
  • 网络Royalist
保皇 [bǎo huáng]
  • [royalist;royalism] 指保卫皇帝,比喻效忠保守势力

  • 保皇党

  • 保皇派

  1. 那些村民是十足的保皇主义者。

    The villagers are royalist to the core .

  2. 人该怎么做呢?他决不该比国王还要保皇吧。

    What is one to do ? One must not be more royalist than the king .

  3. 当然他也有一些保守,或者说是落后的地方,比如他坚持保皇。

    Of course he is conservative in some places .

  4. 会晤的情形就是女王当着10000个欢呼着的保皇主义者面前就共和党人的态度而生气。

    The prospect of meeting the queen in front of 10000 cheering royalists offended Republican sensibilities .

  5. 雨果的爸爸曾是拿破仑军队的一名将军,是共和制的支持者,而他中产阶级的妈妈则有保皇主义的倾向。

    Hugo 's father was a general in the Napoleonic army with republican sympathies while his middle-class mother had royalist leanings .

  6. 从星期一起,英国保皇党员就在耐心地等待威廉王子和凯特王妃新生儿名字的公布。

    Meanwhile , royalists have waited patiently since Monday to find out the name of Prince William and Kate Middleton 's new arrival .

  7. 第三部分论述革命思想和从维新保皇到革命的思想变化,着重分析其从维新保皇到革命的变化表现和原因。

    The third part of the paper states his revolutionary ideas and the changes from reform idea to revolution . It describes his performance and the reasons .

  8. 这种反应说明一个重要的问题&即,威胁美国价值的极端主义分子就是罗斯福所称的“经济保皇分子”,而不是在祖可蒂公园安营扎寨的人。

    And this reaction tells you something important & namely , that the extremists threatening American values are what F.D.R.called " economic royalists ," not the people camping in Zuccotti Park .