
  • 网络Operations;operates;business operations
  1. 库克在企业运营方面一直是位聪明的领导者。

    Cook has always been a smart leader when it comes to operations .

  2. 然而,随着时间推移,XML的使用日益频繁,其规模和复杂度也不断增长,它逐渐成为企业运营中的一个关键组成。

    However , over time , as XML has grown in frequency of usage and in size and complexity , it has become a more critical component of business operations .

  3. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)是伴随着信息技术的飞速发展和互联网的日益普及而出现的一种新的企业运营模式。

    Application Service Provider occurs along with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet .

  4. 基于IE理论的供电企业运营研究

    Studying on operating management in Power Supply Enterprise base on IE theory

  5. 房地产开发为满足客户个性化需求,必须借助CRM系统,实现一切以客户为中心的企业运营机制。

    The real estate corporation must implement CRM system in order to carry out the enterprise operation mechanism that focuses on customers and to meet the individual demand of customers .

  6. 就目前的理论和实践条件而言,借助CRM系统,实现以客户为中心的企业运营机制,不失为一种有效的途径。

    Speaking of the present theory and the practice condition , with the aid of the CRM system , the enterprise operation mechanism of " take the customer as the center " is an effective way .

  7. 要应对政府资助实体(GSEs)制造的灾难性泥潭,最简单的方法便是退出。这种实体拥有默认的(随后还有实际的)政府支持以及廉价的资金,却作为增长导向型私营企业运营。

    The simplest response to the disastrous muddle created by the government-sponsored entities , which had tacit ( and then actual ) government support and cheap funding , yet operated as growth-oriented private sector enterprises , would be to withdraw .

  8. 中国铁路运输企业运营模式研究

    Study on the Operation Mode of Railway Transportation Enterprise in China

  9. 同时,在推行组织体系重构的过程中,提高机务设备管理的综合效率,有效控制企业运营成本。

    Operating costs have been under effective control of the company .

  10. 企业运营系统是一个复杂的大系统,文化运营是其一个重要层面和组成部分。

    The enterprise operation system is a large and complicated system .

  11. 无论从项目管理角度,还是从企业运营角度,采购管理都是非常重要的。

    Purchasing management is very important to project management and company operation .

  12. 基于循环经济理念的我国企业运营方略

    The Enterprise Operation Strategy Of our Country Basing On Circulatory Economy Idea

  13. 我的意思是,传真改变了企业运营的方式。

    I mean , faxes changed the way businesses operate .

  14. 电信企业运营模型构建方法及应用

    Application and Construction of Enterprise Operation Model for Telecommunication

  15. 烟草企业运营体系业务流程重组的研究

    The Development and Business Process Reengineering of Tobacco Enterprise

  16. 我国汽车零部件企业运营经济性评价研究

    Research on Operational Efficiency of the Automotive Part Corporations

  17. 执行,是企业运营中最基本的常态。

    Execution is the fundamental activity in company Imanaging .

  18. 供应链伙伴关系、信息共享与企业运营绩效关系

    Research on Relationship of Supply Chain Partnership , Information Sharing and Operation Performance

  19. 个体私营企业运营环境分析

    Making an analysis of operation enviroment for individual enterprises

  20. 浅析企业运营与网络信息技术相结合

    Analysis of the Combination of Enterprises Operation and IT

  21. 兰州石化生产性企业运营绩效改善研究

    The Research to Improve Operational Performance in Production Enterprises of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company

  22. 国际领先通信企业运营分析

    Analysis on Operation of International Leading Communication Corporation

  23. 大型物流企业运营质量的综合评价方法研究

    Study on the Synthetic Evaluation Method of the Operational Quality for Large-scale Logistics Enterprises

  24. 高技术产业主导范式扩散下企业运营管理模式研究

    Research of Enterprises Constructing Operation Management Pattern under the High-tech Industries Dominate Paradigm Proliferation

  25. 企业运营电子商务的资源保障

    Resources Guarantee for Enterprises to Develop Electronic Commerce

  26. 组织网络化&对我国国有大型企业运营组织模式的新思考

    Network-based Organization for Chinese Large State-owned Enterprises

  27. 基于网格的联盟企业运营模式

    Alliance Corporation Operation Mode Based on Grid

  28. 知识团队的绩效管理是企业运营智力资本的重要实践活动。

    Performance appraisal on knowledge teams is the important activity that enterprise runs intelligence capital .

  29. 按照应用程序对企业运营的关键程度区分其优先次序程序优先级中断-由程序进行中断

    Prioritize the applications by how critical they are to running your business software priority interrupt

  30. 资金是企业运营与发展的最重要的资源之一。

    Cash is one of the most important resources in the operation and development of enterprises .