
  • 网络Disaggregate model;aggregate model;aggregated model
  1. 基于非集计模型的思想,建立一种基于模糊神经网络(FNN)的交通方式划分模型,并利用FNN模型对轨道交通客流分担率和轨道交通枢纽站内与交通方式的换乘比例进行划分。

    Based on the disaggregate model thought , a Traffic Modal Splitting Model Based on FNN is proposed , and the passenger quantity partaking proportion of urban railway transit and transferring passenger quantity proportion in hub station are fixed by FNN model .

  2. 基于意向调查数据的非集计模型研究

    Study on Disaggregate Model Based on Stated Preference Data

  3. 基于非集计模型的城市铁路线路客流量预测研究

    Passenger Flow Forecast of Urban Railway Line Based on Multi-logit Model

  4. 交通方式选择行为预测非集计模型应用研究

    Study on the Applicaton of Disaggregate Model for the Forecast of Traveler Traffic Mode Choice Behavior

  5. 在非集计模型分析的基础上确定近期线路的服务水平及其相应的客流量,并提出配套的实施建议。

    Based on disaggregate model analysis , water bus ridership with different level of service is estimated , and corresponding implementation strategy is also put forward .

  6. 非集计模型所推算的交通方式结构较为精确,用于交通方式结构的预测是可行的。

    The trip model split deduced by the discrete choice model is relatively accurate , which is used to forecast whether the trip mode structure is feasible .

  7. 本文介绍了非集计模型的原理及公式推导,并探讨了用一种基本模型&logit模型预测交通方式结构及分析出行方式选择行为的方法。

    This paper introduces the principle and formula derivation of the disaggregate model . Based on a basic model - logit model , a method is applied to forecast traffic mode structure and analysis traveler traffic mode choice behavior .

  8. 首先,分析了常用的三种经典定价模型&边际定价法、非集计模型法和双层规划法的特点。

    Consequently , characteristics of three commonly used CPD models : the marginal pricing model , the disaggregate model and the bi-level programming model are stated firstly . Then , two CPD methods , i.e. game theory based and external cost based are analyzed .

  9. 通过比对采用了非集计的Logit模型来预测票务收入,给出了竞争条件下预测收入的Logit模型数学表达式。

    Secondly the thesis used Non-Aggregation Logit model to predict the ticketing revenue after contrast , in the next place given Logit model mathematical expression of forecast revenue under the competitive conditions .

  10. 然后,对非集计理论进行介绍,并建立了航运公司评价港口的非集计模型,通过具体港口实例进行应用,确定了模型参数,计算出相应的集计概率、弹性与边际替代率。

    Then it brings forward a Disaggregated Model on port assessment and assesses the parameters . Based on the model , it calculates out the corresponding elasticity and marginal rates of substitution alternately .