
  • 网络Irina;ileana
  1. 当伊丽娜(Irina)和伍德福·德麦克莱伦(WoodfordMcClellan)结婚时,他们压根没想过他们在一起时已是11年后的事了。

    When Irina and Woodford McClellan got married , they never imagined it would be another 11 years until they could be together .

  2. 同样地,伊丽娜也无故被拒绝出境。

    In turn , Irina was denied permission to leave the country , without explanation .

  3. 塔蒂阿娜,埃琳娜和伊丽娜都来自莫斯科北部城市的沃洛格达。

    Tatiana , Elena and Irina are all from Vologda , a city north of Moscow .

  4. 时年21岁的关颖珊以及俄罗斯的伊丽娜•斯卢茨卡娅都是此届奥运夺冠大热门。

    The21-year-old Kwan , along with Russia 's Irina Slutskaya , were favorites to win the gold .

  5. 11年后,伊丽娜终于收到移居美国的绿卡。

    Over 11 years later , Irina finally received the green light to move to the United States .

  6. 20世纪70年代早期,居住在莫斯科的伊丽娜正在世界经济和国际关系研究所工作。

    In the early 1970s , Irina was living in Moscow working for the Institute of World Economy and International Relations .

  7. 在那里的记者拍下了他们感人的重逢画面。伊丽娜则进一步将经历记录成书——《爱和俄罗斯:为丈夫和自由而抗争的11年》。

    Reporters there captured the heartwarming reunion , and Irina further captured the experience in a book - Of Love and Russia : The Eleven-Year Fight for My Husband and Freedom