设及精神文化建设。

    The construction of campus culture constitutes that of material culture , behavioural culture , institutional culture and spiritual culture .

  22. 在探讨大学文化内涵的基础上,确立了大学文化建设的四个维度:精神文化、物质文化、行为文化和环境文化。

    In conclusion , this thesis offers the operational theory and method to assess the effect of university culture construction .

  23. 第三是对我国行为文化、行为方式的强势改造。

    Thirdly , it is trying to cause a transformation in our administrative culture and in our ways of behaviour .

  24. 企业文化结构层次是由物质文化、行为文化、精神文化组成的,这三个层次是不可分割的整体,倘若只求其一或其二都会失之偏颇,造成企业发展的不平衡。

    The structural level of enterprise culture consists of material , behavioral and spiritual culture , which is an undivided entity .

  25. 如果一个组织的成员都显著地追随一个突出的价值,这个维度就很大程度上定义了行为文化。

    If an organization 's members predominantly adhere to one dominant value , then that dimension largely defines the operating culture .

  26. 武术文化由武技与武理技术文化层、武术行为文化层、武术心态文化层三个层次。

    Wushu culture has three cultural levels including the technique cultural level , the behavior cultural level and the psycology cultural level .

  27. 企业文化是一个庞大而复杂的体系,总结起来企业文化可以概括地定义为企业物质文化、行为文化、制度文化、精神文化的总和。

    Enterprise culture is a giant and complex system , including enterprise material culture , behavior culture , institution culture and mentality culture .

  28. 学校物质文化、学校制度文化、学校行为文化和学校精神文化是学校文化建设的主要内容。

    Material school culture , system culture , school culture and school spirit culture is the main content of the construction of school culture .

  29. 样本医院文化建设较侧重于行为文化和物质文化的方面,而对于制度文化和精神文化方面的建设则有所欠缺。

    The sample hospital culture development was focused on behavior culture and welfare , while it lacks of institutional culture and spiritual culture development .

  30. 从内涵来看,大学文化是大学精神文化、制度文化、行为文化和环境文化的有机统一。

    From the connotation , university culture is the spiritual culture , system culture , behavior culture and environment culture of the organic unity .