
chuán rù shén jīnɡ yuán
  • afferent neuron
  1. 辣椒素阻断脊髓与脑干一级传入神经元对艾灸保护胃粘膜的影响

    The effect of Capsaicin-Induced Blockade of Primary Spinal Afferent Neuron on Moxibustion-Induced Gastric Mucosal Protection

  2. 鸡胸腺交感传入神经元的定位及其纤维在脊髓内的分布CBHRP法研究

    Location and the Central Projection of Primary Afferent Neuron of the Thymus in the Chicken A Study with CB HRP method

  3. 局麻对一级传入神经元P物质的影响&免疫细胞化学观察

    Influence of Local Anesthesia on the Substance P in the Primary Afferent Neurons : An Immunocytochemical Observation

  4. NOS在大鼠杏仁皮质核传入神经元内的分布

    Distribution of NOS Positive Neurons in the Afferent Pathway of Cortical Amygdaloid Nucleus of Rats

  5. PT诱发的神经病理性疼痛症状与背根神经节(dorsalrootganglion,DRG)初级传入神经元的毒性有关。

    The neuropathic pain symptoms caused by PT are relevant to the neurotoxicity of dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) primary sensory neurons .

  6. 胃交感传入神经元的节段性(HRP法的研究)

    THE SEGMENTATION OF THE SYMPATHETIC AFFERENT NEURONS OF THE STOMACH ( A study with horseradish peroxidase method )

  7. NGF和GM1联合应用对坐骨神经损伤大鼠初级传入神经元的保护作用

    Protective effects of NGF and GM1 on primary sensory neurons in SD rat with sciatic nerve injury

  8. 辣椒素是红辣椒的主要辛辣成分,可特异性激活Aδ和C类纤维的初级传入神经元。

    Capsaicin , the pungent ingredient of hot pepper , is a specific activator of primary afferent C - and A δ - fibers . The kidney is innervated by sensory nerves , which are sensitive to capsaicin .

  9. 猪胃传入神经元的分布&用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)法研究

    Distribution of The Afferent Neurons of The Gastric Wall In The Domestic pigs & A study on The Application of HRP Method

  10. 结论①KA以剂量依赖性方式选择性损伤鸡耳蜗传入神经元;

    Conclusion The results suggest that ① KA selectively damages the afferent neurons of chicken 's cochlea in a dose dependent manner .

  11. 谷氨酸是内毛细胞(IHC)和初级听觉传入神经元之间的主要神经介质。

    The researches suggest that glutamate is the primary neurotransmitter between IHCs and primary auditory afferent neurons .

  12. 来自肌胃的交感传入神经元胞体出现在T1~L1。

    From the gizzard , the afferent sympathetic neurons localize in T_1-L_1 spinal ganglia .

  13. 将HRP注入8只家兔的肠系膜下节内,观察内脏传入神经元的胞体在脊神经节的分布节段,结果如下。

    HRP was injected into the inferior mesenteric ganglia of eight rabbits to observe the labelled visceral afferent neurons in spinal ganglia and their segmental distribution .

  14. 家兔盆神经断端浸泡辣根过氧化酶(HRP),标记分布于盆腔内脏的传出和传入神经元。

    Horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) applied to the central stump of the transected pelvic nerve of rabbits labelled afferent and efferent neurons innervating the pelvic viscera .

  15. NGF对哮喘小鼠肺及初级传入神经元SH2-Bβ表达的调节作用

    The Regulatory Effect of NGF on the Expression of SH2-B β in the Lung and Primary Afferent Neurons of the Asthmatic Mice

  16. 已有研究表明:发育过程中,PV特异性地表达于本体感觉初级传入神经元(如大的背根节和Vme等)胞体和突起上。

    Previous developmental studies have showed that PV is specially distributed in the soma and process of the primary proprioceptive neurons such as large DRG neurons and Vme neurons .

