
huì zǐ
  • a while;an interval of time
  • a moment;paper money
会子 [huì zǐ]
  • [a moment] 指一段时间

  • 说会子话儿

  • [paper money] 南宋时发行的纸币

  1. 首创在商业中使用纸币会子。

    The paper money - kuaizi was first used in trade .

  2. 这会子我敢说圣体使她们感到幸福。

    Now I bet it makes them feel happy .

  3. 这会子想必向后靠着看书哪,数着头发分成了多少绺,笑眯眯地编着辫子。

    Reading lying back now , counting the strands of her hair , smiling , braiding .

  4. 我这会子得快出去打发太爷们并合家爷们吃饭。

    Now I must hurry and see to the food for all the grand-uncles , uncles and other gentlemen .

  5. “这会子有人,我也没精神了.”这种阴沉的天气使我感到没精神。

    I 've company now and don 't feel in the mood to tell you at the moment . This grey weather depresses me .

  6. “你说不要了,这会子又带上,我也替你怪臊的!”

    " First you say you don 't want it , and now you 're putting it on again . I really blush for you . "

  7. 到这条街上来的时候,进来聊会子,也许我打听出来好事,还给你荐呢。

    Go along then , and whenever you pass this way drop in for a chat . I may have heard of some good job I could recommend you for .

  8. “我生怕别人贴坏了,我亲自爬高上梯的贴上,这会子还冻的手僵冷的呢.”

    " Not trusting anyone else to do a good job , I got up on a ladder to paste them up myself . My hands are still numb with cold . "

  9. “奶奶的那利钱银子,迟不送来,早不送来,这会子二爷在家,他且送这个来了。”

    " She wouldn 't come earlier or later but had to choose this very moment , when the master 's just got home , to bring you the interest on that money . "

  10. 现在,在将XML元素拖到表单面板或框中时,会创建子条目,而不是将数据绑定到面板。

    Dropping XML elements into form panes or boxes now creates children rather than binding data to the pane .

  11. 脚本末尾的wait命令会等待子进程终止或结束。

    The wait at the end of the script will wait for the child processes to terminate or complete .

  12. 但是,OFDM系统对频偏和相位噪声非常敏感,频偏会破坏子载波之间的正交性。

    However , OFDM is very sensitive to both symbol timing and carrier frequency offset , so it is probably to produce inter-carrier interference .

  13. 本文内容以CTAIS(ChinaTaxationAdministrationInformationSystem,全国税收征管信息系统)为背景完成,我在该项目中承担的是计会统子系统的开发工作。

    This article is based on the CTAIS ( China Taxation Administration Information System ) . I took on the developing job of Tax Planning , Tax Accounting and Tax Statistics subsystem in this project .

  14. 近年来,有研究不断指出,ART可能会增加子代不良健康风险,包括出生缺陷、出生体重低下、染色体异常、肿瘤及由基因表观遗传修饰异常导致的罕见遗传病发病等。

    However , in recent years , more and more well-designed studies have consistently documented associations of ART with an increased risk of birth defects , low birth weight , chromosome abnormalities , childhood cancer and epigenetic defects .

  15. 相反,类清单的事件处理程序会生成子目录,并强制JSF跳过进行响应的阶段。

    Instead , the event handler for the category list populates the subcategories and forces JSF to skip to the render response phase .

  16. 妊娠期正己烷暴露会改变子代卵巢颗粒细胞的DNA启动子区甲基化状态,高剂量的正己烷暴露(2500和12500ppm)能明显改变颗粒细胞凋亡基因和激素合成基因的甲基化状态。

    N-hexane exposure during pregnancy could alter the methylation status of the promoter in the offspring ovarian granulosa cells , especially high doses of n-hexane exposure ( 2500and12500ppm ) significant changed gene promoter methylation of cell apoptosis and hormone synthesis genes . 3 .

  17. 时变信道以及信道冲激响应超过CP会带来子信道间干扰(ICI)和残留码间干扰(ICI),产生误码率平台。

    The interchannel interference ( ICI ) and the residual intersymbol interference ( ISI ) could be introduced by time varying channel with channel impulse response that exceeds the length of CP.

  18. 在OFDMA系统中,载波频率偏移(CFO)会破坏子载波之间的正交性,引入子载波间干扰,进而造成用户间干扰(MUI),导致整个通信质量下降。

    In OFDMA , CFO can destroy the orthogonality among all subcarriers and induce inter-carrier interference , which further results in the Multiuser Interferences ( MUI ), and eventually reduces the system performance .

  19. 每次运行threadLogic时,它都会运行子类提供的watchedLogicmethod,然后在它的WatchedThreadToken中调用kick以表示线程仍然是活动的。

    Each time threadLogic is run , it runs the watchedLogic method provided by the subclass and then calls kick on its WatchedThreadToken to indicate the thread is still alive .

  20. 特别是在MIMO-OFDM系统中,频偏的存在会使子载波间的正交性遭到破坏,产生载波间干扰(ICI),因而其性能对频偏非常敏感。

    In particular , MIMO-OFDM systems are very sensitive to the CFO . Any CFO causes a loss in the orthogonality of the subcarriers which results in inter-carrier interference ( ICI ) and hence performance degradation .

  21. 在OFDMA系统中,CFO会破坏子载波间的正交性,产生子载波间干扰,从而引入多址干扰(MAI),使系统性能恶化。

    In OFDMA systems , CFO between the transmitter and the receiver results in the loss of orthogonality among subcarriers and inter-carrier interference ( ICI ), which further introduces multi-access interference ( MAI ) and degrades the system performance .

  22. 针对第一种软均衡的弱点,即对于接收分集较小时复杂度大,处理QAM星座会导致子信号模型秩缺失上升等,本章提出了第二种软均衡。

    The first algorithm has high complexity when receiver diversity is low , or the rank-deficiency of the sub-signal model is raised after the QAM to QPSK transform . To combat the disadvantages of the first soft equalizer , we propose the second soft equalization method .

  23. 在使用set-x时还要记住一点:如果脚本有内部函数,而且set-x放在代码的主体部分,那么它的输出会包含子函数的运算过程。

    One thing to keep in mind when using set-x is that if the script you 're evaluating has internal functions , set-x will carry over to its child function if placed in the root body of the code .

  24. 你也许会有子-子-种类,但是现在我们从子种类这里停止吧。

    You can have sub-sub-categories , but let 's stop with subcategories for right now .

  25. 对于多载波系统,载波频率的偏移会导致子信道之间产生干扰。

    The offset of carrier frequency can cause interference between subchannels in a multicarrier system .

  26. 此外,父类中的属性和方法会在子类前被注入。

    Also , the fields and methods in super classes are injected before those in subclasses .

  27. 原理上,正交振荡器的相位噪声性能会比子谐波振荡器的相位噪声性能好。

    In principle , the phase noise performance of the quadrature output is better than the sub-harmonic oscillator itself .

  28. 廊个脾气怎么大类,有你在我怎么会断子绝孙沙?

    GG : Gallery temper how big type , have you to how can break son unique Sun Sha at me ?

  29. 如果无法解决穆斯林流动儿童的教育问题,穆斯林流动人员的贫困和弱势便会向子代传承。

    If we can 't address the problem , Moslem floating people 's poverty and weak tendency can pass on their subgeneration .

  30. 这一等待过程是必需的;否则,主线程会调度子线程并执行退出。

    This wait is a needed feature ; otherwise , the main thread would have scheduled the child thread and made an exit .