
  • 网络Baltic Sea Region;Baltic region;Baltic
  1. 爱沙尼亚,官方名称为爱沙尼亚共和国(爱沙尼亚语:EestiorEestiVabariik),是位于波罗的海地区的一个北欧国家。

    Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia ( Estonian : Eesti or Eesti Vabariik ) , is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe .

  2. 汉萨同盟总部为正式商业会谈中心,遍及波罗的海地区的商家们都会来此签署商业合约和解决贸易纠纷。

    The Hanseatic League Headquarters provide a centralised structure through which the merchants of the Baltic region can negotiate trade agreements and resolve any disputes in a formal manner .

  3. 他补充称,新加入北约的斯洛文尼亚及前苏联波罗的海地区加盟共和国同意加入CFE,但目前仍未加入。

    He added that new Nato countries such as Slovenia and the former Soviet Baltic states had not joined the CFE , despite agreements that they would .

  4. 波罗的海地区居民与芬兰人正在建设新的大型核电站。

    The Balts and the Finns are constructing big new nuclear power stations .

  5. 这位口译员特工名叫兰臣·施密特,有德国血统,来自俄罗斯波罗的海地区。

    The interpreter agent , a Baltic Russian with German roots identified only as Lenchen Sch .

  6. 原来居住在圣彼德斯堡建立地波罗的海地区的西芬兰人的一支。

    A member of western Finnish people formerly living in the Baltic province where Saint Petersburg was built .

  7. 北方十字军是将波罗的海地区和西欧天主教世界连接在一起的纽带,是波罗的海地区天主教化和德国化的重要因素。

    The Northern crusades were the important factors of Latin-Christianization and Germanization in these conquered regions , and reoriented the civilization of these societies .

  8. 两国争夺波罗的海沿海地区的控制权。

    The two countries struggled for mastery of the Baltic costal region .

  9. 波罗的海沿岸地区城市的兴起和商业的发展促进了汉萨同盟的形成。

    The commerce developed the forming cities which around the Baltic Sea . Had accelerated the forming of THE LEAGUE OF HANSA .

  10. 拉脱维亚:北欧波罗的海沿岸一地区和从前的国家。

    A region and former country of northern Europe on the Baltic Sea .

  11. 波罗的海海洋学家会议保护波罗的海地区海洋环境公约

    Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area