
hóng yí
  • red shift;bathochromic-shift
红移[hóng yí]
  1. Li2簇上束缚H2的振动频率红移

    Red shift of the vibrational freqency for h_2 bonded on li_2 cluster

  2. 一个发射波长明显红移的二苯乙烯类pH探针

    A Probe of Stilbene Derivative for pH with Distinct Red Shift in Emission Wavelength

  3. La的掺杂使TiO2的吸收带边发生了红移;

    La doping also caused red-shift of the UV-Vis absorption spectra ;

  4. Ag纳米颗粒表面等离子体共振吸收峰的红移现象

    Red-shift of surface plasmon resonance in Ag nanoclusters ion-implanted in silica glass

  5. 随着体系的W0和反应物浓度的增大,紫外可见吸收光谱中的最大吸收峰发生红移,粒子的粒径增大。

    With the increase of Wo and the reactant concentration , the nanoparticle is bigger .

  6. 类星体光谱的MonteCarlo模拟及高红移类星体颜色法巡天中的选择效应

    Discussions on Selection Effects of Multicolor Survey for High Redshift QSOs by Using Monte-Carlo Simulations

  7. Co、Cu金属离子掺杂后,紫外-可见漫反射吸收光谱的吸收边均有较小红移,提高了对可见光的响应;在紫外和可见光区域的吸收均增强了。

    The absorption edge of all doped-rutile shows a small red-shift . The absorbance is enhanced in the ultraviolet and visible region .

  8. 讨论了配合物的UV谱带与主体相比发生红移的原因。

    The reason of red-shift for UV absorption peaks of the complexes compared to that of the host was discussed .

  9. 提出了射频等离子体使TiO2对光谱响应红移的修饰方法。

    The modified RF plasma method enabled TiO2 to display a red shift of the response spectrum .

  10. 因Mo与纳米管间的耦合及量子限域效应,吸收边红移。

    The coupling effect and quantum limiting effect between Mo and nanotube lead to red shift of absorption edge .

  11. 观测到声子限制效应引起的GaP纳米棒TO和LO模的红移。

    The red shifts of the TO and LO modes were observed due to phonon confinement effect in GaP nanorods .

  12. 在电脉冲激励过程中,机械压力使得x偏振的光栅波长蓝移,而y偏振的光栅波长红移。

    During the electrical pulse excitation , the grating wavelength is blue-shifted for the x-polarization and red-shifted for the y-polarization due to the mechanical stress .

  13. 红外吸收能力随着纳米ZnO粒径的减少而增强,同时红外吸收出现红移和宽化现象。

    Infrared absorbability of nano-ZnO becomes better and the infrared absorption side shifts to lower frequency when the particle-size becomes smaller .

  14. 随着基片温度提高,薄膜折射率n和消光系数κ的短波峰将逐渐蓝移,而退火使其出现红移。

    The peaks of refractive index n and extinction coefficient k undergo blue shift with increasing substrate temperature , and red shift occurs after thin film is annealed .

  15. 纳米晶粒的晶格膨胀导致Raman散射峰红移随Fe含量增多而相应加大。

    The expansion of lattice for the nanocrystals results in that the red-shifting of Raman - scattered peak increases linearly with Fe concentration .

  16. 随着溶剂配合能力的增加,λmax、λem都发生红移。

    With the strengthening of coordination ability of the solvent , the λ max and λ em had red shift .

  17. 掺P不但使TiO2的吸收带边产生红移,而且在可见光区有较大的吸收系数。

    The doping of P not only causes the absorption band to red-shift , and also gives rise to extremely big absorption coefficient in the visible region .

  18. 金属离子掺杂明显增强TiO2纳米晶簇的光吸收。TiO2带隙发生红移。

    The optical absorbance of TiO-2 after doping metal ions increased considerably and a red shift of the band-gap took place .

  19. 随着Mn掺杂量的增加,样品的晶格常数增大,样品的紫外发光峰先红移后蓝移。

    And with increasing Mn content , the lattice constant of samples increases , and the UV emission firstly red-shifts and then blue-shifts .

  20. 稀磁半导体Zn(1-x)MnxTe吸收光谱压力红移的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on High Pressure Red Shift of DMS Zn_ ( 1-x ) Mn_xTe Absorption Spectra

  21. 接着,在几百毫秒内,机械压力逐渐减弱,纤芯温度逐渐增加,这两个因素导致x偏振和y偏振的光栅波长都红移。

    Both grating wavelengths of x - and y-polarization subsequently experience a red-shift due to the relaxation of mechanical stress and the increasing core temperature in many microseconds .

  22. AAO模板吸收光谱变化及红移现象研究

    The Study of Anodic Alumina Oxide Template about Absorbing Spectral and Red Shift

  23. 其拉曼峰与块体TiO2相比,峰位出现了红移,对此现象进行了分析和讨论。

    The red shift of Raman spectra have been found in some nano-TiO2 / CF film samples , which was analyzed and discussed .

  24. 通过吸收峰位置的红移和减色效应,及DNA粘度的增大证明该配合物是以插入方式进入DNA的碱基对中。

    The results , such as red shift of absorption peaks , increment in the viscosity of DNA , investigates the complex can insert into the inner of DNA bi - helix structure .

  25. 600℃时部分TiO2由锐钛矿转变为金红石相,使紫外光吸收线红移。

    Crystal of partial TiO_2 changed from anatase to rutile in 600 ℃, which induced absorb edge of UV moved towards the visible light .

  26. 引入SW缺陷后的石墨烯纳米带的吸收和反射谱也发生了明显的红移。

    The absorption and reflectance spectrum of the graphene nanoribbon appear distinctly redshift after introducing the SW defect .

  27. UV-Vis扫描显示掺铁0.1%的Fe-N/TiO2紫外吸收峰较其他TiO2光催化剂强且明显红移。

    The absoption peaks of doped-Fe_3 + 0.1 % Fe-N / TiO_2 were stronger than the other TiO_2 and had red shift .

  28. 我们根据价轨道电子密度图解释了NO吸附后振动频率红移的原因,这个解释完全不同于传统认为的3d对2π的反馈键理论。

    According to the electron density figures of valence orbital , we gave an explanation of the variation of vibration frequencies , much different from that traditional which is mainly 3d-2 feedback theory .

  29. 稀土Gd的掺杂使纳米ZnO出现不同程度的红移,样品禁带宽度缩小,利于吸收较长波长的光进行光催化。

    Gd doped Nano-ZnO powed have varying degrees of redshift , sample band width are narrow , which absorbs longer wavelength light in photocatalytic .

  30. UV/Vis研究发现复合后材料的吸收光谱响应范围得到拓宽,复合材料的光敏曲线相对于吸收光谱发生了明显的红移;

    F-Azo / TiOPc composites exhibited broadened absorption range and red-shift in term of photosensitivity when compared to their UV / Vis spectra .