
  • 网络Galilean transformation;Galileo transformation
  1. 伽利略变换及其在力学教学中的处理

    The Galilean transformation and their treatments in the teaching of mechanics

  2. 关于时空性质的新假设和推广的伽利略变换

    New postulates about properties of space-time and generalized Galilean transformation

  3. 力学相对性原理与伽利略变换的唯一性

    The principle of relativity in mechanics and uniqueness of the Galilean transformation

  4. 这是根据伽利略变换的概念,并参考框架。

    Being blind to reality , you have only your imagination as a frame of reference .

  5. 伽利略变换的物理意义

    The Meaning of Galileo Transformation

  6. 应用伽利略变换对简化后的方程进行变量变换,使得曲面函数仅与空间相关;

    The Galilean transformation was applied to the simplified equation to make a surface function related to only coordinates .

  7. 爱因斯坦的“狭义相对论”不能成立,光速不变条件下的伽利略变换应是“广义伽利略变换”。

    Einstein 's " special relativity " cannot be established , The principles of constant light speed Combined with Galileo transformation , and the resulting should is " generalized Galileo transformation " .

  8. 由伽利略变换和洛仑兹变换导出了多普勒频移公式(包括横向多普勒频移公式)。讨论了声学多普勒效应和光学多普勒效应的异同。

    In this paper the Doppler shift formula is derived from Galileo transformation and lorentz transformation ( the transverse Doppler shift formula included ) and the difference between the Doppler effect in sound and the Doppler effect in light is discussed .

  9. 正确认识做功公式和应用伽利略速度变换

    Understanding Work Expression and Using Galilei Variable Velocity Correctly

  10. 本文定义了时间、空间、位移、速度、加速度等量,并提出伽利略速度变换公理,为质点力学公理体系建立了运动学基础。

    This paper defined time , space , displacement , velocity , acceleration , and raised axiom of Galileo exchange , which is the basis of Axiom system in particle mechanics .