
  1. 公有制企业生存能力再造的障碍及其对策

    The Barrier Location and Restoration of Survival Capability Reestablishment for Public Enterprise

  2. 节能降耗是发电厂生产管理的一项重要工作,对于降低生产成本、提升经济效益、增强企业生存能力具有重要的意义。

    Energy saving is an important task of plant production management , and has great significance for reducing production costs , increasing economic benefits and enhancing the enterprise viability .

  3. 在介绍生态质量管理理念产生的基础上,提出从环境、顾客生态满意度、职业安全健康和企业生存能力四个方面评价企业的生态质量管理,并设计了相应的指标体系。

    On the basis of ecological quality management foundation , this paper points out from environment , customer satisfaction degree , occupational health and safety and enterprise survival ability to evaluate enterprise ecology quality management . The corresponding index system is designed as well .

  4. 学习能力,就是创业企业的生存能力。

    Learning ability is the survival ability of start-up business .

  5. 供应链是一种能有效帮助企业提高生存能力与竞争能力的战略管理思想;

    Supply chain is a kind of strategic management thought which can effectively help the enterprises promote living ability and competitive ability .

  6. 因此,人们意识到,为保持企业的生存能力和竞争能力,必须为企业寻找新的利润源泉。

    Therefore , people are aware that in order to keep the existence and competition abilities , enterprises must look for new profit sources .

  7. 生产调度是机械产品生产中一个很重要的环节,直接关系到产品的生产周期、生产成本和企业的生存能力。

    Production scheduling is an important part in mechanical products manufacturing , and it has direct relationship with production cycle , production cost and enterprise survivability .

  8. 企业的生存能力和发展的潜力,应伴随企业肌体的健康成长而不断延续,而企业的失败往往是由于忽略了其外部的生态环境,进而不适应外部环境。

    Enterprises ' survival ability and development potential should continue with the enterprise organism 's healthiness going , and the failure of some enterprises are sometimes due to neglecting the exterior environment and then not adapting to the exterior conditions .

  9. 由于客户资产对企业生存和竞争能力都非常重要,这就要求企业自身要加强客户资产的管理,客户资产价值评估可以帮助企业在进行客户管理时更具针对性。

    As customer equity is very important to the enterprise 's survival and its competence , it requires the enterprise strengthen its management of the customer equity , while value evaluation of customer equity may help the enterprise carry out customer management to the point .

  10. 对于国内汽车零部件行业来说,由于生产厂商众多,整体实力不强,市场竞争激烈,导致企业总体的生存能力弱,因此一个清晰而又实用的战略对于汽车零部件生产企业具有决定性的作用。

    For the domestic auto parts industry , because many manufacturers , the overall strength is not strong , intense market competition , leading to the overall viability of the business is weak , so a clear and practical strategies for the auto parts manufacturer has a decisive role .

  11. 伴随中国生产力和生产水平的日益提升,原有的劳动力优势和区域优势已经渐渐的失去主导能力,烟机制造企业生存发展的能力和竞争优势越来越多的取决于内部管理的科学性与合理性。

    Along with the rising of domestic productive forces and the production level , the original labor and regional advantages have been gradually losing their dominant superiorities , thus the development capacity and competitive edge of the tobacco machine manufacture enterprise will more depends on the scientific and reasonable inner-management .

  12. 目前,该理论已经成为解决企业生存与可持续发展能力中深层次问题的主流理论。

    At present such theory has become the principal theory to resolve the in-depth issues for the capability of enterprise survival and the continuous improvement .

  13. 并从企业适应能力、生存能力和进化能力三个方面,设计了企业生态位强度评价指标体系,运用模糊决策方法进行企业生态位强度排序。

    To judge niche intensity , the paper establishes the business niche intensity evaluation index system , from three areas : adaptability , viability and evolution and use fuzzy method to get result .

  14. 因此,对于大多数具有较高管理水平的公司或机构来说,建立一个良好的风险管理系统十分重要,金融风险管理已成为金融机构乃至所有企业生存发展的核心能力之一。

    Therefore , it is very important to establish a good risk management system for the organization or company that has higher level of management . Financial risk management has become the key ability to survive and develop for financial institution and even all the enterprise .

