
  • 网络Polish King
  1. 1466年条顿骑士团再次被波兰人打败,并被迫向波兰割让土地,成为波兰国王的附庸。

    Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king .

  2. 波兰国王和他一位助理去打猎。

    The king of Poland goes hunting in the woods with one of his assistants .

  3. 不久,波兰的国王约翰三世带领部队赶到,击败了土耳其人,迫使他们撤退。

    Soon , King John III of Poland arrived at the head of an army that defeated the Turks and forced them to retreat .

  4. 关于将波兰总统卡钦斯基埋葬到克拉科夫瓦维尔主教教堂的决定引发了公众争议,据悉该地专门埋葬波兰的国王和英雄。

    A row has broken out over the decision to bury Polish President Lech Kaczynski in Wawel cathedral in Krakow-a place reserved for Poland 's kings and heroes .