
  • 网络longyearbyen;lyr
  1. 朗伊尔城,坐落在挪威的斯匹次卑尔根岛(译者注:挪威所属斯瓦尔巴群岛中最大的岛屿,靠近北极),是世界上最北端的城市。

    Longyearbyen , Spitsbergen in Norway is the northernmost city in the world .

  2. 如果有人在朗伊尔城暴毙,那么他们将不得被埋葬。

    And , if someone suddenly dies there , they would not be buried .

  3. 在朗伊尔城,死亡是被禁止的。

    In Longyearbyen , dying is forbidden .

  4. 朗伊尔城离北极的距离比南极洲的麦克莫多站离南极的距离还近。

    Longyearbyen is actually closer to the North Pole than McMurdo Station in Antarctica is to the South Pole .

  5. 如果你在朗伊尔城中心城区1闲逛,你能看到的最长的日落差几分钟满一小时。

    If you putter around downtown Longyearbyen , 1 the longest sunset you could experience would be a few minutes short of an hour .

  6. 能够符合上述标准的离极点最近的道路估计是挪威斯瓦尔巴特群岛上朗伊尔城的主干道。

    The closest road to either pole that really qualifies as paved is probably the main road in Longyearbyen , on the island of Svalbard , Norway .

  7. 挪威斯瓦尔巴特群岛上的朗伊尔城是全世界纬度最高的城市,它也会被威力媲美史上最强热带飓风的狂风摧毁。

    Longyearbyen , on the island of Svalbard in Norway-the highest-latitude city on the planet-would be devastated by winds equal to those in the planet 's strongest tropical cyclones .

  8. 如果你想找一个永生的地方,忘了圣杯吧,你只需要去遥远的北极城镇朗伊尔城就够了,因为这里的法律禁止死亡。

    If you fancy a spot of eternal life , forget the Holy Grail : just go and live in the remote Arctic town of Longyearbyen , where dying is against the law .

  9. 朗伊尔城位于挪威北部的斯匹兹伯根群岛,该处是中国科学家连续三年做科学报告的基地,并准备在这儿设立中国北极科学考察站。

    The members visited the base camp of the Chinese scientists , where they had spent three years doing the scientific researches and planned to set up China 's North Pole Exploration Base .