
  • 网络Physical Education;physical education teaching
  1. 新课程理念下高中体育教学模式优化组合研究

    Optimized Combination Study on Teaching Model of Physical Education Uder the New Curricula

  2. 高校体育教学思想的思考

    Thought on the College Physical Education Teaching Methodology

  3. 运用Flash软件创作体育教学多媒体素材

    Application of Flash software to create the physical teaching multimedia material

  4. 不同体育教学模式对BMI指数异常学生的干预实验

    Different Sports Courses Teaching Pattern Experiment to Abnormal BMI Exponent Student Studies

  5. 体育教学与EQ培养

    P.E Teaching and EQ Development

  6. 体育教学内容、方法和手段单一。

    Physical education content , methods and means of the single .

  7. 构建体育教学模式的方法与实践操作;

    Constructs the P.E. teaching mode step and the practice operation ;

  8. 羽毛球在高校体育教学中深受广大学生的喜爱。

    Badminton in university sports teaching deeply general student 's affection .

  9. 体育教学中多媒体的课件设计与运用

    The Design and Apply of Multimedia Teaching Software in Physical Education

  10. 体育教学中如何加强自主锻炼能力的培养

    How To Strengthen The Independent Exercise Ability In The P.E. Teaching

  11. 体育教学方法与内容改革探讨

    A Discussion on the Reform in PE Teaching Methods and Contents

  12. 高校体育教学观念的转变

    On the change of the teaching idea of college physical education

  13. 高等职业院校体育教学体系主体模式研究

    The Principle Mode of Physical Education System in High Technical College

  14. 体育教学观念的更新与体育课程改革

    Innovation of physical education teaching idea and physical education curriculum reform

  15. 面向21世纪谈高校体育教学内容改革

    Teaching Reforms of Physical Training at Universities in the 21st Century

  16. 以录像科技探讨及分析反馈在体育教学中的应用

    Analysis on Application of feedback in physical education with visual technology

  17. 开封市农村中小学体育教学有关问题的研究

    A Study on Kaifeng Rural Middle and Primary School Physical Education

  18. 体育教学俱乐部在教学组织与管理上形成了三个自主、两个结合、一个打破的体育教育新格局;

    And set a new pattern in teaching organization and management .

  19. 健康教育与学校体育教学观念的变革

    The Concept Renovation of Health Education and P · E ·

  20. 体育教学模式的结构、类型及应用条件

    P.E. Teaching Mode Structure , Types and Their Applied Condition

  21. 体育教学中关于倾向性目标定向的研究

    On the Theory of Dispositional Goal Orientation in PE Teaching

  22. 体育教学中合作学习对大学生体育学习合作意愿与行为的影响研究

    Effect on Cooperative Ideas and Behaviors under the Background of Cooperative learning

  23. 体育教学中学生自我价值感的培养策略研究

    Study about Tactics of Student 's Self-worth Cultivating in PE . Teaching

  24. 体育教学模式的基本理论分析与研究

    The Basic Theoretical Analysis And Research on Physical Education Mode

  25. 体育教学中思想政治教育的方法研究

    Study of the Methods of Ideological and Political Education in Sports Teaching

  26. 高校体育教学中德育教育初探

    Pilot Studies On Moral Education In Sports Teaching In Colleges And Universities

  27. 关于素质教育与体育教学隐性价值

    Study on the Quality Education and the Hiding Value of PE Teaching

  28. 高校体育教学与训练方法初探

    A Tentative Study of Physical Education and Training at College

  29. 南阳市中学体育教学现状与改革对策研究

    Study on Nanyang Middle School Sports Teaching Present Situation and Reform Countermeasure

  30. 现代体育教学中学生个性心理品质的培养

    On Fostering the Students ' Personality in Modern Sports Teaching