
  • 网络insurance asset
  1. 设有专业的资金运用部门或者相关的保险资产管理公司;

    It has a specialized fund use department or a relevant insurance asset management company ;

  2. 首先,本文对资产证券化的一般概念做出定义,同时衍生出保险资产证券化的定义。

    Firstly , the paper defines the general concept of asset securitization , and then goes through to the definition of insurance asset securitization .

  3. 论保险资产管理公司法律规制

    On Legal Supervision on Management Company of Insurance Assets

  4. 该集团还斥资逾40亿美元收购保险资产。

    The group has also spent more than $ 4bn buying insurance assets .

  5. 在金融产品部门以外,美国国际集团仍然持有极具价值的保险资产。

    Outside the financial products division , AIG continues to hold valuable insurance assets .

  6. 保险资产风险管理国际研讨会

    International Seminar on Risk Management of Insurance Funds

  7. 银行家们称,这将限制其被保险资产的规模。

    This would limit the size of the assets it could insure , bankers say .

  8. 关注国际形势防范金融风险提高保险资产管理水平

    Paying Attention to International Situations , Guarding against Financial Risks , and Improving Asset Management Level

  9. 主数据管理和数据验证都可在记录保险资产位置中起一定作用。

    , master data management , and data validation can all play a role in recording the location of insured assets perfectly .

  10. 随着保险资产管理公司的相继成立和保险资金的集中专业化管理,保险业投资管理水平显著提高。

    With the foundation of the insurance management company and professional investment of insurance money , the level of investment management rises remarkable .

  11. 在此笔者将保险资产证券化分为三类:保险增量资产证券化、保险投资证券化和保险存量资产证券化。

    In this paper the insurance securitization is divided into three categories : Insurance incremental asset securitization , insurance investment securitization and insurance asset securitization .

  12. 第三十九条保险资产管理公司外汇资金境外运用参照本办法执行。

    Article 39 These Measures shall also , mutatis mutandis , apply to overseas use of foreign exchange funds by an insurance asset management company .

  13. 保险资产管理公司独特的资本结构和组织形式决定了正确处理大股东关系是优化其治理机制的核心内容。

    The unique capital structure and form or organization of insurance asset management companies make proper relationship with major shareholders a key component of their governance mechanism .

  14. 其中保险资产贡献最大,而货币资产、股票资产等对经济增长的作用还未充分发挥。

    Where the largest contribution is insurance assets , but currency , stocks and other non-monetary assets on the role of economic growth has not been fully realized .

  15. 纵观国内关于资产证券化的研究,多数文章将重点倾向于企业应收账款证券化、高速公路收费权益证券化和银行信贷资产证券化,对保险资产证券化研究非常少。

    Looking at the domestic research on asset securitization , the majority of articles tend to focus on corporate accounts receivable securitization of equity securities of toll highways and bank credit asset securitization , asset securitization of insurance is very rare .

  16. 负债策略包括优化产品结构、提高定价合理性、修正保单条款和创新营销模式;资产策略包括实行保险资产证券化、加强投资管理。

    Debt strategy includes the optimization of product structure , the improvement of pricing rationality , the amendment of the policy terms , the innovation of the marketing pattern ; Assets strategy includes the securitization of the insurance assets and strengthening the investment management .

  17. 随着我国保险资产的继续扩张以及政府在政策上进一步提高投资股票市场比例的预期,保险资金如何更有效的投资于股票市场成为当前学者们和从业人员关注的热点。

    Along with our country insurance assets continued to expand and the government policy to further improve the stock market investment proportion of insurance funds expected , how to more effectively to invest in the stock market has become the current scholars and practitioners focus .

  18. 保险资金资产配置理论:模型及应用

    Theory of Insurance Funds Asset Allocation : Model and Application

  19. 对保险公司资产管理的再认识

    A New Perspective on Capital Management in Insurance Companies

  20. 某保险集团资产管理系统架构与设计

    The Architecture and Design of the Asset Management System for the Insurance Group Company

  21. 论做大做强保险管理资产

    On Developing Insurance Managed Assets Bigger and Stronger

  22. 防范保险公司资产负债匹配风险策略研究

    Insurance Company 's Asset - liability Matching Risk Management in China 's New Investment Circumstances

  23. 本论文就是基于某保险集团资产清查管理系统建设的需求,架构设计了该保险集团的资产管理系统。

    Based on the requirements of the insurance group company asset management system , the thesis architectures and designs the system .

  24. 共分成三部分:第一部分是保险公司资产负债的确认和计量问题研究。

    It is divided into three parts . Part 1 deals with the affirmance and measurement of the insurance assets and liabilities .

  25. 鉴于国内外对保险增量资产证券化即保险公司上市融资部分研究较多,本文在此仅研究后两者。

    In view of incremental asset securitization of insurance has been studied very much , this study only involves the latter two .

  26. 第三,在对家庭金融资产选择行为进行实证研究时,对配置行为做了进一步的细分,不仅考虑到储蓄、股票投资,还考虑到了债券、基金、保险等资产选择行为。

    Third , this paper details the deploy actions for household financial assets choosing , not only considering deposits and stocks , but also bonds , funds and insurance products .

  27. 美国保险巨头资产在这次金融危机中遭受重创,中国银行正与金融咨询机构及中国决策层积极讨论参与竞购该行业的好处。

    The mainland lender is in active discussions with financial advisers and Chinese policymakers about the merits of joining the auction for assets owned by the stricken US insurance giant .

  28. 2008年苏格兰两家大银行的破产结束了银行业的骄人历史,但其他金融服务业仍相当强劲,例如保险和资产管理。

    The collapse of the two big Scottish banks in 2008 ended a proud banking history , but Scotland remains strong in other financial services such as insurance and asset management .

  29. 因此,银行、保险、资产管理和股票市场等领域的金融机构必须满足非常严格的安全需求,必须保护它们的应用程序处理的所有电子数据。

    Therefore , financial institutions working in the domain of banking , insurance , asset management , and stock markets have to meet external stringent requirements to safeguard all the electronic data being processed by their applications .

  30. 随着我国养老保险基金资产总额的扩大,金融市场日渐成熟,养老保险基金增值保值的投资目标要求投资方式也日益多样化。

    With the expansion of the total amount of the pension fund in China and the mature financial market , the appreciation value of the pension fund investment objectives and requirements of the investment is also increasingly diverse .