
  • 网络early jurassic;Toarcian
  1. 沉积特征为侏罗纪早期快速充填,中期稳定沉降,晚期萎缩充填。

    The sedimentation is shown as rapid filling at the early Jurassic , stable subsidence at the middle Jurassic and shrinkage at the upper Jurassic .

  2. 民和盆地侏罗系为完整的断陷湖泊充填沉积序列,从侏罗纪早期到中晚期沉积范围逐渐扩大。

    A intact fault subsidence basins sedimentary sequence was formed in Jurassic in Minhe basin . Sedimentary area is gradually spread from early Jurassic to middle-late Jurassic .

  3. 中央构造带形成于三叠纪晚期至侏罗纪早期,表现为伸展构造特征,生长断层上盘地层厚度明显大于下盘,并于断层上盘所在的台北凹陷形成沉降中心。

    Fault on the Illegality The thickness of strata in hanging wall of growth fault is larger than that of footwall .

  4. 这种恐龙在侏罗纪早期漫步于南非草原上,它们以植物为主食,或以爪破坏白蚁墩。

    The dinosaur roamed the plains of South Africa during the early Jurassic period , feeding mainly on plants or breaking open termite mounds with its claws .

  5. 构造变形分析显示该区在三叠纪曾发生韧性变形,在侏罗纪早期产生韧&脆性变形;

    Analysis of tectonic deformation indicates that ductile deformation occurred in Triassic Period , ductile-brittle deformation occurred in Early Jurassic , while brittle deformation occurred after Jurassic Period .

  6. 莫阿布是另一个著名的门户城镇,公园就坐落在它的东边,占地40公顷,主题是早期侏罗纪至早期白垩纪犹他州的恐龙遗迹。

    The 40-acre grounds north of Moab , another popular gateway town , will focus on the tracks of Utah dinosaurs from the early Jurassic through the early Cretaceous periods .

  7. 侏罗纪或白垩纪早期欧洲巨大的食草性两足恐龙。

    Gigantic carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in Europe .

  8. 大庆外围盆地侏罗纪&早白垩世早期古气候研究

    A Study on Paleoclimate from Jurassic to Early Stage of Early Cretaceous in Peripheral Basins

  9. 沉积中心在侏罗纪和早白垩世早期皆偏于西北部,此后,向东南部迁移。

    Sedimentary center located in northwest in Jurassic and early Cretaceous , while transferred to southeast part later .