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  • 网络What to ask for;States and Canada
  1. 有此主人,夫复何求?AdrienneEllery的花猫Tom逐渐老了。

    Adrienne Ellery 's tabby cat Tom has been getting on in years .

  2. 不知我者谓我何求。

    I am a mystery to he who knows me not .

  3. 有如此珍贵和自然的表现,夫复何求呢?

    We couldn 't ask for a more precious and natural expression .

  4. 人生格言:知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。

    " I know who my sorrow ," what I ask me .

  5. 人生在世能够这样夫复何求!

    What do I ask for other in such a good life ?

  6. 您是夫复何求最可爱最贴心的朋友。

    You are the most loving and caring person any friend could ever have .

  7. 他们还带来让你随之舞蹈、让你欢笑的音乐,那么,你还有何求?

    Then you get music that makes you dance and smile . What else is needed ?

  8. 有了魅力难以抗拒的角色、幽默的笑点和叹为观止的动作场面,您夫复何求?

    With irresistible characters , great humor , and amazing action scenes , what else could you ask for ?

  9. 知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。(诗经·王风·黍离)

    The one who know I , call my heart sorrow , don 't know me , calling me beg .

  10. 我想,有上帝与他们同在已经足矣,此外尚需何求?

    I think that it is enough if they have god on their side , without waiting for the other one .

  11. 时间飞逝,当时想着假如能让自己编程一生又有何求呢?

    Time is fleet , if can you let lifetime of him process designing have again , thinking at that time why be begged ?

  12. 洁明皓月逢佳期,挚手共享两相依,爱深情浓甜似蜜,翱之清风何求兮。

    Sijie Haoyue every night , Zhi shared two hands linked , love passionately concentrated sweet like honey , the Ao Qingfengdian things come .

  13. 他从十四岁漂洋过海做苦工,三十七年来离妻别子生涯,一生何求?

    He had first become an overseas worker at the age of fourteen and he had been separated from his wife and son for thirty-seven years .

  14. 我感到多么的幸运,拥有深深爱着的我并且一路支持我的妻子,克莱伦达,以及四个可爱的孩子。有你们相伴,我复何求。

    I am one blessed man to have the love and never ending support of my wife CleRenda and the best 4 kids a man can ask for .

  15. 我想谢谢我的朋友,我过去四年的搭档。美国的快乐战士,乔拜登能有他做副总统,夫复何求。

    I want to thank my friend and partner of the last four years , America 's happy warrior , the best vice president anybody could ever hope for , Joe Biden .

  16. 如果我现在做的事是一个有理智的人的工作,一个合社会的人的工作,一个处在与神同样的法之下的人的工作,那么我还更有何求呢?

    What more do I seek , if what I am now doing is work of an intelligent living being , and a social being , and one who is under the same law with God ?

  17. 与你一起坐在冬日午后的阳光下,为你端上一杯热腾腾的绿茶,与你爱的人一起变老,有此人生,夫复何求?

    Sitting in the sun with you on winter afternoons , serving you a cup of steaming hot green tea , growing old together with the person you love , is there anything happier than that ?