
  • 网络Macropus rufus;the Red Kangaroo
  1. 9岁的红袋鼠罗杰也出奇的强壮。

    Nine-year-old Roger the red kangaroo is also oddly muscular .

  2. 红袋鼠是体型最大的。

    The Red Kangaroo is the largest .

  3. 这只长颈鹿将会同六月被发现的那只强壮的红袋鼠,罗杰,一起加入奇异健硕的生物名单中。而名单中动物数量还在增长。

    The giraffe will join Roger the beefy red kangaroo , spotted in June , on the growing list of oddly muscular creatures .

  4. 有些袋鼠,比如一些树袋鼠,也是我最喜欢的那种,现在正濒临灭绝;但另外一些种类,比如红袋鼠和灰袋鼠,现在因繁殖过多而被当成祸害。

    Some , such as several tree kangaroos , my particular favourite , are threatened with survival , but others , like the grey and red kangaroos , have flourished and are now considered to be pests .