
  • 网络Your Favorite Song
  1. 一旦你专注于你最爱的那首歌时,你肯定会不由自主地在开车、洗澡或者其他时候唱出来。

    Once you 're fixed on your favourite song , you 'll certainly want to sing it while driving or taking a shower , for example .

  2. 女孩,播放你的唱片,告诉我你最爱的歌。

    Girl , put your records on , tell me your favourite song .

  3. 下次你感到悔恨时,往打开你最爱的那首歌吧,随之夸奖起舞,就像没有来日诰日一样。

    The next time you feel down , go turn on your favorite song , and sing and dance along like there is no tomorrow .