
cè dì xiàn
  • geodesic;geodesic line;geodesic curve
测地线[cè dì xiàn]
  1. zier曲线,分别得到了一个可展曲面,使这条C-B?zier曲线为该可展曲面的曲率线和测地线。

    Two classes of developable surfaces with any C-B é zier curve as curvature curve and geodesic curve respectively are constructed .

  2. 对于一条空间曲线Г,求曲面∑,使Г为其曲率线或渐近曲线或测地线的问题,在所见的微分几何书中都未曾提及,本文就此略作讨论。

    As a curve in space , this paper discusses briefly that the curve becomes a curve of curvature , asymptote or a geodesic curve of a surface .

  3. 基于levelset方法的点采样曲面测地线计算及区域分解

    Geodesic Path Computation and Region Decomposition of Point-Based Surface Based on Level Set Method

  4. 压力容器封头非测地线缠绕的CAD

    A CAD program for non-geodesic winding on the mandrels of the pressure vessel

  5. 本文研究了次黎曼流形(M,D,g)上的测地线,这里M(?)

    In this paper we study the geodesics in sub-Riemannian manifold ( M , D , g ) , where M (?)

  6. (Ω,A_(ab))场论中测地线的进动

    Geodesic Precession in the (Ω, A_ ( ab )) - Field Theory

  7. 然后,本文介绍了机翼实现稳定FW的平衡条件,机翼中间段采用测地线FW,缠绕角为定值αn;

    Secondly , the paper introduces the balanceable condition of airfoil steady FW .

  8. CM天体引力场中试验粒子测地线方程的后牛顿算法

    Using the Post-Newtonian approximation method to calculate the geodesic equations of a test particle in the gravitational field of a CM celestial body

  9. 对定向图D中的任意两点u,v,称连接点u,v的最短有向路为u&v测地线。

    For any two vertices u and v in oriented graph D , a u - v geodesic is a shortest directed path from u to v.

  10. FRP球容器扩(缩)孔非测地线FW运动分析

    Motile Analyse for Non - Geodesic FW on FRP Ball Container when Expand ( Contract ) Hole

  11. 具非负Ricci曲率流形上的无共轭点测地线

    The Geodesics without Conjugate Points on the Manifold with Nonnegative Ricci Curvature

  12. Finsler流形中测地线与全测地子流形的几个性质

    On some properties of geodesic and totally geodesic submanifold in Finsler manifold

  13. 基于Dijkstra距离剪枝的测地线求解算法

    Dijkstra-based Pruning Geodesic Algorithm

  14. 轴对称外部磁场下整体正规Schwarzschild黑洞时空中的测地线运动

    Geodesic motions in globally regular space-time of Schwarzschild black hole the presence of external axial magnetic field

  15. 第一章综述了NURBS曲面的发展历程,由此引申出测地线和曲率线计算的必要性。

    The opening chapter gives a general overview of history of the development of the NURBS surface , awaken to the necessity of compute on geodesic and curvature lines of surface .

  16. 利用沿测地线的N-Jacobi场和指标形式,得到了具非负曲率完备Riemann流形中的测地子流形为无焦点的充要条件。

    By using N Jacobi field along geodesic and index form , we get a necessary and sufficient condition about a geodesic submanifold without focal points in a complete Riemann manifold with nonnegative sectional curvature .

  17. Roe代数起源于非紧流形上的指标理论,是反映度量空间粗结构的一类具体的C~-代数。某类单连通紧流形上的闭测地线的多重性(英文)

    Roe algebras'arose from the index theory on noncompact complete Rieman-nian manifolds , and is a class of concrete C-algebras associated to the coarse structure of metric spaces .

  18. 研究测地线活动轮廓(GAC)模型,推广的GAC模型和改进的GAC变分水平集方法,利用曲线演化水平集方法实现图像分割。

    The Geodesic Active Contour ( GAC ) model , the promotion GAC model and the improved GAC model were systematically studied in this paper . Image segmentation was realized by the level set method . 4 .

  19. 在诸多改进的数学模型中,选取了Caselles等人的几何活动轮廓模型和测地线活动轮廓模型作为我们进一步研究的对象。

    We selected the geometric and geodesic active contour model of Caselles as our researching objects in next steps .

  20. 首先根据人脸的特征点,定义了一套五官分割模板;然后利用MMP算法求得测地线;最后采用活跃点移动切割三角网算法按照测地线路径进行分割。

    According facial feature points , define a set of facial segmentation templates based on features points . Use MMP algorithm to obtain geodesic , then according to the geodesic path , use the active point moves cutting triangulation algorithm to divide triangular mesh .

  21. 在NUT-taub-like(NT-like)时空性质和测地线性质的基础上,研究矢量沿闭合圆形轨道的平移变换。

    Based on the properties of spacetime and geodesic for the NUT-taub-like ( NT-like ) metric , the parallel transport of vectors around closed circular orbit is studied in this paper .

  22. 本文在回顾稳态轴对称真空场方程,即Ernst方程及其解的生成技术基础上,从最近得到的NUT-Taub-like(NT-like)解出发,对这个度规的时空的性质和测地线性质进行了研究。

    Based on reviewing vacuum field equation which is stationary and axisymmetric , i.e. , the Ernst equation , and the generating technique of solutions , some spacetime properties and geodesics properties are studied by using the NUT-Taub-like ( NT-like ) solution obtained recently .

  23. 测地线缠绕90°弯管的运动方程

    Kinematic equations of geodesic winding on a 90 ° elbow pipe

  24. 提出一种快速求解测地线的算法。

    A new algorithm to calculate geodesic curve quickly is presented .

  25. 由此证明,在误差允许的范围内,本课题的基于测地线的轨迹规划方法是正确的。

    So the geodesic based trajectory planning method is absolutely right .

  26. 1728年,奥伊勒绘出了曲面上测地线的微方程。

    In 1728 Euler gave differential equations for geodesics on surfaces .

  27. 双曲空间中三种模型的测地线研究

    The study of geodesic of three patterns in hyperbolic space

  28. 回转表面上非测地线缠绕的计算方法

    Calculating method for non-geodesic winding on a surface of revolution

  29. 旋转面计算机辅助缠绕设计中的拟测地线算法

    An quasi-geodesic algorithm in computer aided filament winding design on revolutional surface

  30. 辅以区域力量的梯度矢量流测地线活动轮廓模型

    Gradient Vector Flow Geodesic Active Contour Model Aided Region Force