
  • 网络Conservative estimate
  1. 到目前为止,这笔账单保守估计为大约2.2万英镑。

    A conservative estimate of the bill , so far , is about £ 22,000

  2. 据保守估计,明年我们应该可盈利3000000美元。

    At a conservative estimate , we should make $ 3 million in the next year .

  3. 根据保守估计,今明两年,欧洲公共部门总赤字占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例将分别提高5个百分点左右。

    According to conservative estimates , the total public sector deficit in relation to gross domestic product will grow in Europe this year and next by about 5 percentage points .

  4. 房地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)表示,按照保守估计,中国保险公司对商业地产的潜在投资达到340亿美元。

    Conservative estimates put the amount of potential investment by Chinese insurers in commercial property at $ 34bn , according to real estate consultancy Jones Lang Lasalle .

  5. 即使对乘数效应给予保守估计,综合运用削减工资税、维持对失业工人的支持、加速基础设施维护等措施,可能会在未来一年半里使gdp增长提高2%。

    With even very conservative estimates of multiplier effects , a combination of continuing payroll tax cuts , maintaining support for unemployed workers and accelerating infrastructure maintenance could add closer to 2 per cent of GDP growth over the next year and a half .

  6. 保守估计,他们每年丢掉4双袜子。

    They lose four socks a year , conservatively .

  7. 然而,保留了初始时间,以对数字进行保守估计。

    However , the original times were kept , to keep the numbers conservative .

  8. 应该认识到这些表中的数值可能是保守估计值。

    It should be recognized that the values provided in the tables may be conservative .

  9. 保守估计,霸王龙的二头肌有430磅的曲力。

    The bicep alone and this is a conservative estimate could curl 430 pounds , Conrad says .

  10. 据保守估计,死于这场饥荒的人数不少于50万。

    It is conservatively estimated that not less than half a million people died in the famine .

  11. 即使是保守估计,这个行业在今后的三年中也将以每年翻翻的速度增长。

    Even by conservative estimates , the market size will double each year for the next three years .

  12. 据保守估计当今全世界有超过2700万人被奴役。

    A conservative estimate tells us there are more than 27 million people enslaved in the world today .

  13. 保守估计四分之一的报告纯属浪费时间,

    and it conservatively assumes that about a quarter of the presentations are a complete waste of time ,

  14. 根据保守估计,山寨机已占据我国三分之一的手机市场销售份额。

    According to a conservative estimate , emulational cell phones have had a one-third share of the domestic market .

  15. Newzoon对2017年的电子竞技收入预测,采用了人均3.2美元的保守估计。

    Newzoo 's current eSports revenue projections use a conservative $ 3.2 average revenue per fan figure for 2017 .

  16. 保守估计核电一回路管道用铸造双相不锈钢在预定的服役时间40年内是安全的。

    Casting duplex stainless steels for primary coolant loop in PWR is safe during the service life of 40 years .

  17. 城市每年从农村人力资本流出中获得的收益保守估计高达1.3万亿元,这是导致城乡收入差距扩大的原因之一。

    The urban can obtain benefits as high as 1,300 billion Yuan from the outflow of rural human capital each year .

  18. 保守估计,假如每个人每年在低效会议上花费15%的时间。

    Let 's say each one spends a very conservative 15 % of his or her time every year in unproductive meetings .

  19. 戈兰茨告诉《星期日泰晤士报》:保守估计威斯纳一年捐精达20次。

    Mr Gollancz told the Sunday Times : A conservative estimate is that he would have been making 20 donations a year .

  20. 最保守估计大约有10000人,最多人数可能8000人。

    On the low end of the estimates , you get around 10000 people , and the high end around , 80000 .

  21. 两位作者对拯救财产和生命的成本加以保守估计,认为相当大部分钱都被浪费了。

    Using conservative estimates for the costs of property and life saved , the authors say much of the money is wasted .

  22. 戈兰茨告诉《星期日泰晤士报》:“保守估计威斯纳一年捐精达20次。”

    Mr Gollancz told the Sunday Times : " A conservative estimate is that he would have been making 20 donations a year .

  23. 她在伊斯坦布尔世界卫生组织举行的肥胖症会议上认为这是保守估计。

    " We suspect that these estimates will be just as high ," she said at a WHO-sponsored conference on obesity in Istanbul .

  24. 使用基于用例来俘获功能需求改进生产力百分比的保守估计,我们估计能够得到14%的生产力改进。

    Using conservative percentages for productivity improvement with the use-case method of capturing functional requirements , we estimate a14 % increase in productivity .

  25. 根据保守估计,世界上由各种业务所存储和维护的数据中,约80%都具有地理位置的属性。

    By conservative estimate , approximately 80 percent of all data stored and maintained by businesses around the world have a location component .

  26. 中国严重缺乏合格的会计师,缺口预计达到30万人,而这个数字几乎肯定是保守估计。

    The shortage of qualified accountants in China is acute and has been estimated at 300,000 , a figure almost certain to be conservative .

  27. 将要偿还的金额,远远超过美国财政部此前今年偿还250亿美元的保守估计。

    The amount due to be repaid far outstrips a previous conservative estimate from the Treasury that $ 25bn would be repaid this year .

  28. 目前保守估计全世界有5万种芋螺毒素,但仅有少数毒素的功能得到鉴定,我国丰富的芋螺毒素资源亟待丌发。

    It is estimated that there are about 50,000 conotoxins all of the world , but only a few of which have been identified functionally .

  29. 痢疾是一种世界范围内高发病率的肠道传染病,据保守估计,每年导致全世界死亡人数超过一百万例。

    Dysentery is a worldwide high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases , and more than one million people were dead in this disease each year .

  30. 在地带或以上层级之资深扶轮领导人为劝募钜额捐献的人数,保守估计有250人。

    A conservative estimate of the number of Senior Rotary Leaders at the zone level or above with a commitment to major gift fundraising is250 .