
  1. 这里有谁爱我?你爱我吗?

    Who here loves me ? Huh ? You love me ?

  2. 问题一:“你爱我吗?”

    Question 1 : " Do you love me ? "

  3. 告诉我一件事:你爱我吗?

    Tell me one thing : Do you love me ?

  4. 布里安:你爱我吗,朱莉娅?

    Brian : Do you love me , Julia ?

  5. 你爱我吗?即使只有一次

    You loved me ? Even if only once

  6. 你爱我吗?你应该处理一下你爸爸的事情,

    Blair : Do you love me ? You should deal with your father .

  7. 你爱我吗爱

    Do you love me ? Yes .

  8. 主人:你爱我吗?

    Master : Do you love me ?

  9. 你爱我吗?

    Blair : Do you love me ?

  10. 你爱我吗,大哥?你会在敌人面前保护我吗?

    Paris : Do you love me , brother ? Will you protect me from any enemy ?

  11. 伯多禄因耶稣第三次问他说:「你爱我吗?」

    Peter was grieved , because he had said to him the third time : Lovest thou me ?

  12. 耶稣第二次又对他说:约翰的儿子西门,你爱我吗?

    He says to him again the second time , Simon , son of Jonas , love you me ?

  13. 彼得是悲痛,因为他曾经对他说的第三个时间:你爱我吗?

    Peter was grieved , because he had said to him the third time : Do you love me ?

  14. 你爱我吗?朱丽叶?你爱我吗?还是你不是一个谈情说爱的人。

    Do you love me , julia ? Do you love me ? Or are you not the loving kind ?

  15. 在福音书中记载的主与彼得的对话又一次重现&主说:“约翰的儿子西门,你爱我吗?”

    Once more there took place that dialogue with Peter reported in the Gospel of this Mass : " Simon , son of John , do you love me ?"

  16. 彼得因为耶稣第三次对他说:“你爱我吗”,就忧愁,对耶稣说:“主啊,你是无所不知的,你知道我爱你。”

    Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time , " do you love me ? " he said , " Lord , you know all things ; you know that I love you . "

  17. 当我的皮肤变得又老又松弛时,你还会爱我吗?

    Daisy : Would you still love me if I were old and saggy ?

  18. 如果我倒下了或者出局了,你还爱我吗?

    Would you love me if I was down and out ?

  19. 当我年老了,头发灰白了,你还爱我吗?

    Will you still love me when I 'm old and grey ?

  20. 我长青春痘。或是尿床,你还会爱我吗?

    Will you still love me when I have acne ?

  21. 快凋落的花瓣,对着春天说,你还会爱我吗。

    Fast litter petals , facing the spring that you still love me .

  22. 我脸松肉垮,你还会爱我吗?

    Will you still love me when my skin grows old and saggy ?

  23. 你还爱我吗

    Do you still love me at all ?

  24. 黛西:当我的皮肤老化松弛时你还会爱我吗?

    Daisy : Will you still love me when my skin grows old and saggy ?

  25. 简!他伤心地说,那么你不爱我吗?

    ' Jane ! 'he said sadly , 'you don 't love me , then ? '

  26. 你可以爱我吗,还是你已经不再相信爱情了?

    Sandy : Could you love me , or don 't you believe in that anymore ?

  27. 像我爱你一般爱我吗?

    Love as I love you ?

  28. 你能爱我吗?或者你已经不相信爱情了?

    Do you ? Could you love me . Or don 't you believe in that anymore ?

  29. 如果核爆炸,世界上只剩我一个男人,你会爱我吗?

    Chandler : All right , there 's a nuclear holocaust , I 'm the last man on Earth .

  30. 好吧,医生,我没话可说,最后告诉我一句,你,爱我吗?

    Well , doctor , I 've nothing to say any more , the last one , do you love me ?