  15. 三是要培育企业核心竞争力,提高企业的生存能力;

    Third , cultivate the key competitiveness of enterprise , improve the existence ability of the enterprise ;

  16. 其中关联企业作为一种能提高企业生存能力的企业组织形态而普遍存在,而与之相关的关联企业间的交易已成为了经济交换的一个重要组成部分。

    One of the enterprises as a way to enhance the viability of the organization form and universally , and related to the link between enterprises economic exchange transactions has become an important part of a market economy .

  17. 公路工程建筑施工企业,如何在激烈的市场竞争中提高企业的生存能力,成为人们关注和探索的热点,结合多年来施工企业管理经验,从多方面对这一问题进行论述。

    Combined with the experience of construction enterprises management , the paper discussed the survival and development of construction enterprises from several aspects .

  18. 企业营销力的大小直接反映了企业生存和发展的能力和潜力。

    Marketing strength directly reflects the survival and developing ability and the potential of enterprise . Disparity means potential . development of latent energy-saving potential ;

  19. 工业共生是指不同企业间的合作,通过这种合作,共同提高企业的生存能力和获利能力,同时,通过这种共生实现对资源的节约和环境保护。

    Industrial symbiosis refers to the cooperation of enterprises to improve their survivability and profitability together , as well as resources saving and environmental protection through this industrial symbiosis .

  20. 搞好人工成本统计和分析,加强人工成本管理对企业进行市场分析、加强企业经营管理、提高企业市场生存能力具有重要战略意义。

    Labor management has strategic significance for an enterprise in improving its ability of competition and raising its operating levels as well as making it do better in market analysis .

  21. 这是因为,实现企业可持续发展的重点是如何获取和保持企业持续的生存能力和发展能力,而持续的生存能力和发展能力,体现为企业的综合竞争力。

    Since the most important points on corporation sustainable development are how to obtain and sustain survival and expanding abilities , as is shown by the comprehensive competitive ability on market .

  22. 全寿命周期成本管理是一种实现中小型科技企业全寿命周期成本最小化、提高中小型科技企业生存和发展能力的方法。

    Life-cycle cost management is an approach which could minimize life cycle cost and improve the capabilities of survival and development in small and medium-sized technological enterprises .

  23. 企业利润是企业重要的财务指标,它能反映企业的生存能力和发展前景,但实际上存在着舞弊问题。

    Enterprise interest , which reflects an enterprise 's living ability and developing prospect , is an important financial index to the enterprise . But in fact , there exists the problem of management irregularities as far as the interest is concerned .

  24. 内部控制是企业经营管理的重要组成部分,在提高企业的生存和竞争能力方面具有至关重要的作用,有利于企业进行风险管理和实现企业经营目标。

    Internal control plays more and more important part in enterprise management . Internal control can improve viability of enterprises and competitive power . It is advantage to deal with risks and achieve business goals . The United States is the birthplace of modern internal control .

  25. 首先最低工资工人赚更多的钱,可以帮助他们改善生活标准,其次企业必须支付员工更多,这就伤害了他们在企业中的生存能力。

    One , minimum wage workers make more money , which can help their standard of living , two , businesses have to pay employees more , which can hurt their ability to stay in business .

  26. 在日趋激烈的国内竞争和即将到来的国外竞争的双重压力之下,旅游企业如何实现扩张式的发展,扩大经营规模,增强企业的生存能力和市场竞争力就成为我国旅游企业的当务之急。

    Under the double pressure of domestic and international competition , how China 's tour enterprises realize business expanding , and enlarge business scale , strengthen the enterprises ' survivability and competitive power become the most pressing matter of our country 's tour enterprise .

  27. 在这种情况下,建筑企业应该采取什么样的竞争策略和方法,以不断提高企业的生存能力和竞争能力显得更加迫切。

    Therefore , it would be more urgent for Chinese construction enterprises what kind of strategy and method should be adopted to enhance its viability and competition capability .

  28. 企业价值观是引导企业走向成功的航标,培育良好的企业价值观对增强企业的生存能力和核心竞争力具有至关重要的作用。

    Therefore , it is of vital importance to develop sound business values for enterprises wishing to enhance their existence capacity and core competitiveness .

  29. 唯一可行之道就是利用电子商务这一先进的信息技术降低企业的交易成本、优化营销体系、提高服务效率,达到提高客户满意度和忠诚度,增强企业生存和竞争能力的目的。

    The one and only answer is developing Electronic Commerce System to lowering the business cost , optimizing the distribution system , increasing the service efficiency , enhancing the customer 's approval with loyalty and strengthening the enterprise 's ability of survival and competing .