
tǐ cāo yùn dònɡ yuán
  • gymnast
  1. 体操运动员在平衡木上表演得优美自如。

    The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace .

  2. 有趣的是,当时体操运动员必须年满14岁才能参赛,但后来年龄限制提高到16岁。

    Interestingly , back then , a gymnast had to be 14 to participate but later the age limit went up to 16 years .

  3. 我不得不为这些体操运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。

    I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts .

  4. 体操运动员的高超技艺令人赞叹。

    People gasped with admiration at the superb skill of the gymnasts .

  5. 她是最优秀的体操运动员,无人能胜过她。

    No one could challenge her supremacy in gymnastics .

  6. 已退役的罗马尼亚体操运动员纳迪亚·科马内奇,曾五次获得奥运金牌,她也是赢得这一殊荣的最年轻运动员之一。

    Nadia Comaneci is from Romania and is a five time Olympic gold medallist .

  7. 为什么体操运动员在每次比赛前要在手上抹白色粉末?

    Why do gymnasts rub that white powder on their hands before a routine ?

  8. 1976年,她成为第一个获得满分10分的体操运动员。

    She is a retired medal . In 1976 , she became the first gymnast to receive a perfect score of 10 .

  9. 哇!这名中国体操运动员取得了完美的成绩。我们早就说过她是后无来者!

    Wow , that 's a perfect score by the Chinese gymnast2 – we said she would be a hard act to follow !

  10. MRI评价体操运动员下肢骨关节损伤

    MRI evaluation for lower extremities sports injuries of gymnastic athletes

  11. 这28个姑娘(当然都是体操运动员)同时塞进了一辆MiniCooper车里。

    These 28 women ( all gymnasts , naturally ) crammed themselves into a Mini Cooper .

  12. 并非巧合的是,格林在ThomasCook的高管团队中有一个马拉松选手、一个三项全能运动员和一个前体操运动员。

    It is no coincidence that Ms Green has filled her top team at Thomas Cook with a marathon runner , a triathlete and a former gymnast .

  13. 利用VISUALFOXPRO6.0作为主开发工具,对《优秀艺术体操运动员的科学选材评价标准》进行了计算机评价系统的研制。

    Using Visual FoxPro 6.0 as main tool , a computer evaluation system on scientific talent identification of Chinese elite athletes in rhythmic gymnastics is carried out . The system could handle huge calculation work in scientific talent identification .

  14. 以李宁(LiNing)为例,这家中国体操运动员创立的运动服装品牌正进军高端市场,挑战耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等公司的在华业务。

    Take Li Ning , for example , the Chinese gymnast whose sportswear brand is going upmarket to challenge the likes of Nike and Adidas in China .

  15. 其中一条广告展现了体操运动员NadiaComaneci获得满分10分的英姿。

    One shows Nadia Comaneci , a gymnast , scoring a perfect 10 .

  16. 用双标水方法测定了12名6~8岁体操运动员(男女各6名)的总能量消耗(TEE)。

    The total energy expenditure ( TEE ) was first measured by doubly labelled water ( DLW ) method in twelve elite young gymnasts ( 6 8 years old , 6 boys and 6 girls ) .

  17. NadiaComaneci是第一个在奥运会上获得满分十分的体操运动员(1976蒙特利尔奥运会)。

    Gymnast Nadia Comaneci was the first gymnast to score a perfect ten in Olympic competition ( 1976 Montreal Olympic Games ) .

  18. 浅谈少儿艺术体操运动员表现力的培养

    Discussion on Cultivating of Girls Dance Show Ability in Rhythmic Gym

  19. 那位体操运动员是本届吊环冠军。

    That gymnast is the present champion of the swinging rings .

  20. 我国部分少年艺术体操运动员早期舞蹈基本功的训练

    Earlier basic dance training of some junior artistic gymnasts in China

  21. 我国竞技体操运动员文化素质与社会适应性的研究

    Research on Cultural Qualities and Social Adaptability of Chinese Competitive Gymnasts

  22. 优秀体操运动员比赛心理稳定性的调控方法

    Regulation and control method of elite gymnast 's competition psychological stability

  23. 但是知道他们确实是很棒的体操运动员。

    But I do know that they 've really good gymnasts .

  24. 来自东欧的体操运动员将要参加此次的锦标赛。

    Gymnasts from Eastern Europe will compete in the cup event .

  25. 少儿体操运动员专项训练中的生理负荷和能量消耗

    Physiological Load and Energy Expenditure in Specialized Training for Junior Gymnasts

  26. 女子体操运动员控体重时的营养与体成分研究

    The Nutrition and Body Composition of Women Gymnasts During Weight Control

  27. 幼儿女子体操运动员心理指标的判别分析

    The Discriminative Analysis of Psychological Parameters for the Infant Female Gymnasts

  28. 初探世界优秀体操运动员的体重范围

    A Preliminary Study on tht Weight Range of World Elite Gymnasts

  29. 世界优秀女子体操运动员跳马动作生物力学分析模式

    Biomechanical Analytic Mode of Vaulting Horse of World 's Women Gymnasts

  30. 优秀体操运动员下肢力量素质特点研究

    Study on the characteristics of the shank strength of Elite Gymnasts