
yōu huà zī yuán pèi zhì
  • Optimize resource allocation;optimize the allocation of resources
  1. 联合开发,优化资源配置;

    Joint development to optimize the allocation of resources ;

  2. 从制度安排视角出发,内部资本市场能够优化资源配置,提高资本配置效率。

    From the system arrangement Angle , internal capital markets can optimize the allocation of resources and improve the capital allocation efficiency .

  3. 面对新形势的挑战,面对优化资源配置和财富增长的需要,EVA系统提供了一个有效的新思路。

    EVA system provides a new method for a enterprise not only to win the new challenge but also to resolve the need of resource scheme and fortune increasing .

  4. 本文提出一种基于Eb/No并且利用功率控制和管理机制的无线分组公平调度算法用来保证QoS,优化资源配置并且达到调度公平性。

    This paper deals with a new proposed wireless packet fair scheduling policy based on E_b / N_o using power control and resource management for achieving fairness , QoS and optimal use of resources .

  5. 另一方面通过优化资源配置扩大一国潜在的GNP,以共同达到减缓经济周期波动的效果。

    On the other hand , by optimizing resources allocation , stock market has the effect of increasing a country 's potential GNP and slowing down the fluctuation of economic cycles .

  6. 本文将企业核心竞争力引入我国的建筑施工企业,通过借助AHP模型来测评建筑施工企业的核心竞争力从而使建筑施工企业达到优化资源配置、提高核心竞争力的目的。

    In this dissertation , core competence of enterprises is brought into construction enterprises of our country . With AHP model , core competence of construction enterprises is assessed , which can make allocation of resources and core competence of construction enterprises optimized and enhanced .

  7. Levine(1997)和¨LanceandHuttenback(1982)认为优化资源配置使银行的基本职能之一,但是从全球的范围来看,信贷配给现象却广泛存在着。

    Levine ( 1997 ), Lance and Huttenback ( 1982 ) considered that optimizing the allocation of resources is one of the basic functions of a bank , but from a global perspective , credit rationing is widely exists .

  8. 优化资源配置,努力在内部挖潜;

    Optimize distribution of resources in order to unearth inner potential ;

  9. 高校扩招后图书馆如何优化资源配置

    The Higher College 's Library Optimizing Resources Configuration in Expanding Enrolment

  10. 优化资源配置对炼厂节能的影响分析

    Effect Analysis of Optimum Distribution of Resources on Energy Conservation

  11. 市场这只看不见的手正在逐渐发挥其优化资源配置的功能。

    The market is gradually playing its function of allocating the resource .

  12. 可以促进房地产业内竞争,优化资源配置;

    Optimize the allocation of resources by encouraging the competition among real-estate sector ;

  13. 资产重组是企业优化资源配置的重要手段。

    Asset reorganization is an important means for enterprises to adjust resource collocating .

  14. 利率市场化改革的目的是为了促进经济发展、提高金融服务效率、优化资源配置,引导整个金融部门乃至全社会经济达到均衡。

    The purpose of deregulation interest rates is boost the economy and finance .

  15. 优化资源配置发展集中供热

    Optimize the resources disposition develop central heat supply

  16. 构建公共技术平台,优化资源配置;

    The new management team , public technology plat and resource allocation were building .

  17. 深化高校资产管理改革,优化资源配置

    Deepening Assets Management Reform , Optimizing Resource Distribution

  18. 优化资源配置实现可续发展

    Optimize resource configuration and realize continuos development

  19. 优化资源配置质量铸就品牌

    Better resources distribution , quality creates brand

  20. 优化资源配置促进教育发展&桂林市普通中小学教育资源配置发展状况浅析

    On Optimizing Resources Allocation in Education Development

  21. 要优化资源配置,提高基础教育资源的使用效率;

    We must optimize allocation and increase the usage efficiency of foundation education 's resources .

  22. 钢铁企业成本控制的一个重要方面是要优化资源配置。

    Optimizing resource allocation is a very important aspect of iron and steel enterprises cost control .

  23. 优势互补的合作能优化资源配置,增强企业竞争力,更有效满足顾客要求。

    The sound cooperate can optimize the resource distribution and strengthen the competitiveness to satisfy customers .

  24. 调整运输结构、大力发展管道运输,优化资源配置;

    Adjust the structure of transport , energetical development pipeline to transport , optimize resource distribution ;

  25. 排他性竞争正是建立在优化资源配置基础上的新型竞争模式。

    The exclusive competition is a new competition mode , based on optimizing the allocation of resources .

  26. 评估顾客生涯价值有助于企业优化资源配置、提高战略营销绩效。

    Customer lifetime evaluation ( CLE ) contributes to optimization of resource and performance-enhancing of strategic marketing .

  27. 货币政策和财政政策是一把双刃剑,既可能优化资源配置,又可能强化所有制结构和产业结构的扭曲,降低资源配置效率。

    Monetary policy and Fiscal policy are double_bladed swords . They may improve or worsen disposition of resources .

  28. 第6章是从实际出发,按照需要和可能相结合及优化资源配置的原则,阐述实现湖北省物流发展规划的政策与措施。

    Chapter six proceeds from the reality , explain the policy and measure of the logistics development in Hubei .

  29. 三农保险在农村地区担负着优化资源配置、保障经济运行、支持经济发展、提高生活质量、维护社会稳定、促进社会进步等重要使命。

    Rural insurance assumes allocation of resources , protection of economic operation and other important missions in rural areas .

  30. 充分开发和利用个人信用资源,能够有效地优化资源配置、拉动消费并最终促进经济发展。

    The exploitation of personal credit resources can effectively optimize resource allocation , stimulate consumption and ultimately promote economic development .