
  • 网络Total Recall;Total Recal
  1. 也许你还记得,在老版的《全面回忆》(TotalRecall)中,阿诺•施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)饰演的身陷困境的男主角来到一家名为“Rekall”的公司,购买一次全程都在大脑中展开的虚拟旅行。

    As you may recall , or even Rekall , the troubled hero of the original ' Total Recall , ' played by Arnold Schwarzenegger , goes to a brain-bending establishment called Rekall Inc. to buy a virtual vacation , one that 's all in the mind .

  2. 施瓦辛格的新书命名为《全面回忆:我难以置信的真实人生故事》,即将于10月1日出版。

    Schwarzenegger 's book Total Recall : My Unbelievably True Life Story , is to be published on October 1 .

  3. 老版《全面回忆》由保罗•范霍文(PaulVerhoeven)执导,是一部经典科幻片,在当时算得上是一部制作非常精良的电影,那么为什么还要翻拍它呢?

    The original , directed by Paul Verhoeven , was a sci-fi classic , and a terrific piece of filmmaking for its time , so why try to top it ?

  4. 如《饥饿游戏》三部曲、《全面回忆》、《末日之战》等在全球范围内都是票房赢家。

    Movies such as The Hunger Games trilogy , Total Recall and World War Z are all box office successes worldwide .

  5. 在这种背景下,新版《全面回忆》不仅具有启发意义,而且具备一种反常的纯粹性。

    In that context , the new ' Total Recall ' is not only instructive , but possessed of a perverse purity .

  6. 关于建国初期合肥市道路全面命名的回忆

    Recalled named roads and streets in Hefei during the initial Post-liberation period