
  • 网络bowling;a bowling alley
  1. 京汉两地商业性保龄球馆实施CS战略经营的研究

    Operation of commercial bowling gyms in Beijing and Wuhan and necessity of CS strategy

  2. 我还在保龄球馆给他找了份工作。

    I even got him a job at the bowling alley .

  3. 莉顿被目睹到和一些朋友在斯蒂迪奥城(StudioCity)的Pins保龄球馆里玩,还在众人怂恿之下参加了扳手腕,最终败北。

    Leighton was spotted at Pins Bowling Alley with some pals in Studio City , inciting an arm-wrestling throwdown .

  4. 葛兰特在IBM工作了40年之久,他从1953年17岁时就开始在该公司的保龄球馆当排球瓶的球僮。

    PAUL M.GRANT worked for IBM for40 years , starting in1953 at age17 as a pinsetter at the company bowling alley .

  5. 此地的新丁包括PinewoodSocial,这家店既是酒吧、餐馆,又是保龄球馆兼卡拉OK厅。还有404,由车库改建而成的餐厅兼精品酒店。

    New hangouts include Pinewood Social , a bar , restaurant , bowling alley and karaoke joint , and the 404 , a restaurant and boutique hotel in a former auto garage .

  6. 有个保龄球馆,但是你得付钱。

    There is a bowling alley , but you need to pay .

  7. 我不能告诉她我们偷进保龄球馆。

    And I couldn 't tell her we snuck into the alley .

  8. 对上海市保龄球馆经营的研究

    Study on the Management of Bowling Business in Shanghai City

  9. 他在森尼韦尔的一家保龄球馆里爱上了《乒乓》游戏,

    He had become addicted to Pong at a Sunnyvale bowling alley ,

  10. 某地下保龄球馆火灾热烟气安全研究

    Study on the safety of fire heat smoke in a underground bowling alley

  11. 保龄球馆总是聚集很多人。

    Bowling alleys always attract big crowds .

  12. 在保龄球馆:“保持安静,我们需要倾听大头针落地。”

    Inside a bowling alley : " Please be quiet , we need to hear a pin drop . "

  13. 该公司将类似的谷仓改造成保龄球馆,室内游泳池,或是华丽的陈列室。

    The company repurposes barns like this one into bowling alleys , indoor swimming pools , or swank showrooms .

  14. 之后,数百人在当地的保龄球馆为这个自闭症少年开了一场真正的生日会。

    Later , hundreds of people threw a real birthday party for the autistic teen at a local bowling alley .

  15. 其中一个叫亨利。希尔。他家在城里开了家叫做“幸运球道”的旧保龄球馆。

    One of them was Henry Hill , whose family owned the old bowling alley downtown , the Lucky Strike Lanes .

  16. 他在保龄球馆只是没那么吵有碰撞和砰砰声还有

    he was at a bowling alley , just not as loud . There were all these crashes and pings and --

  17. 这家冰淇淋店很特别,因为它位于麻省海德公园镇的保龄球馆里。

    This is a very special ice cream shop because it combines with a bowling alley in Hyde Park Town , Massachusetts .

  18. 曾获奖的休闲中心就在学院对面,有游泳馆,冰道,保龄球馆等。

    Award winning Leisure Centre with swimming pools , ice rink , bowling and much more , is just opposite the college .

  19. 而最、最糟糕透顶的事,莫过于必须得去附近的保龄球馆。

    No , the worst thing by a very , very long way was a compulsory visit to the neighbourhood bowling alley .

  20. 成本中心1号现在已经20岁了。最近,他参加了一位大学同学在伦敦贝斯沃特一家保龄球馆举行的生日派对。

    CC # 1 , now 20 , recently attended the birthday party of a university friend at a bowling alley in Bayswater .

  21. 娱乐休闲中心,缤纷多彩。桑拿房、歌舞厅、美容美发室、保龄球馆、棋牌室等,是您休闲、娱乐的最佳场所。

    The recreation center with sauna , disco , beauty salon , Bowling room and Mahjong room will bring you with pleasant enjoyment of modern city .

  22. 享受一个新的卡通气氛十分活跃的保龄球馆,你管理能力和旋转赢得挑战,提高你的状态和表演很棒的投篮。

    Enjoy a new cartoonish and very lively bowling atmosphere as you manage power and spin to win challenges , raise your stats and perform terrific shots .

  23. 唐已经90岁了,而马克辛也87岁了,他们1952年在贝克斯菲尔德的一家保龄球馆相识,并且同年就迈入了婚姻的殿堂。

    He was 90 and she was 87 , and they met at a bowling alley in Bakersfield in 1952 , getting married in the same year .

  24. 这些新型小球起初只在酒吧、保龄球馆中能找到;现在,从波士顿到北京,在挤满了人的台球场所里,它俨然成为了主流。

    Initially found only in bars and bowling alleys , the new , smaller tables have taken center stage at packed pool halls from Boston to Beijing .

  25. 古老而又新颖的方式:打保龄几乎每个人的附近都有一家保龄球馆。打保龄会让你的约会之夜即休闲又有趣。

    Bowling is so old school that its hip again - Just about everybody has a bowling alley somewhere nearby . Its a casual , fun date night .

  26. 之前伫立于此的是一座相当于两层楼高的保龄球馆,建筑师在建筑面积和体量方面都必须受制于它,高出的部分只得采用玻璃。

    The architect had to build within the square footage and two-story volume of a bowling alley that previously stood here ; anything higher had to be glass .

  27. 其中包括一架安装了一个价值7.5万美元马桶的飞机,以及普京在瓦尔代湖畔的寓所,那里配备了教堂、游泳池、餐馆、电影院及保龄球馆。

    They included an aeroplane fitted with a $ 75,000 toilet and a Lake Valdai home complete with church , swimming pool , restaurants , cinema and bowling alley .

  28. 斯威夫特和好友赛琳娜·戈麦斯一起到达位于环球影城的保龄球馆,但几乎整晚都在跟蒙泰斯打保龄球,二人有说有笑。

    Swift arrived at the Pins alley in Studio City with best friend Selena Gomez , but spent most of the evening talking to Monteith as they bowled together .

  29. 14.在保龄球馆被装满水的桶(因为漏水)砸到头。

    14 . Employee was at a bowling alley and a bucket filled with water ( due to a leak ) crashed through the ceiling and hit her on the head .

  30. 她为朋友们举办了一场昂贵的晚宴。当我们发现她与一神秘男子在保龄球馆里上演扳手腕对决时,我们都混乱了。

    She hosted a fancy dinner for cool people , got our minds all mimsy when we spotted her with a mystery guy , and apparently started an arm wrestling bowling alley gang .