
huī hǎi bào
  • grey seal;gray seal
灰海豹[huī hǎi bào]
  1. 这只野生灰海豹似乎在尽情地大笑并且兴奋地用爪子拍打着岩石。

    The wild grey seal appears to be grinning widely and slapping his paws on the rocks in amusement .

  2. 这只野生灰海豹似乎在听一个很滑稽的笑话,因为它被拍到正在放声大笑的样子。

    This is the moment a wild grey seal appeared to be enjoying a hilarious joke - as it was photographed laughing uproariously .

  3. 石油公司破坏了灰海豹的繁殖地。

    Oil companies have devastated the breeding-grounds of the gray seal .

  4. 灰海豹们享用着三叶草软糖。

    Grey seals enjoyed shamrock-shaped gelatin .

  5. 体型中等、体色黑灰的海豹,头部有可膨胀的大气囊;产于北极大西洋水域。

    North open water medium-sized blackish-gray seal with large inflatable sac on the head ; of Arctic-Atlantic waters .

  6. 体型中等、体色由灰到黄的海豹,鼻口部两边均有耸起的毛发;产于北冰洋。

    Medium-sized grayish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle ; of Arctic Ocean .