首页 / 词典 / good


tǐ mian
  • respectable;dignity;face;honourable;decency;propriety;good-looking
体面 [tǐ miàn]
  • (1) [face;dignity]∶体统;身分

  • 有失体面

  • (2) [honourable;respectable]∶光彩荣耀

  • 体面的事

  • 体面的外表

  • (3) [good-looking]∶[相貌和样子] 好看;美丽

  • 长得体面

体面[tǐ mian]
  1. 她绝不会做任何有失体面的事情。

    She would never do anything beneath her dignity .

  2. 他的体面威风扫地以尽。

    Every bit of his dignity and prestige was swept into the dust .

  3. 他觉得为自己以前的雇员工作有失体面。

    He found it demeaning to work for his former employee .

  4. 他获准体面退伍。

    He received an honourable discharge from the army .

  5. 他犯了一个错误,他的事业就很不体面地结束了。

    He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end .

  6. 去把自己弄得体面点儿。

    Go and make yourself look respectable .

  7. 过去的那位摇滚狂人已经改变形象,成了一位体面的爱家的男人。

    The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man .

  8. 他在描述镇上体面人家时满是贬抑之词。

    He depicted the town 's respectable families in an unflattering light

  9. 他认为唯一体面的行为就只有一死。

    He argued that the only honorable course of action was death

  10. 他总是会出现在一些体面的地方。

    He was always to be seen in the right places

  11. 那些参与者的所作所为有失大学生的体面。

    Those involved had performed acts unbecoming of university students .

  12. 他在继任者被任命后体面地引退了。

    He had bowed out gracefully when his successor had been appointed .

  13. 我去布鲁克斯兄弟专卖店给自己买了一件体面的衬衫。

    I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt .

  14. 我终于可以穿上体面的衣服了!

    At last I have something respectable to wear !

  15. 所有这些当众宣泄都是很失体面的。

    All this public outpouring is so undignified .

  16. 他超级整洁的形象使其新设的专业骗局看起来很正规很体面。

    His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up .

  17. 他们建议她为了政党的利益体面地下台。

    They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party .

  18. 我们会继续努力,争取使我们的成员过上体面的生活。

    We 'll continue to fight for a decent standard of living for our members .

  19. 他会有个体面的葬礼。

    He can have a decent burial .

  20. 他思想传统,在别人面前仍然讲究体面。

    He is one of the old school who still believes in honour in public life .

  21. 他开始了会计师的职业生涯,一份典型的体面而保守的工作。

    He began his professional life as an accountant , the very model of respectability and conservatism .

  22. 这是一家非常体面的“老式”旅馆,坐落在离皮卡迪利广场不远的地方。

    It was a highly respectable and what was called an ' old-fashioned ' hotel situated not far from Piccadilly .

  23. 我希望设法找到一个体面的办法以摆脱困境。

    I hope to find an honourable way of settling difficulties .

  24. 他似乎不想去那儿,再加他的衣服也不够体面。

    He seemed to have no desire to go there ; besides , his clothes were not good enough .

  25. 他所说的是个很不体面的笑话。

    What he said was a joke in very bad taste .

  26. 你要出去的话,得穿体面一些。

    You 're not going out unless you 're decently dressed .

  27. 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。

    He is a pleasant fellow , and would jilt you creditably .

  28. 从他们的角度看来,其中不体面的地方很多。

    Viewed with their eyes , there are many ugly points about it .

  29. 他文质彬彬、谦恭有礼、正直体面。

    He was urbane , courtly and honorable .

  30. 在咱们的大教堂里,至少要有一种体面的,神圣的,朴实的早礼拜式。

    We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent , godly , modest morning service .