
  • 网络Warburg
  1. 瑞银华宝现在寄希望于“前瞻”市场,它会在5月启动,那时广告主们为九月份开始的新季度预订广告栏目,预计比去年增长4%。

    UBS Warburg now expects the " upfront " market , which starts in May when advertisers book advance ad spots on the TV networks for the new season in September , to be up4 % on last year .

  2. 华宝空调器厂CIMS生产组织的总体结构与实现

    Architecture and Implementation for production system in Hb CIMS

  3. 和巴克莱银行(Barclays)愿望颇为强烈,华宝银行是一家商业银行,领导着在伦敦以离岸美元为结算单位的欧洲债券市场。

    G.Warburg , a merchant bank that had pioneered London 's eurobond market based on offshore dollars in the early1960s , plunged into the fray .

  4. 不过,这种模式并没有削弱华宝、广达和纬创这三家戴尔主要ODM供应商发挥的作用。

    This does not diminish , however , the role played by Compal , Quanta and Wistron , Dell 's principal ODM suppliers .

  5. 尼尔•弗格森(NiallFerguson)为创建了华宝银行(S.G.Warburg&Co)的西格蒙德•瓦尔堡(SiegmundWarburg)撰写的传记《大金融家》(HighFinancier)生动地阐述了美国银行业如何发展成今天的样子。

    High Financier , NiallFerguson 's biography of Siegmund Warburg , founder of the eponymous bank , delivers fascinating insights into why the US banking sector looks like it doestoday .

  6. 车载式华宝(HB)型轮轨润滑装置及其相匹配的JH1型轮轨润滑脂,已经在全路9000多台内燃、电力机车上安装使用。

    The HB type on board wheel / rail lubricating device and its corresponding JH-1 wheel / rail lubricant grease have been used on more than 9 000 units of diesel and electric locomotives .

  7. 黑客组织匿名(Anonymous)旗下的一个部门利用一份研究报告,对中国烟用香精供应商华宝国际(HuabaoInternational)及其亿万富翁女主席发起攻击,随后华宝国际的股票停牌。

    Huabao International , a Chinese tobacco flavouring supplier , suspended trading of its shares after an offshoot of Anonymous , the hacker group , used a research report to attack the business and its billionaire chairwoman .

  8. 华宝皮具厂愿与你一起共创辉煌!

    Valub is willing to work together with you to create brilliant !

  9. 接着以严密的结构方式分析了华宝集团所处的宏观环境、行业环境和内部条件;

    Secondly , the macroscopical'and field circumstances and internal conditions are analyzed .

  10. 华宝集团营销战略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Research for Huabao Group

  11. 公司拥有先进的德国华宝电脑商标织机、剪折机、过浆机和印唛机;

    Our Company owns advanced VAUPEL computer label machine , shearing machine , paste machine & printing machine .

  12. 华宝拒绝置评匿名的指控,但表示将在适当的时候发布详尽的声明予以回应。

    Huabao declined to comment on Anonymous ' allegations , but said it would release a detailed response in due course .

  13. “质量至上、信誉第一、诚信协作、互惠互利”是华宝箱包坚持不变的商业原则。

    " Quality comes first , the first credibility , integrity collaboration , and mutual benefit " is the unchanging principles that Valub upholds .

  14. 我国最早发行的行业基金是华宝兴业基金管理公司的康宝消费品行业基金,成立于2003年7月。

    The first issue of Fortune SG Fund Management Co. Ltd of consumer goods industries Kang Bo fund , established in July , 2003 .

  15. 从理论上阐明孵化水质的离子比例平衡直接影响孵化率和苗种成活率,试验结果表明,广州华宝珍稀水产养殖有限公司养殖场调节水和水库水适合孵化,孵化率分别为53.3%和46.7%;

    The results showed that the balance of ion ratio directly affected the hatching rate and survival rate of the hatched out larvae . The adjusted water with ion and reservoir water was suitable for hatching and the hatching rate got to 53.3 % and 46.7 % respectively .