
  • 网络london boulevard;QMV;London Way;London Quay
  1. 美国人不太明白应该怎么戴帽子。瑞秋·特莱福-摩根(RachelTrevor-Morgan)说,她坐在自己位于伦敦皇冠大道18号的女帽店二层的展览室里。

    Americans are not always sure what to do with hats , said Rachel Trevor-Morgan , who was seated in the second-floor showroom of her millinery at 18 Crown Passage .

  2. 真不敢相信。即使我们还有计划也没办法在时间内联络伦敦官府大道那边,该死。

    Unbelievable . Well , even If we still had the plans there 's no way they 'd reach Whitehall In time . Damn .

  3. 它是位于伦敦国王大道的一个商店,为理家提供锦囊妙计。

    Walter is the owner of the Holding Company , a shop on London 's Kings Road which sells hundreds of storage ideas for the home .

  4. 但是还没有见过比这个伦敦市郊大道旁的黑暗、污浊的屋中更为可怖的景象。

    but never has it appeared to me in a more fearsome aspect than in that dark , grimy apartment , which looked out upon one of the main arteries of suburban London .

  5. 但是昨晚出现了一些问题,那些女王资助的慈善机构每人需要支付150英镑才能参加在伦敦林荫大道举行的正式的庆祝仪式。

    But there was concern last night after it emerged that charities which have the monarch as their patron are being charged 150 pounds per person to join the official celebration on The Mall .

  6. 人们很难猜到,通向伦敦的繁忙大道,即当年简·奥斯汀的公共马车路线,就在2英里之外。

    One would hardly guess that the busy road to London , which Jane knew as a stagecoach route , lies less than two miles away .