
  1. 何士友不愿透露具体的并购目标,并补充说,任何交易都需是互补性的。

    He declined to name specific targets and added that any deal would need to be complementary .

  2. 何士友说:中兴最早将于明年一季度发布可穿戴智能手表。

    ZTE wearable smart watches will be launched as early as the first quarter , said Mr He .

  3. 何士友表示,中兴在考虑通过企业并购来扩大在智能手机市场的份额。他认为,该市场竞争很激烈。

    Mr He said ZTE was considering making corporate acquisitions or mergers to grow market share in a smartphone market that he described as fiercely competitive .

  4. 何士友表示,中兴在考虑通过企业并购来扩大在智能手机市场的份额。他认为,该市场“竞争很激烈”。

    Mr He said ZTE was considering making corporate acquisitions or mergers to grow market share in a smartphone market that he described as " fiercely competitive . "