
fó dé jiǎo
  • Cape Verde
佛得角[fó dé jiǎo]
  1. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的报告,2010年,哈萨克斯坦、卢旺达、秘鲁、越南、佛得角、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚属于为改善商业环境做得最好的经济体。

    In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .

  2. 根据国际货币基金组织(imf)的数据,2008年,中国的排名位于佛得角和亚美尼亚之后,仅在伊拉克和刚果共和国之前。

    According to the International Monetary Fund , China ranked behind Cape Verde and Armenia in 2008 , and only just ahead of Iraq and the Republic of Congo .

  3. 11天后我们接近佛得角群岛。

    Eleven days later we came near the Cape Verde Islands .

  4. 几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党他也并非进不了佛罗伦萨的上层社会。

    He was not unlikely to get into the best Florentine society .

  5. 几内亚&比绍和佛得角非洲独立党

    African Party of Independence of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde

  6. 国家简况:圣多美和普林西比、几内亚比绍、佛得角。

    Country Profile : Sao Tome and Principe , Guinea-Bissau , Cape Verde .

  7. 从开普敦到佛得角,中国商人的影响正逐渐遍及非洲大陆。

    Chinese traders are making an impact from Cape Town to Cape Verde .

  8. 据估计,三分之二的高学历佛得角人都移民到了国外。

    By some estimates , two-thirds of highly educated Cape Verdeans live outside the country .

  9. 非洲的其他地方也开设了这种互联网中心,例如安哥拉,佛得角,肯尼亚,马拉维和马里。

    Other locations in Africa include Angola , Cape Verde , Kenya , Malawi and Mali .

  10. 名列第二的是塞舌尔,随后依次排列的是佛得角、博茨瓦纳和南非。

    Next came Seychelles , Cape Verde , Botswana and South Africa , in that order .

  11. 首先在佛得角群岛停留,然后继续行驶到巴西最东端。

    Made its first stop in the Cape Verde Islands and continued to the eastern tip of Brazil .

  12. 我也访问了一个人口很少的国家,叫佛得角。

    And I also visited a country with a very small size of population , called Cape Vede .

  13. 比格尔的第一站是佛得角群岛附近的一个非洲海岸。

    The Beagle 's first stop was one of the Cape Verde Islands near the coast of Africa .

  14. 甚至在五年之前,佛得角政府还因为坏收成而向国际社会请求援助。

    Even as recent as five years ago , the CapeVerdean government asked for international aid after a bad harvest .

  15. 萨尔岛是佛得角目前的主要旅游目的地,萨尔岛国际机场是佛得角最大的机场。

    Sal Island is currently the main tourist destination in Cape Verde as it has the largest international airport in the country .

  16. 世界银行最近指出,旅游业是佛得角经济发展中最有潜力的产业。

    The World Bank recently pointed to the tourism sector as being the one with most potential for development in Cape Verde .

  17. 贸易作为中国移民的主要活动,改变了佛得角全国的商业外貌,且为佛得角的弱势群体提供了更多的购买机会和就业机会。

    Trade as their main activity by which changed the national commercial profile , providing layer disadvantaged more purchasing power and increase employment .

  18. 本文是以30位佛得角普拉亚的中国移民为调查对象,根据其调查结果所撰写的。主要介绍了佛得角普拉亚市华人移民的生活状况。

    This study is about the Chinese immigrant in Cape Verde on the Praia City based on the investigation of 30 Chinese Immigrants .

  19. 比来,一个暴风雨系统在佛得角群岛西南几百米四周呈现,在非洲海岸四周。

    Currently , a storm system is a few hundred miles southwest of the Cape Verde Islands , which are off the coast of Africa .

  20. 曼联新签下的蒂亚戈曼努埃尔迪亚斯科雷亚的父母是佛得角人,这点与纳尼一样。

    Tiago Manuel Dias Correia , Manchester United 's latest signing , is the son of Cape Verdean parents , like his fellow Portuguese Nani .

  21. 教科文组织今天把国际扫盲奖授予佛得角、埃及、德国和尼泊尔的方案,把这些方案作为卓越和创新的典范。

    The International Literacy Prizes awarded by UNESCO today to programmes in Cape Verde , Egypt , Germany and Nepal are examples of excellence and innovation .

  22. 这个20世纪,佛得角都因为连年的干旱引发移民大潮。现在,住在国外的佛得角人比住在国内的还多。

    Waves of drought in Cape Verde prompted massive emigration throughout the20th century , to the point more CapeVerdeans now live outside the country than in it .

  23. 尽管佛得角的出口水平较低,在2005年第3季度出口增长50%,进口增长约10%。

    Cape Verde 's exports , despite their low level , increased by 50 % in the third quarter , while imports increased by almost 10 % .

  24. 根据俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫所说,该船只于昨晚在非洲海岸佛得角群岛附近被发现。

    According to the Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov , the ship was found last night near to the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa .

  25. 只有两个非洲国家&莱索托(55.7%)和佛得角(52.3%)实现了科研人员的性别平等。

    Only two African countries Lesotho ( 55.7 per cent ) and Cape Verde ( 52.3 per cent ) have achieved gender parity for science researchers . [ 2 ]

  26. 她在佛得角发表讲话时,包括将如何最好的对尼日尔本月举行的宪法公投进行回应。尼日尔总统欲改变宪法,以延长其在职时间。佛得角总理内维斯称,西非国家经济共同体将严格遵守宪法秩序,尊重法律准则。

    Cape Verde Prime Minister Jose Maria Pereira Neves says the Economic Community of West African States defends strict with constitutional order and respect for the rule of law .

  27. 10月26日,由世卫组织非洲区域办事处、国家间支持小组和达喀尔巴斯德研究所派遣的一个小组抵达佛得角协助调查疫情。

    On26 October a team from the WHO Regional Office for Africa , Intercountry Support Team and the Institute Pasteur Dakar arrived to support Cape Verde in investigating the outbreak .

  28. 在佛得角的峰会上,卢拉表示,巴西永远不可能还清非洲的债务&数百万出身于奴隶的巴西人祖先就是非洲。

    At the summit in Cape Verde , Lula said Brazil could never repay its historic debt to Africa-the ancestral home of millions of Brazilians who are descended from slaves .

  29. 模拟波多黎各和佛得角之间的磁场,这两地是海龟迁徙路线途经的两点,拥有同样的纬度但经度不同。

    And they replicated the magnetic fields of Puerto Rico and the Cape Verde Islands , two points along the turtles ' migration , with equal latitudes but different longitudes .

  30. 非洲的其他培训中心所在地区包括安哥拉,佛得角,肯尼亚,马拉维和马里,还包括卢旺达,塞内加尔,坦桑尼亚,毛里塔尼亚,乌干达和津巴布韦。

    Other locations in Africa include Angola , Cape Verde , Kenya , Malawi and Mali . They also include Rwanda , Senegal , Tanzania , Mauritania , Uganda and Zimbabwe .