
hánɡ yè xié huì
  • Industry associations;guild
  1. 你最好把这个公司并入你的行业协会。

    You had better incorporate the firm into your guild .

  2. 中国烹饪协会是经国家民政部门正式批准成立的全国餐饮业行业协会。

    CCA is an authorized guild approved by National Civil Administration Department .

  3. 你参加了专业学会或行业协会没有?

    Do you belong to any professional or trade associations ?

  4. 有针对性地指出政府、企业和行业协会应采取的措施。

    Pertinently pointed out the government , enterprises and industry association shall adopt measures .

  5. 该《条例》适用于信用服务机构、行业协会以及企业事业单位。

    It will target credit service agents , industry associations , as well as enterprises , and public institutes .

  6. MISRAC规则是行业协会帮助用户开发的安全、高可靠性的嵌入式软件规则集。

    MISRA C rules are industry associations to help users develop security , high reliability embedded software rules set .

  7. 帮助信息和通讯公司创建盈利的服务的行业协会TM论坛提出了创建这个理事会的想法。

    The TM Forum , an industry association that helps information and communications companies create profitable services , came up with the idea of the council .

  8. 第四,从影响环境、CPA行业协会管理和外部监管机构等三方面对中外CPA行业协会的管理体制进行了比较。

    Fourthly , it is right to compare the Chinese institute management system of CPA and foreign countries ' from influencing environment , institute management of CPA and outside regulator .

  9. 为促进北京市对外贸易的可持续发展,探究北京对外贸易应对国外TBT的措施,可分别从企业、政府、行业协会等多角度提出相应的积极对策。

    To promote the sustainable development of Beijing foreign trade , this thesis explores the active countermeasures against TBT from various perspectives of enterprise , government and association respectively .

  10. 玩具行业协会(ToyIndustryAssociation)自2月14日起,在纽约举办了年度玩具展(ToyFair)。该协会的代表阿德里安娜·阿佩尔(AdrienneAppell)认为,办公室玩具可以在数字时代中生存,其实不足为奇。

    Adrienne Appell , a representative of the Toy Industry Association , which is holding its annual Toy Fair in New York starting Feb. 14 , sees nothing incongruous about desktop gewgaws in the digital age .

  11. 电脑和通讯行业协会(CCIA)公开声称欧洲委员会三月份的裁决是公正的。

    The Computer and Communications Industry Association ( CCIA ) said the March ruling by the European Commission was fair .

  12. 结合经济学的木桶原理,论述了我国酱油企业在建立实施HACCP体系过程中的一些影响因素,指出HACCP体系的建立不仅是企业的事情,还涉及到政府、行业协会与消费者;

    Based on the cask principle of economics , some influencing factors of establishment and application on HACCP system in soy sauce enterprises are discussed . It demonstrates that the establishment of HACCP system not only relates to the enterprises , but also government , industry association and customers ;

  13. 1977年,一队经由神圣裹尸布行业协会挑选的科学家发展了一套测试裹尸布的操作计划,指定了都灵裹尸布研究计划(STURP)。

    In1977 , a team of scientists selected by the Holy Shroud Guild developed a program of tests to conduct on the Shroud , designated the Shroud of Turin Research Project ( STURP ) .

  14. 因此,化工行业协会的发展和完善显得异常必要。

    Therefore , the chemical industrial association needs further development urgently .

  15. 商人和生产商组成了非官方的具有广泛管理职能的行业协会。

    Merchants and producers formed non-governmental guilds with comprehensive administratorial functions .

  16. 遵守行业协会管理条例促进玩具产业健康发展

    Comply with the industry association ordinances promote toy industry healthy development

  17. 探索我国畜产品行业协会发展的对策研究

    A Study on Strategies for Develpment of Craft Union of Stockbreeding Products

  18. 论行业协会自治与国家干预的互动

    The Economical Autonomy of Trade Association and Intervene of State

  19. 管理体制是行业协会发展的重要环境。

    Management system is important environment of industrial association development .

  20. 行业协会组织在控制总量中要不辱使命,尽职尽责,做好工作。

    Tungsten industry association must do their best in controlling the totals .

  21. 该管理模式应当是:行业协会管理。

    The main feature of the management mode is : business association .

  22. 行业协会反垄断法规制的法律思考

    Legal Thinking About Anti-Monopoly Rules And Regulations Of Trade Association

  23. 行业协会模式必须有经济利益驱动;

    The pattern of craft association must be powered by economic interest ;

  24. 市场结构决定行业协会的组织制度。

    Industry Association organizational system is decided by market structure .

  25. 畜产品行业协会发展现状及功效评价

    Effect Evaluating and Development of Craft Union of Stockbreeding Products

  26. 关于新形势下行业协会改革的思考

    Thoughts on Reform of Trades Society in a New Situation

  27. 这些不同正是商品贸易协会仲裁制度的精华所在,之所以形成有特色的仲裁实践是因为行业协会实行自治的原因。

    Distinctive arbitration practices emerge because of the autonomy of trade associations .

  28. 西方发达国家行业协会的角色功能及运行机制

    On the Role and Operating Mechanism of Industrial Associations in Western Countries

  29. 关于旅行社行业协会的中日比较与借鉴

    The Comparison and Reference of Travel Agency Association between China and Japan

  30. 入世后我国应如何加强行业协会管理

    How to Enforce the Management of Industry after Entering WTO