
féi zào jù
  • soap opera
  1. 这个故事是非常典型的肥皂剧题材。

    The story has all the elements of a soap opera .

  2. 一台小彩色电视机频道调在了一出下午的肥皂剧上。

    A small colour television was tuned to an afternoon soap opera .

  3. 她是美国肥皂剧明星。

    She 's a US soap star .

  4. 如今的孩子是看电视上的动画片和肥皂剧长大的。

    Children today are brought up on a diet of television cartoons and soap operas .

  5. 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?

    What do you think of soap opera ?

  6. 所以,肥皂剧的受众主要为女性观众。

    thus the shows were aimed at and consumed by a predominantly female audience .

  7. 之所以叫“肥皂剧”,是因为这些剧集播放之初都是由宝洁等洗涤用品生产商赞助或制作的。

    The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials4 broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble as sponsors and producers .

  8. 我们的行程就像《楚门的世界》(TheTrumanShow),电影的主人公被困入了在电视上播放的肥皂剧。

    Our trip resembled The Truman Show , in which the protagonist is trapped in a televised soap opera .

  9. 梅斯特透露,她知道自己将何时离开CW电视台的这部肥皂剧。

    Meester revealed that she knows when she is exiting The CW soap .

  10. BBC肥皂剧《伦敦东区》同样将两枚奖项收入囊中。

    BBC soap EastEnders was also a double award winner .

  11. 《美国机车》(AmericanChopper)则代表了另外一类&一家制造定制摩托车的家族企业被打造成一出现实版的肥皂剧,包括对法律诉讼进行现场直播。

    American Chopper represents another theme & the family-run , custom motorcycle manufacturer is portrayed as a real-life soap opera , including on-air lawsuits .

  12. 《美国机车》(AmericanChopper)则代表了另外一类——一家制造定制摩托车的家族企业被打造成一出现实版的肥皂剧,包括对法律诉讼进行现场直播。

    American Chopper represents another theme - the family-run , custom motorcycle manufacturer is portrayed as a real-life soap opera , including on-air lawsuits .

  13. 【英文原文】PretendDoctor——假医生几年来,我的工作就是接听观众打来的电话和回复他们的邮件,他们是想了解我们公司出品的白天肥皂剧的一些情况。

    For several years , my job was to answer all viewer phone calls and mail concerning the daytime television soap operas our company produced .

  14. ABC频道的新剧《逍遥法外》(HowtoGetAwayWithMurder)是一部有趣的替代品,它是一部耸人听闻的夜间肥皂剧,讲述不法辩护律师的故事,简直可以称为法律与无序。

    A new addition on ABC , How to Get Away With Murder was a fun substitute , a lurid nighttime soap opera about lawbreaking defense lawyers & Law Disorder .

  15. 此后又有新消息,CW签下了描写曼哈顿社交名媛的肥皂剧《汀丝莉·莫迪默》。

    The news comes shortly after the announcement that the docusoap series about Manhattan socialite Tinsley Mortimer was picked up .

  16. 肥皂剧Yankee队的棒球赛是还不错

    Soap operas . The Yankees were good ,

  17. 等一下,Ken,我想把这个肥皂剧的结尾看掉。

    Adriana : Hold on , Ken . I just want to catch the end of this soap opera .

  18. 肥皂剧(soapopera,有时简称soap)指在广播或电视中连续长期播放、情节虚构的故事剧集。

    A soap opera , sometimes called " soap " for short , is an ongoing , episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on television or radio .

  19. 我知道你们在想什么Ellen你可不能不播这周的肥皂剧就结束节目啊

    I know what you 're thinking . Ellen , you can 't end the show without continuing your week long soap opera

  20. 不,这不是个肥皂剧,这是BBC制作的一部有关英国政府的电视剧《纸牌屋》。

    No , it 's not a soap opera ; it 's BBC 's dramatic version of British government , " House of Cards . "

  21. 这条街道很适合这些东西,我本以为他们在拍肥皂剧或者Morse的一集还是其他什么东西。

    As this street is very good for that kind of thing , I thought they were shooting a soap or an episode of Morse or something .

  22. 案例学习:规避联邦存款保险公司(FDIC),肥皂剧的新台词,互助基金管理,评估的问题。

    Case Studies : Circumventing the FDIC , The New Line of Soap , Mutal Fund Management , A Problem in Performance Evaluation .

  23. 片中有喜剧演员艾迪·伊扎德(EddieIzzard)和肥皂剧明星罗斯·坎普(RossKemp),他的前妻是报纸主编丽贝卡·布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)。

    It features the comedian Eddie Izzard and Ross Kemp , a soap-opera star and former husband of the newspaper editor Rebekah Brooks .

  24. 香港市场监管机构昨日赢得为阻止李泽楷(RichardLi)以20亿美元收购其电信公司电讯盈科(PCCW)而提出的上诉,为当地上演时间最长的一幕企业肥皂剧增添了又一情节转折。

    Hong Kong 's market regulator yesterday won court approval to block Richard Li 's $ 2bn buy-out of PCCW , his telecoms company , adding yet another twist to one of the territory 's longest-running corporate soap operas .

  25. 这两部传奇的肥皂剧已经在电视上播放了40多年,于两年前停止播出,现在可以在Hulu以及iTunes上收看。

    The two legendary soap operas aired for more than four decades on broadcast TV until they were cancelled two years ago , now they will be on Hulu and iTunes .

  26. 据跟踪有关电视社交媒体行为的Trendrr公司称,引发讨论最多的十大剧集包括《美少女的谎言》(PrettyLittleLiars,ABCFamily出品)、《吸血鬼日记》(TheVampireDiaries,CWFamily出品)等吸引年轻观众的肥皂剧。

    According to Trendrr , a company that tracks social-media activity around TV , the top 10 most-discussed dramas include young , soapy fare like ' Pretty Little Liars ' ( ABC Family ) and ' The Vampire Diaries ' ( the CW ) .

  27. 在2013年那一季中,玛利亚·凯莉(MariahCarey)和妮基·米纳杰(NickiMinaj)之间明显的不和成为美国最好的电视肥皂剧,不过转移了观众对选手的注意力。

    In the 2013 season , the open tension between Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj was America 's best telenovela but a distraction from the contestants .

  28. 基纳斯顿说,野马牌厕纸“便宜、历史悠久,出了名的不吸水,”它开始尝试使用新的淡彩色;1960年12月9日,工人阶层肥皂剧《克罗内申街》(CoronationStreet)首播。

    Bronco toilet paper , described by Mr. Kynaston as " cheap , traditional , notoriously nonabsorbent , " tests new pastel colors , and on Dec. 9 , 1960 , the working-class soap opera " Coronation Street " airs for the first time .

  29. 巴特利特表示,itv和湖南卫视将集中精力开发无剧本节目即真人节目秀,而不是肥皂剧因为他们的理念和共同的人类情感“更容易打动人”。

    ITV and Hunan TV will also concentrate on unscripted programmes shows with studio guests rather than soap operas because their ideas and common human feelings " travel more easily " , Mr Bartlett said .

  30. 新闻集团的接班人问题是一个长期上演的企业肥皂剧,而在过去几年内詹姆斯似乎稍稍领先于姐姐伊丽莎白(Elisabeth)和哥哥拉克兰(Lachlan)。

    Potential succession at News Corp is a long-running corporate soap opera , with James appearing to edge ahead of his sister Elisabeth and older brother Lachlan in the past few years .