
  • 网络CLT;the central limit theorem
  1. 本文基于棣莫佛-拉普拉斯中心极限定理,提出一种开销较低的近似方法计算该参数。

    We propose an approximate method to compute this parameter based on the de Moivre-Laplace central limit theorem .

  2. 该文给出了Logistic分布纪录值序列部分和的中心极限定理;

    In this paper , CLT ( central limit theorem ) of partial sums of Logistic records is obtained ;

  3. 一类Markov链中的若干中心极限定理

    Some Central Limit Theorems for a Class of Markov Chains

  4. 基于中心极限定理的ATM缓存性能分析方法

    Central Limit Theory Based Approach to Analyze the Performance of ATM Buffers

  5. NA列的密度估计的相合性和中心极限定理

    The consistency of density estimators for NA sequence and the central limit theorems

  6. 讨论了强平稳NA序列的随机指标中心极限定理,给出其成立的一个充分条件。

    A sufficient condition of the central limit theorem is given for strongly stationary NA random variables .

  7. 强平稳NA序列的随机指标中心极限定理

    On the Central Limit Theorem for the Sum of Random Number of Strongly Stationary NA Random Variables

  8. 一类特殊Weibull分布纪录值之和的中心极限定理

    CLT for sums of record values of special Weibull distribution

  9. 负相伴随机序列的bootstrap中心极限定理

    Central limit theorem for the bootstrap of stationary negatively associated sequences

  10. 泛函中心极限定理渐进性与具有GARCH误差项的金融时序单位根检验

    Functional Central Limit Theorem Approximations and ADF Unit Root Test of Financial Time Series With GARCH-GED Error Term

  11. 讨论B值m相依随机元序列的随机指标中心极限定理,给出其成立的一个充分条件,同时给出当B是2型空间时随机指标中心极限定理。

    The present paper deals with a sufficient condition of the central limit theorem for the sum of random number of m-dependent B-valued random variables , and presents the central limit theorem for the sum of random number when B is 2-type of space .

  12. 本文考虑两状态Markov链中成功次数与连续成功次数的一些中心极限定理,并得到了这些定理成立的充要条件。

    Some central limit theorems for the number of successes and lengths of runs in Markov chains with two states are discussed . The necessary and sufficient conditions for validity of these theorems are given .

  13. 根据ShaoandYu(1996)的定理2.1的紧性标准在γ-弱相依条件下获得了经验过程的中心极限定理。

    We obtain central limit theorem of empirical process under γ - weak dependence following from the tightness criterion given in Theorem 2.1 of Shao and Yu ( 1996 ) .

  14. 利用Chebyshev不等式和中心极限定理推导出了模拟打靶次数与置信度之间的关系,并计算了置信区间的上下界。

    The relationship between the numbers of targeting and the credibility was derived by Chebyshev inequality and Central Limit Theorem , the upper bound and lower bound of credibility interval was computed respectively .

  15. 基于中心极限定理和假设检验理论,通过比较当前关键服务请求的服务响应时间与该关键服务历史平均服务响应时间置信区间的关系,提出了一种增强网络可生存性的自主配置算法(NSAC)。

    Through comparing the relationship between current response time of key service request and confidence interval of its history average response time , this paper presented an autonomous configuration algorithm for improving network survivability ( abbreviated as NSAC ) based on central limit theorem and hypothesis testing theory .

  16. 短期负荷预测,中心极限定理,省级电网。

    Short-term load forecasting , Central Limit Theorem , Provincial grid .

  17. 相依序列加权和的几乎处处中心极限定理

    An Almost Sure Central Limit Theorem for Weighted Sums under Association

  18. 部分和乘积的几乎处处中心极限定理

    Almost Sure Central Limit Theorem for the Product of Partial Sums

  19. 线性过程的大数定律与中心极限定理

    Laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for linear process

  20. 用中心极限定理确定空气捻接器的耗气量

    Determination of Air Consumption about Air Splicer with Central Limit Theorem

  21. 可交换随机序列和的中心极限定理的收敛速度

    Convergence Rates of Interchangeable Random Sequences in the Central Limit Theorem

  22. 大维样本协方差矩阵的线性谱统计量的中心极限定理

    Clt of Linear Spectral Statistics for Large Dimensional Sample Covariance Matrices

  23. 基于切尔诺夫界和中心极限定理的随机变量和的尾部概率的估计

    Calculation of Tail Probability Based on Central Limit Theorem and Chernoff Bound

  24. 相关随机变量和的中心极限定理

    The central limit theorem for sums of dependent random variables

  25. 可换序列条件中心极限定理之收敛速度

    Convergence Rate of Conditional Central Limit Theorem for Interchangeable Sequences

  26. 关于停走生成器输出序列的中心极限定理

    Central Limit Theorem in Output-Sequences of Stop - and - Go Generator

  27. 马氏环境中马氏链泛函的中心极限定理

    The Central Limit Theorem for Function of Markov Chains in Markovian Environments

  28. 多变元非参数密度估计的平均均方误差的中心极限定理

    Central limit theorem for averaged square error of multivariate non-parametric density estimators

  29. 稳定分布,它是中心极限定理的更一般的形式。

    Stable distribution is the central limit theorem for more general form .

  30. 缺失样本极值的几乎处处中心极限定理

    Almost Sure Central Limit Theorems of Extremes from Incomplete Samples