
  • 网络the theory of the growth of the firm;growth theory
  1. 企业成长理论与成长动力研究评述

    Review on the Theory of the Growth of the Firm and the Sources of Firm Growth

  2. 企业成长理论关注的是规模性生产活动的规律性,其内容涉及企业行为、企业发展、组织结构以及管理等各个方面。

    The theory of the growth of the firm is concerned with the rules that underlie the operation of large-scale manufacturing .

  3. 本论文进行上述研究所取得的创新性成果主要有以下几点:(1)基于产业集群理论和企业成长理论构建了科技型中小企业网络化成长的资源战略能力(RSC)三维分析模型。

    The main innovation points of the dissertation are listed as below : ( 1 ) This paper constructs the RSC framework of technology-based SMEs based on cluster theory and enterprise growth theory .

  4. 基于资源基础观的企业成长理论探讨

    Probing into Firm 's Growth theory Based on Resources View

  5. 本论文的引言部分从两个视角对企业成长理论进行了简要的回顾。

    There is a simple review of the past theory in the preface .

  6. 基于三个维度的企业成长理论研究

    Theory of Firm Growth Based on Three dimensions

  7. 传统的企业成长理论在阐述企业成长问题的时候,从不同的方面对企业的成长进行了解释。

    The traditional enterprises growth theories have explained the growth of enterprises from different respects .

  8. 企业成长理论在学术界有较为广泛和深入的研究,经济学和管理学两个领域都对企业成长有所涉及。

    The theory of firm growth is widely and thoroughly studied , in both economic area and management area .

  9. 已有的各种企业成长理论是不完整的,企业生命模型是一种新的企业成长理论范式。

    Various growth theories of enterprise existed are not perfect . The Life Model of Enterprise is a new paradigm .

  10. 企业成长理论&一个基于联合产权制度的企业成长解析框架

    The Theory of the Growth of the Firm & A Analytical Framework of the Growth of the Firm Based on the United Property Rights Institution

  11. 企业成长理论已成为经济学中的热点问题,众多学者都从不同角度、不同领域对影响企业成长的要素进行分析研究。

    The theory of enterprise growth has become a hot issue in the economics , many scholars had already researched on the growth factors from different angles and different fields .

  12. 这一部分首先对本文的相关概念进行了界定,阐述了本文的理论基础:委托代理理论,人力资本理论以及企业成长理论。

    This part firstly defined the concept of this article , and the theoretical basis of this article : the principal-agent theory , human capital theory and firm growth theory .

  13. 其次,企业成长理论离不开技术投资理论和管理理论的支撑,对于相关技术投资理论的认识有助于技术资本的研究。

    Second , the growth theory of enterprise needs the support of the technology investment theory and management theory . Understanding of technology investment theory is helpful to study technology capital .

  14. 本文将通过对企业成长理论的阐述来分析企业各个成长阶段的成长因素,并分析提炼出影响企业成长的八个关键因素。

    This paper will analyze the various growth factors at different growth stages through stating the theory of firm growth , and extract eight key factors that impact the growth of business .

  15. 本文沿用彭罗斯的企业成长理论,即按照资源能力企业成长的逻辑分析集群中的中小企业成长机制。

    On the grounds of Penrose 's theory of firm growth , we utilize the logic of " resources capabilities firm growth " to analyze the growth mechanism of small and medium-firms in cluster .

  16. 论文在对企业成长理论与企业成长模式研究的基础上,从饭店业的产业特性、技术特性和产品特性三方面分析了饭店企业成长的特殊性;

    On the basis of the study of enterprise grow theories and growth models , the thesis analyzed the particularity of the growth of hotel enterprises from three respects of industry characteristic , technological characteristic and product characteristic ;

  17. 资源基础观的企业成长理论认为企业成长的决定因素存在于企业内部,但没有顾及企业外部的各种影响因素,有一定的片面性。

    Conventional resource-based theory views the enterprise growth as determined by factors within the enterprises themselves , which apparently is an important progress . However , it shows limitation in not taking into account the varying external factors .

  18. 论文的目的在于,运用企业成长理论,从国际饭店业的角度考察饭店企业的成长模式、成长特征、制约因素等问题,以期从中找出对中国的借鉴意义。

    The purpose lies in finding out the experience to refer for China 's hotel enterprises by using enterprise grow theory to analyze growth models , characteristic of growth and restrict factors of hotel enterprises in terms of international hotel industry .

  19. 本论文在对孵化器和企业成长理论的文献研究的基础上,通过对科技企业孵化器与一般企业成长的特点比较,指出科技企业孵化器在发展过程中存在的问题;

    This paper summarizes the theory studies of the incubators and the enterprise growth , compares the different characters between the S T Business Incubators and the general enterprises , and point out the problems during the growth process of the S T Business Incubators ;

  20. 对跨国银行成长理论的研究应建立在企业成长理论、跨国企业理论两大理论的基石上,并结合银行的特殊性质,来探寻影响跨国银行成长的因素及其规律。

    The theory of the growth of multinational banks that is based on the theory of the growth of firm and the theory of MNE , added on the special character of banks is seeking the factors and regular pattern of the growth of multinational banks .

  21. 中小企业成长的理论

    The Theories of Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

  22. 企业成长机制理论研究综述

    A review on the mechanism of firm growth

  23. 而企业内因成长理论则表明,企业成长是企业内部的资源配置与能力协调的结果。

    The theory of the firm endogenous growth shows that the firm growth is the internal result of resource allocation and capability coordination .

  24. 在此基础上,本文进一步基于文化和信任构建了家族企业成长的理论模型,以期我国家族企业的发展提供经验借鉴,对理论的研究有所助益。

    Thus , the article further constructs the theory models of family business growth based on culture and trust so as to provide experience for our family business growing , and help for theoretical study .

  25. 其次从无形资产的基本特征出发,对无形资产和企业成长相关理论进行了阐述,在理论上分析了无形资产对企业成长的影响,并提出假设。

    Secondly , starting from the basic characteristics of the intangible assets , explain the related theories of intangible assets and business growth , and do theoretical analysis of the impact of intangible assets on business growth and hypothesized .

  26. 其次,通过文献检索对于本文相关的企业成长机制理论和产业链嵌入理论进行了归类分析和评述,论证了产业链嵌入是研究企业成长机制的合理视角。

    Secondly , through the literature search for related theories of firm growth mechanism and embedding industry chain and classified analysis , it demonstrates that the embedding industry chain is a reasonable research perspective of the study of firm growth mechanism .

  27. 目前国内外的文献大部分仅停留在对组织学习、动态能力和企业成长的理论综述或实证研究层面,缺乏对中国企业实践的实证研究。

    At present the domestic and foreign literature majority of only pause in study the theory which to the organization , the dynamic ability and the enterprise grows to summarize or the empirical study stratification plane , lacks empirical study which practices to the Chinese Enterprise .

  28. 与国外研究不同的是,公司的资产规模对公司配股后业绩的影响,体现了企业的成长理论,而不完全支持自由现金流假说。

    Surprisingly , firm size appears to have negative impact on the immediate post-offering performance while in the long-term it appears to have positive impact for issuers , which provides support for the theory of firm growth and partial support for the free cash flow hypothesis .

  29. 中小型高科技企业成长性评价理论研究

    A Study of Evaluation Theory about Enterprise Growth of High-tech SMEs

  30. 接触与在孵企业成长绩效的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis on Contact and Growth Performance of Incubating Enterprises