
hóng jù xīng
  • red giant star
红巨星[hóng jù xīng]
  1. 在同一期《科学》杂志的另外一篇论文中,另外一个研究小组报道:他们利用开普勒数据发现了一个三星系统,其中包括一颗红巨星和两颗红矮星。

    In another paper in the same issue , a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars , which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs .

  2. 用Monte-Carlo方法模拟红巨星轨道根数分布

    Monte Carlo simulation to the distribution of orbital elements G , K stars

  3. 用双星技术(Binary-technique)的谱线分析方法来测定双星系统中的红巨星或红超巨星的星风物质损失率是目前最为精确的。

    The binary-technique is the line profile analysis method which is the most accurate one being applied in a ζ Aur / VV Cep binary system to detect the mass-loss-rates of the stellar wind of the red-giant or of the red-super-giants .

  4. 谱线分析法测定ζAur型系统的红巨星星风物质损失

    The Line Analysis Technique Apply to Determinations of Wind Mass-loss-rates of ζ Aur Type Systems

  5. 红巨星是Ba星的前身星,研究红巨星的轨道根数的分布规律对研究双星系统的演化有非常重要的作用。

    The Red Giant Branch ( G , K stars ) is the pre stars of Ba stars , it is of significance to studying the evolution of binary system for the distribution of orbital elements of G , K stars .

  6. 利用二体问题的中心体变质量的Jeans理论估计了太阳目前在主序阶段和将来后主序(红巨星)阶段由于上述两种机制造成的质量损失对地球轨道改变的长期效应。

    The influences of solar mass-loss on the change rate of the semi-major axis and the orbital period of the earth could be happened while the Sun stays on the main-sequence and evolves as a red giant on the post-main sequence .

  7. ζAur双星系统是一类特殊双星系统,由一颗晚型红巨星和一颗早型热星组成。红巨星有强大的星风物质损失,并在双星系统外部形成一向外膨胀的气壳;

    The ζ Aur-type binary system consists of a hot early type star and a late type red giant or rad supergiant with strong stellar wind , which forms an expanding gas shell surrounding the binary system .

  8. 结果表明,对于7M⊙恒星,在红巨星及AGB阶段,湍流压可以达到总压强的30%,并且对恒星的结构产生重要影响,对于2.8M⊙恒星,在红巨星及AGB阶段影响较小。

    The results show that the turbulent pressure can be 30 percent of the total pressure in the regions closed to the surface of an AGB star with 7M ⊙ and has an important influence on the inner structure and evolution .

  9. 自转效应通过自转角速度和自转角速度的变化对恒星在主序星前期和红巨星后期的影响较大,而湍流压在AGB星阶段的影响较大。

    Rotation effect has the great influence on star in the former stage of main sequence and in the latter stage of Red Giant through the angular velocity and the change of rotational angular velocity ; turbulent pressure in the stage of AGB star . ( 3 ) .

  10. 太阳将膨胀为一颗红巨星。

    The sun will swell into a red giant .

  11. 这张图片展示的就是红巨星。

    This picture shows the sample of red giant .

  12. 杜鹃座的主要构成成员,红巨星,在这个图中特别的清晰可见。

    Its population of red giant stars are particularly easy to see in this picture .

  13. 一旦变成红巨星的时候,太阳将会膨胀并吞没内围的行星,也许包括地球在内。

    When it does , the sun will expand to engulf the inner planets and possibly Earth .

  14. 但是,像太阳这样的恒星,核心的核燃料耗尽时,就会发生膨胀,成为胀大的红巨星。

    But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted .

  15. 这些主要臂上有最大密度的年幼明亮恒星和较老的红巨星。

    These major arms have the greatest densities of both young , bright stars and older , so-called red-giant stars .

  16. 似乎至少有几十颗或许有几百颗红巨星和超新星有份参与了元始太阳系星云的形成。

    Dozens , if not hundreds , of red giants and supernovas seem to have contributed to the primitive solar nebula .

  17. 在历经主序星、红巨星和白矮星或中子星后演化为致密星体而结束一生。

    During the radiation stars will develop in turn into main sequence stars , red giants , white dwarfs or neutron stars , etc.

  18. 当像我们太阳一样的星用完它内核中的燃料的时候它开始膨胀成为一颗红巨星。

    As a star like our sun is running out of fuel in its core it begins to bloat into a red giant .

  19. 首先,它非常非常老了它经历过红巨星阶段,这一阶段的恒星会急剧膨胀,吞噬在临近轨道运行的行星。

    First , it 's really old past the Red Giant phase , when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .

  20. 当核燃烧向外进行到核心周边壳层的新物质时,恒星会膨胀成所谓的红巨星。

    As the nuclear burning moves outward to the fresh material in a shell surrounding the core , the star bloats into a so-called red giant .

  21. 首先,它太老了——甚至已经经过了红巨星阶段,红巨星阶段的恒星体积会迅速膨胀,并吞没近轨道的行星。

    First , it 's really old - past the Red Giant phase , when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .

  22. 原恒星的条件更加类似于红巨星的情形,红巨星体积的大部分都卷入剧烈的对流中。

    The conditions in a protostar resemble far more closely in situation in red giants , most of whose volume is caught up in stormy convection .

  23. 但当太阳在40亿年后变成红巨星并将地球吞噬时,你和克莱德将会成为唯一逃出去的人类。所以,你死而无憾了。

    But when the Sun becomes a red giant in four billion years and consumes the Earth , you and Clyde would be the only ones to escape .

  24. 之后,据推测太阳会成变成一颗红巨星,因为到那时候现在构成太阳的氢气燃烧殆尽,太阳转而燃烧氦气。此时,地球的大气层和水也汽化的一干二净,无法居住。

    After that it is expected to become a red giant , as the hydrogen that presently comprises it is exhausted and the sun switches to burning helium instead .

  25. 由于钡星系统是由普通红巨星双星系统演化而来,因此钡星系统的轨道偏心率及周期的分布显示了经过质量吸积后双星系统的最终轨道特征。

    As Ba star systems are evolved from G-K star systems , the distribution of orbital eccentricities and periods of Ba stars can show the final orbital character of binaries .

  26. 人们认为碳化硅来自红巨星,它们是老年期恒星膨胀形成的,寿命已经不长了。

    The silicon carbide is thought to have come from red giants . These are stars that have swelled up in old age and are nearing the ends of their lives .

  27. 共生星双星是一颗有强大星风物质损失的红巨星与一颗早型热星组成的特殊双星系统。

    The symbiotic binary is a special system , consisting of a hot early type star and a cool late type supergiant with strong stellar wind , which forms an expanding envelope .

  28. 唯一的问题是红巨星阶段仅能持续几亿年-无法与地球早期生命形成时的数十亿年时间相比。

    The only problem is that the red giant phase will only last a few hundred million years - not long compared to the billions of years that life on Earth has been evolving .

  29. 它已经变成了天文学家所谓的‘亚巨星’,也就是说成为已经耗尽了核心中氢燃料的恒星,并且正在变成红巨星。

    It has become what astronomers call a subgiant , or a star that has exhausted all of its hydrogen fuel in the core and is on its way to becoming a red giant .

  30. 由于同一星群的所有恒星的星龄大致一样,根据(该星群)的大部分恒星已经进入红巨星阶段的恒星,从而估计出星群的星龄,和因此而推算出该成员的星龄。

    Since all the stars in a cluster are roughly the same age it is possible , by looking at the masses of stars that have made it to the red giant stage , to calculate the age of the cluster and , consequently , of all its members .