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  • another name of Youling
优孟 [yōu mèng]
  • [another name of Youling] 优伶名孟,春秋时代楚国艺人。擅长滑稽讽谏。楚国的宰相孙叔敖死,他的儿子很穷,砍柴为生。于是优孟穿戴上孙叔敖的衣服帽子,模仿其神态,摇头而歌,楚庄王大惊,以为孙叔敖复生。优孟趁机讽谏,庄王终于把封地给了孙叔敖之子

  1. 有一天,当他遇到优孟时,他提到了自己的父亲,并且请求帮助。

    So one day when he met with You Meng , he mentioned his father and begged for his help .

  2. 孙叔敖是楚国的宰相,他知道优孟是一个聪明而有能力的人,并对他十分敬重爱护。

    Sun Suao , the prime minister Chu , treated You Meng with respect and kingness , considering him a wise , able man .

  3. 丑角有着悠久的历史,戏曲演出被称为优孟衣冠,即因优孟乔装打扮智劝楚庄王的故事而得名。

    Harlequin has a long history , opera performances called " Meng dressed ", that is due to excellent Munger costuming persuaded King Zhuang of Chu Chi was named after the story .