
  1. 基于GEM模型的恩施富硒绿色食品产业集群竞争力研究

    The Competitiveness of Enshi Rich-Se Green Food Industrial Cluster Based on GEM Model

  2. GEM模型是以波特的钻石模型为基础,提出的一种通过定量方法分析区域产业集群竞争力的模型。

    GEM model based on diamond model is a method of quantitative analysis .

  3. 基于GEM模型的黑龙江省肉牛产业集群竞争力评价

    Evaluation on the Competitiveness of Beef Industry Cluster in Heilongjiang Province Based on GEM Model

  4. 基于GEM模型对广东省纺织服装产业集群竞争力的实证研究

    Research on Competitiveness of Textile and Garment Industry Cluster in Guangdong Based on " GEM " Model

  5. 接着,论文采用主成份分析法(PCA法)完成了对长株潭工程机械产业集群竞争力的定量分析。

    As to quantitative analysis , the paper adopted one methods-Principal Component Analysis method to fulfill the industry cluster competitiveness analysis .

  6. 在对航运服务集群竞争力的分析中,作者结合运用GEM模型和影响航运服务集群竞争力的一系列指标,对香港、新加坡、高雄、釜山和上海等五大航运服务集群的竞争力进行了比较和评判。

    GEM model and a series of indexes are used to compare the competitiveness of five shipping service industry clusters ( Hong Kong , Singapore , Pusan , Kaohsiung , and Shanghai ) .

  7. 同时为进行区域分析与比较,在第五部分构建了娱乐产业相关的产业集群竞争力评价指标体系,并结合AHP方法的基本思想,计算出了指标体系的权重。

    At the same time , we constructed the entertainment industry-related industries cluster evaluation index system and calculate the weights of each index in conjunction with the basic idea of AHP method in the fifth section in order to implement regional analysis and comparison .

  8. 基于创新网络的产业集群竞争力研究

    A Research on Competitiveness of Industrial Clusters Based on Innovation Networks

  9. 重庆汽车产业集群竞争力研究

    Study on the Competitiveness of Automobile Industrial Cluster in Chongqing

  10. 提升辽宁装备制造业集群竞争力的建议

    Advices Upgrading Competitiveness of Equipment Manufacturing Industry Cluster of Liaoning

  11. 论提高湖南省工程机械制造产业集群竞争力的对策

    Strategies on Improving Cluster Competitiveness of Engineering Machinery Manufacturing Industry in Hunan

  12. 南通家纺产业集群竞争力分析

    Analysis on competitive force of Nantong home textiles manufacturing cluster

  13. 协作行为对企业集群竞争力的影响

    The Competitiveness of Enterprise Clusters and the Synergism of Their Component Enterprises

  14. 宁波服装产业集群竞争力分析

    Analysis Of Group Competitive Force Of Ningbo 's Clothing Industry

  15. 安徽省煤炭产业集群竞争力评价及提升对策研究

    Research on Evaluation and Advanced Countermeasures for Anhui Coal Industrial Cluster Competitiveness

  16. 对产业集群竞争力来源的理论分析

    The Theoretic Analysis of the Origin of Industrial Clusters Competitiveness

  17. 生产性创意产业对产业集群竞争力的影响

    Impact of Productive Creative Industries on Competitiveness of Industrial Clusters

  18. 产业集群竞争力的理论研究与实证分析

    Theoretical Study and Empirical Analysis on Industrial Clusters Competitiveness

  19. 浙江企业集群竞争力研究

    A Study on the Competitiveness of Zhejiang Enterprises Clusters

  20. 旅游产业集群竞争力评价分析与实证研究

    Analysis on the Competitiveness Evaluation of the Tourism Industrial Cluster and Case Study

  21. 基于灰色关联的航运产业集群竞争力评价与应用

    Evaluation and Application on Shipping Industry Cluster 's Competitiveness Using Gray Relational Theory

  22. 嵌入型产业集聚与垂直专业化企业集聚程度与企业集群竞争力关系的分析

    Analysis of relations between enterprises gather degree and competitive ability of enterprises cluster

  23. 关于企业集群竞争力优势的理论探讨

    Research On Theories Of Competitive Advantages Of Enterprises Cluster

  24. 产业集群竞争力的政府主导提升研究

    The Leading Role of Governments and Competitive Industry Clustering

  25. 关于提升我国医药产业集群竞争力的思考

    Discuss on how to set up the medicine industrial competitiveness of our country

  26. 产业集群竞争力的形成机制分析

    Analysis on the Forming Mechanism of Industrial Clusters Competitiveness

  27. 产业集群竞争力的内在经济机理

    The Inner Economic Mechanism of Competitiveness on Industrial Cluster

  28. 中小企业集群竞争力与地方政府能力关联度分析

    The Analysis on Competitive Ability of Local Clusters of Enterprises by Local Governments

  29. 浙江印刷产业集群竞争力研究

    Research on the Printing Industry Cluster in Zhejiang

  30. 安徽产业集群竞争力研究初探

    Preliminary Study of Anhui Competitiveness on Industrial Clusters