
  • 网络capability;enterprise capabilities;Company Capacity;Competence
  1. 基于Bayes网络的企业能力评估

    Evaluation of Enterprise Capability Based on Bayes Network

  2. 文章采用Bayes网络技术,对企业能力进行了定量化的评估。

    This essay adopts the Bayes network and tries the qualitative evaluation of the enterprise capability .

  3. 边界渗透性、企业能力与产业集群治理

    Boundary Penetrability , Enterprise Competence and the Governance of Industrial Clusters

  4. 持续竞争优势:企业能力与环境的融合进化

    Sustainable Competitive Advantage : Integration of Enterprise 's Competence and the Environment

  5. 企业能力的关键维度及分析模型

    Key Dimensions of Firms ' Capabilities and the Analytical Models

  6. 企业能力体系的动态规划与培育

    Dynamic Program and Cultivation on the Capability System of Enterprises

  7. 动态机制下的企业能力构建与变革

    Development and Reformation on enterprise capacity under dynamic mechanism

  8. 企业能力系统涌现机理及层次演进研究

    A Study on the Emergence Mechanism and Level Evolvement of the Corporation Competence System

  9. 企业能力系统

    The Capabilities System Of Corporation Enterprises ENTERPRISE

  10. 企业能力的系统分析

    A Systematic Analysis of Enterprise Competence

  11. 企业能力集再造研究

    Research of Enterprise Competence Set Reengineering

  12. 企业能力只有在企业经营活动过程中才能获得显现、培育和利用,因而,合适的经营模式就构成企业的能力场。

    Corporation capabilities are displayed and incubated and exploited only in the course of the business activities .

  13. 企业能力是企业有机体中内化于其中的基于对资源应用的独特机制和流程安排。

    Enterprise competence is the unique mechanism and process arrangement of the enterprise resources ' application which is internalized in the enterprise organism .

  14. 作为经济学和管理学的交叉融合的企业能力理论,目前尚处于百家争鸣的新兴阶段,尚未形成完整的理论体系。

    The theory of competence , as an integration of economics and management , is still in its very start without a mature theoretical framework .

  15. 企业能力理论是继古典战略理论、竞争战略理论后又一全新的战略理论。

    The competence theory of the firm , or the resource-based view , is a theory new to the classic strategic or the competitive advantage theory .

  16. 核心能力是企业能力发展的最高阶段,企业通过自身素质的提高可以从基本能力阶段进化到核心能力阶段。

    The period of core competence is the highest one in an enterprise 's development , and enterprises can reach it by improving its own quality .

  17. 研究不仅对企业能力理论及多元化理论具有较高的学术价值,而且能对管理实践起到很好的指导作用。

    The study has high academic value not only to the enterprise competence theory but also to diversified theory , and has good guidance to management practice .

  18. 然后指出,在平台战略中,最重要的是使产品平台成为市场与企业能力的整合平台。

    And on the basis of the concept it points out that the key in platform strategy is to make product platform integrate market and a firm 's competencies .

  19. 为此,探讨了企业能力创新的机制与模式,分析了中国企业进行能力结构创新所面临的困难和对策。

    Therefore , the mechanism and model of enterprise capability innovation are discussed . The difficulty and countermeasure which the capability structure innovation of Chinese enterprises is faced with are analyzed .

  20. 文章分析了企业能力体系中企业能力的构成、层次和分类,提出了能力规划的步骤和依据。

    First , this article analyzes the construct , levels and sorts of enterprises ' capability in the capability system of enterprises , and indicates some processes and basis about capability program .

  21. 其中定位营销要素是指通过顾客分析确定目标市场,通过企业能力分析及竞争分析,明确企业的核心专长与竞争优势,并在此基础上寻得两者的最佳结合点。

    The positioning marketing element is the method that confirm the targeting market from the analysis customer , that define own core specialty and competitive advantage , and that find out the best join between the two element .

  22. 企业能力理论重新关注了企业契约的生产性,产生了企业的异质性假设,由此可引出另一种企业治理观即合作治理观。

    The competence theory of the firm focuses on the productivity of the firm contract and makes the heterogeneity postulate of firms which leads to joint governance by the human capital owners and non-human capital owners in the enterprise .

  23. 本论文从经济全球化出发,回顾了企业能力理论的发展,探讨了能力型企业组织的生命周期模型和在生命周期各个阶段的组织特点。

    Starting from economic globalization , the article reviews the development of enterprises ′ capability theory , then it examined the enterprises ′ lifecycle model , and discusses the basic characters in every phase of the enterprises ′ lifecycle .

  24. 推广CAD技术,提高企业开发能力

    To Spread CAD Technology . Increasing the Developing Capability of Enterprises

  25. 遵循和积极利用WTO原则,提高企业竞争能力,建立良好的贸易合作机制,将是我国克服国际贸易摩擦的重要途径。

    The approaches to China overcoming international trade conflicts are to follow and actively use WTO rules , to elevate enterprise competitive capacity and to forge a favorable trade operational mechanism .

  26. 企业网络能力对创新绩效影响的解释是:具备一定的素质来执行网络管理任务,很有可能直接获得重要的市场信息,导致内部创新过程的市场导向(Han,etal.,1998)。

    This can be explained that , with high degree of qualification performing task of network management would get important market information directly , and induce the market orientation of internal innovation process ( Han et al . , 1998 ) .

  27. 文章又进一步将研究深入到中小企业核心能力构成的关键要素上,并通过案例对关键要素的协同性进行了深入的分析并建立了METIC模型。

    Next , the research is going step further to the key factors of core ability for the small and medium-sized business .

  28. 加强分承包管理,提高企业经营能力

    Enhance Sub-contract Management to Improve Operating Ability and Level of Enterprise

  29. 电力企业信贷能力的熵评价研究

    Research on entropy assessment of electric power company 's credit capacity

  30. 企业创新能力来源的实证研究

    An Empirical Investigation on the Sources of Firms ' Innovation Capability