
quán rì cháo
  • diurnal tide
全日潮[quán rì cháo]
  1. 两个季节变化较大的是全日潮向太平洋传播的能量,它由夏季的0.3GW变为秋季的2.3GW。

    The westward energy flux of diurnal tide changes largely in two seasons , which transforms from 0.3 GW in summer to 2.3 GW in fall .

  2. 在东中国海基本以半日潮为主,尤其是M2占优,而在南海基本以全日潮为主。

    It is also found that the dominant tidal wave in the East China Sea is semidiurnal tide components especially M_2 , while it in the South China Sea is diurnal tide components .

  3. 在向南海传播的能量中,全日潮和半日潮的贡献相当。

    The diurnal tides and semidiurnal tides contribute equally to the energy flux propagating into the SCS .

  4. 本文利用数值方法,模拟了北海港湾的全日潮波。

    The diurnal tidal wave in Beihai Gulf was Modeled with the numerical method in this paper .

  5. 全日潮海区红树林造林关键技术的生理生态基础研究

    Studies on the Eco-physiological Mechanisms for the Key Techniques in Mangrove Afforestation in the Diurnal Tidal Region

  6. 平均一般大潮低潮面全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。

    Mean low water of ordinary spring tide The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa .

  7. 利用二维非线性潮波方程组,讨论了渤黄海主要分潮(全日潮、半日潮及浅水分潮)数值模拟中的有关问题。

    By applying two dimensional tidal equations , problems in tidal simulation of Bohai Sea and Huanghai Sea have been solved .

  8. 有半日潮、混合潮和全日潮;潮时相差达6小时。

    There are semi & diurnal , composite and diurnal tides , and the age of the tide differs about 6 hours .

  9. 本文依据二维长波方程,用有限差分方法计算了朝鲜海峡的半日潮和全日潮,得到与实际观测符合良好的结果。文章给出了潮汐、潮流和能通量的分布。

    A finite difference solution of the diurnal and semidiurnal tides and tidal currents in the Korea Strait is obtained with satisfactory agreement to the observed distribution .

  10. 计算显示,在朝鲜半岛东南方的全日潮无潮点位置比历史同潮图上的位置更靠近朝鲜海岸。

    The computed diurnal tide-amphidromic point to the southeast of the Korean Peninsula is located closer to the Korea coast than that plotted in the historical cotidal charts .

  11. 在国内,首次给出了鄂霍次克海内的3个半日分潮旋转潮波系统,验证了宗谷海峡和津轻海峡的两个全日潮无潮点的存在。

    Three semidiurnal tidal amphidromic points in the Okhotsk Sea have been found for the first time , and two diurnal tidal amphidromic points have been verified to exist in the Soya Strait and the Tsugaru Strait .

  12. 分析结果表明,美国东海岸以半日潮振动为主,低频振动也十分明显,且能量较全日潮波动的能量大。

    The analysis results show that semi-diurnal tide waves are predominant at the sea near east coast of the United States , low-frequency oscillation is very obvious too , and their energy is larger than diurnal tide waves .

  13. 民间“初三水,十八潮”的谚语,只适用于半日潮为主的海域,对于全日潮为主的海域不适用。

    Chinese Proverb " the third day of water , the eighteen of tide " in the Folk World , it is only suitable of which is mainly semidiurnal tide sea , and it is not suitable of which is mainly diurnal tide sea .

  14. 在长江口外半日分潮M2、S2从东南方向传入长江口和杭州湾,全日分潮K1,O1从北向南传播。

    The semi-diurnal tides M 2 , S 2 propagate from southeast into the Changjiang estuary and Hangzhou bay , but the diurnal tides K 1 , O 1 propagate from north to south out of the Changjiang mouth .

  15. 湛江近海全日分潮的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Diurnal Tide Components in the Sea Near Zhanjiang

  16. 全日内潮则随季节有明显变化,夏季也主要分布2个区域:一个是长江口、杭州湾以东海域,一个是台湾东北(冲绳海槽)海域。

    Diurnal frequence internal tides changes in season : Summer is mainly two areas : One is the east of Yangtze Delta and Hangzhou Bay , another is the north-east of Taiwan ( Okinawa Haicao ) .

  17. 全日和半日潮计算结果与实测符合良好。

    Good agreement of the computed results to the observed is achieved for diurnal and semidiurnal tides .

  18. 因差比关系的捆绑,整个全日和半日潮族迟角偏差相近,这主要和Geosat/ERM的轨道设计有关。

    And because of the admittances ' effect the deviations of phase lags of the whole diurnal and semidiurnal group are very close , which may be caused by the orbital design of Geosat / ERM .