  17. Ad-NT3组和KA组均于KA处理后第20天处死,观察Ⅰ型螺旋神经节细胞(传入神经元)的形态变化;

    All the animals of Ad-NT3 group and KA group were sacrificed 20 days after KA perfusion for morphological observation of type ⅰ spiral ganglion cells and NT-3 immunoreactivity .

  18. 目的:探讨细胞外信号调节激酶(ExtracellularSignal-regulatedkinase,ERK)信号转导途径在哮喘豚鼠初级传入神经元(C7~T5脊神经节)的作用及地塞米松的抑制作用。

    AIM : To explore the effect of extracellular signal-regulated kinase ( ERK ) signal transduction pathway and the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on primary afferent neurons ( C7-T5 spinal ganglia ) of asthmatic guinea pigs .

  19. 家兔大结肠及三焦俞穴区传入神经元的节段性分布&HRP、CT-HRP法研究

    The Segmental Distribution of the Afferent Neurons of the Large Colon and Sanjiaoshu Region in Rabbits & A Study with HRP and CT-HRP methods

  20. 为探明内脏大神经传入神经元在后根节内的节段分布,本研究将家兔的左侧内脏大神经中枢侧断端浸泡于HRP溶液中。

    In the present study , the central cut of the left major splanchnic nerve of rabbit was immersed by horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) in order to ascertain the segmental distribution of visceral sensory neurons in the thoracic dorsal root ganglion .

  21. 三叉神经中脑核(Vme)是CNS内唯一的支配咀嚼肌本体感受器和牙周膜机械感受器的初级传入神经元所在地。

    The trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus ( Vme ) is the unique group of primary afferent cell bodies that is located within the mammalian central nervous system ( CNS ) and innervate muscle spindles of jaw-closing muscles and periodontal mechanoreceptors .

  22. 结果提示,脊髓后角浅层内部分DOR来源于一级传入神经元,其中部分为传入伤害性信息的神经元。

    These re-sults indicate that part of DORs in the superficial layers originates from primary afferent neurones , some of which are the neurones contributing to the input of nociceptive information .

  23. 放射自显影的结果表明A1和A2受体都分布在脊髓背角,包括突触后SG神经元和初级传入神经元的中枢突,而A1受体集中分布于胶状质。

    Autoradiographic studies have demonstrated that adenosine A1 and A2 receptors are expressed in the spinal dorsal horn , both on the post-synaptic SG neurons and the central terminals of the primary afferent neurons . Adenosine A1 receptors are selectively concentrated in the SG .

  24. 结果如下:支配鸡十二指肠和胰腺的交感传入神经元胞体分别位于T3-T6和T3-T7脊神经节,峰值分别位于T4、T5和T5、T6脊神经节。

    The result as follow : The sympathetic afferent neurons innervating the duodenum and pancreas were located in the spinal ganglia T3-T6 and T3-T7 , and accumulated in the spinal ganglia T4-T5 and T5-T6 respectively .

  25. 神经营养素3(neurotrophin3,NT3)作为螺旋神经节细胞特异的营养因子,可有效地支持内耳传入神经元的存活,因此有望成为治疗因其退变而引起的感音性神经性耳聋的有效因子。

    Numerous studies have shown that the health of spiral ganglion neurons is highly important for hearing . As a trophic factor of spiral ganglion neurons , neurotrophin 3 ( NT3 ) is a potential candidate for prevention of spiral ganglion neuron degeneration in human .

  26. 部分初级传入神经元位于迷走神经结状节内。

    Some primary afferent neurons were presented in the nodose ganglia .

  27. 外周神经系统的传入神经元控制.屁股痒.-哦

    Afferent neurons in the peripheral nervous system.Bum-itch . - Oh .

  28. 鸡卵巢传入神经元在脊神经节内的节段性分布

    Distribution of the afferent neurons of the hen ovary

  29. 外周神经系统的传入神经元。

    Afferent neurons in the peripheral nervous system .

  30. 猫肠系膜下神经节神经元与肠壁内传入神经元的突触联系

    Synaptic connections between neurons of inferior mesenteric ganglion and afferent neurons of intestine in cat