
  • 网络city;City University London;London Metropolitan University;City University, London;City University
  1. 我在伦敦城市大学(cityuniversity)攻读了银行和系统科学我之所以选择伦敦,就是因为我如此着迷于音乐。

    I studied banking and systems science at City University - I chose London because I was so into music .

  2. 伦敦城市大学(cityuniversity,london)的卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)已经成立了一个《博洛尼亚协定》特别工作组,以帮助该学院了解协定的全面影响,提出应对战略。

    At Cass Business School at City University , London , a Bologna task force has been established to help the school understand the full impact of the accord and develop strategies for its response .

  3. 我从伦敦城市大学约翰卡斯爵士商学院(SirJohnCassBusinessSchool)获得博士学位后,来自产业、银行业甚至学术界的朋友们连番向我抛出了这个选择问题。

    Has been the overwhelming question of choice from friends in industry , banking and even academia since I was awarded my PhD from City University of London Sir John Cass Business School .

  4. 尽管捕鱼政策进行了重大改革,一些科学家,例如伦敦城市大学的TimLaing,认为鱼类储备仍然面临大量毁灭的危险。

    Even if fishing policies are radically reformed , some scientists , like Tim Laing at City University London , argue fish stocks still face

  5. 伦敦城市大学新闻学教授IvorGaber表示,鲁珀特·默多克(RupertMurdoch)现在是媒体巨头。

    Today , he is a media " colossus ," says Ivor Gaber , a journalism professor at London 's City University .

  6. 那是由伦敦城市大学批准设立的一门一年制课程。

    It is a one-year course validated by london 's city university .

  7. 廷楷王,伦敦城市大学,英国。

    Tingkai Wang , London Metropolitan University , UK .

  8. 被削掉的课程涵盖了从伯明翰大学的考古学,到索福尔德大学和伦敦城市大学的语言课程等各类课程。

    The scrapped courses range from archeology at Birmingham to languages at Salford and London Metropolitan .

  9. 他目前伦敦城市大学的研究生,研究方向是物理学和电子学。

    He is a graduate of The City University , London , where he studied Physics and Electronics .

  10. 我们很高兴有机会支持此项比赛,向获胜选手提供一周在伦敦城市大学的培训课程,希望能给他们带来更多的惊喜。

    We are pleased to support this competition and to offer the winners an amazing and intense week at London Metropolitan University in the City of London .

  11. 2005年,这位曾出演过电影《五月花》的女星在Sunsilk公司和伦敦城市大学联合开展的一项全国性的调查中,被评为“头发最美”的名人。

    In 2005 , the former Darling Buds Of May star was voted the celebrity with the " best dressed " hair in a nationwide survey by Sunsilk and London 's City University .

  12. GrahamBleakley博士原先在伦敦南岸大学学习机械工程,随后在伦敦城市大学获得了安全关键系统基于模型的系统工程及过程方向的博士学位。

    Dr. Graham Bleakley originally studied Mechanical Engineering at Southbank University , this was followed by a PhD in Model Based Systems Engineering and Process for Safety Critical Systems at City University .