
  • 网络Landau damping
  1. 量子等离子体中波的色散关系以及朗道阻尼

    Dispersion relation and Landau damping of linear waves in quantum plasma

  2. 相对论性纵等离激元色散关系和朗道阻尼数值解及其分析

    The Numerical Study of Dispersion Relationship and Landau Damping of Longitudinal Relativistic Plasmons

  3. 该磁铁是利用三维电磁场模拟软件Opera-3d建模优化设计的,八极磁场梯度最高可以达到1692T.m-3.在机器研究过程中观察到束流集体不稳定性可以被八极磁场产生的朗道阻尼很好地抑制。

    The octupole magnet was designed using a computer code Opera-3d , which can realize a maximum field gradient of 1 692 T · m-3.It was observed in machine study that , Landau damping caused by the octupole field can suppress the beam collective instabilities .

  4. 非线性朗道阻尼强烈地影响着离子声波。

    The ion acoustic wave is greatly affected by nonlinear Landau damping .

  5. 对于非相对论性等离子体的色散关系和朗道阻尼,前人已作了非常详细的研究。

    Dispersion law and Landau damping for the non-relativistic case have been well studied .

  6. 等离子体波的色散关系及朗道阻尼是等离子体物理学中两个最基本的概念。

    The studies of plasma wave dispersion law and landau damping are of fundamental interest in plasma physics .

  7. 我必须告诉你多少次(你才能记住)?!(世界上)根本没有“朗道阻尼”这码事!

    How many times do I have to tell you ?! There is no such a thing called " Landau Damping "!

  8. 在机器研究过程中观察到束流集体不稳定性可以被八极磁场产生的朗道阻尼很好地抑制。

    It was observed in machine study that , Landau damping caused by the octupole field can suppress the beam collective instabilities .

  9. 快电子的有效温度较好地满足共振吸收的温度定标律是由于反射激光加速与共振吸收机制均是通过朗道阻尼或波破对电子进行加速的。

    The effective temperature of fast electrons is consistent with the temperature scaling of the resonance absorption , which is due to Landau damping or wave breaking .

  10. 对于对偶等离子体中的声波,我们发现它是一个无朗道阻尼的波,声波的阻尼全部来自粒子间的库仑碰撞。

    For a pair plasma , it is found that the sound wave does not suffer any Landau damping and its dissipation is only due to the Coulomb collisions .

  11. 结果表明:碰撞粘滞对波包的阻尼作用不容忽视,而非线性朗道(Landau)阻尼对波包的阻尼作用较弱。

    The results show the effect of collision damping can not be neglected , whereas the nonlinear Landau damping is a weak effect compared with the collision one .