
  1. 在此基础上,引入信托概念,建立管理层收购和职工持股计划的信托操作模型,并着重对MBO和ESOP信托模型中的操作步骤、组成要件和功能解析等方面进行研究。

    On the basis of this , it presents a practical model of MBO and ESOP , and studies the procedures , elements and functions of the model .

  2. 依据农村土地信托概念,农村土地信托包括了委托人、受托人和信托财产,并厘清其内部权利和义务关系。

    Based on the concept of Rural Land Trust , it includes the principal , the trustee and the trust property whose internal relations are identified as rights and obligations .

  3. 在该部分中,笔者首先论述了农村集体土地所有权信托的概念、功能。

    This section mainly introduces the definition and functions of collective land ownership trusts .

  4. 第一章是不动产信托的概念研究与历史考究。

    The first chapter is about the concept and historical examination of real estate trust .

  5. 委托与信托从概念上和形式上有着许多共同点,但信托与委托代理仍有很大区别。

    Entrust and entrust share many common points from the conceptual and formal parts , but they still have big differences .

  6. 该部分介绍了公益信托的概念及其特征、公益信托监管的概念及其特征以及公益信托监管的必要性。

    It introduces concept and features of Charitable Trust and its Supervision system as well as the necessity of supervising Charitable Trust .

  7. 最后,通过案例引出遗嘱信托的概念、优越性以及实际操作中遇到的问题。

    At last , we put forward the concept of testamentary trust , its superiority and the problem encountered in actual operation .

  8. 第二章主要是对房地产信托的概念性质进行分析,描述了国内外房地产信托的情况和类型。

    Chapter 2 mainly introduces the real estate trust principles and contents , describing some kinds of real estate trust practices in other countries .

  9. 最后一章现代大学师生关系的重构。在正视大学理念和师生关系特殊性的基础上,尝试引入师生信托关系概念,进而力图以此理念来指导大学师生关系的重构。

    Based on the ideas of universities and the specialty of the relationship of students and teachers in colleges , the final chapter attempts to introduce the conceptions of the fiduciary relationship , which will instruct the reconstruction of relationships of students and teachers in college .

  10. 分析了信托收据的概念、性质及其沿革。

    Analyze concept , character and evolution of trust receipt .

  11. 首先,本文对附担保公司债信托进行了概念的解析,并说明其性质和特征。

    Firstly , this article generalizes the basic legal concept of the secured corporate bond trustee and explains its nature and character .

  12. 故本章主要分两节分析信托的基本概念,第一节介绍信托的历史与相关概念,第二节分析信托财产权的概念。

    First chapter divide into two sections . Section I , the history and concept of the Trust ; Section II to analyze the concept of the trust property .

  13. 第一部分主要讨论了集合资金信托业务的概念和法理分析为基础,并与类似的证券投资基金制度、证券公司集合客户资产管理业务作了比较。

    In the first part , the text mainly discusses the concept and nomological elements of collective money trust and it makes comparison with similar business as mutual fund and collective assets management .

  14. 希望通过本章的介绍,对信托财产的概念、范围、英美法系及大陆法系相关财产权性质的冲突及信托财产占有瑕疵的继承,有初步的认识。

    Willing to give a primary introduction of the definition of trust property , scope , the conflicts between Anglo-American law system and civil law system on the nature of trust property via this chapter .

  15. 本文首先介绍了房地产投资信托基金的概念、特征、分类、运作方式以及国外成功运用房地产投资信托基金进行住宅融资的经验。

    This paper first introduced the concept , characteristics , classification and mode of Real Estate investment trusts , as well as abroad , successful experienced about using Real Estate Investment trusts for residential financing .

  16. 阐述了廉租房信托基金的概念及重要意义,分析了廉租房信托基金的法律原理,并在此基础上提出相应的法律制度构建建议。

    This paper expounds the concept and the important significance of the lower rent house trust fund , analyzes on the legal principle of the lower rent house trust fund , and based on this , advances some suggestions on relevant legal system construction .

  17. 本文首先对房地产投资信托基金的概念、定义以及相关的理论进行梳理,使得我们对于房地产投资信托基金可以有一个全面、清楚的认识。

    This article first to the real estate investment trust fund concept , the definition as well as the correlation theory carries on combs , causes us to be allowed to have comprehensively regarding the real estate investment trust fund , the clear understanding .

  18. 第一章介绍了离岸信托的相关概念,着重评述了《海牙信托公约》对离岸信托法律适用的国际协调功能,并对离岸信托避税的方式、危害以及界定作了解释。

    The first chapter described the concepts of the offshore trust , focused his remarks on international coordination function of " the Hague Trust Convention " in offshore trust laws section , as well as explained offshore trust tax avoidance methods , hazards and the definition .

  19. 介绍房地产信托的基本概念,简要描述了其发展现状和其产品模式,指出了房地产信托的局限性及其风险,并提出了相应的对策建议,以供房地产信托融资参考。

    This paper introduced the basic concept of real estate investment trust ( REIT ) firstly , then described its status in quo and its product pattern concise , pointed out the deficiency and risk of REIT further , and finally the corresponding countermeasure and advice for reference were given .

  20. 这是我国第一次以立法形式明确了公益信托的地位和概念。

    This is our first legislative form to the public trust and concepts .

  21. 然后对房地产投资信托相关的基本概念,包括定义、法律性质、基本特征、分类等进行了厘清,这对于设立旧城改造投资信托具有基础性的意义。

    Based on these theories the author gives the definition , law characters , classification and so on . It will contribute to set up urban rebuilding investment trusts of combining those basic definitions .

  22. 第四章研究了房地产投资信托的起源、概念和种类,以及外国房地产投资信托的运行模式,并探讨了这一信托品种在我国的法律适用问题。

    Chapter 4 introduces the development of real estate investment trusts , its origin and catalogues , and compares various REITS patterns in other countries , discussing the legal adjustment issue in our country .

  23. 主要包括信托和农村土地信托的概念。农利土地信托的性质和功能、农村土地信托发展的背景和必要性。

    It mainly includes that the concept of trust and the trust of rural land , properties and function of the trust of rural land , the development background and necessity of the trust of rural land .

  24. 其实应该跳出这个狭隘的框架,资产证券化中的特定目的信托只是特定目的信托这个大概念中的一个分概念。

    It should be out of the narrow framework . The asset securitization in the special purpose trust is only a concept of the specific purpose .

  25. 第一章:信托财产概述,分信托财产的概念和范围、信托财产上的所有权及信托财产占有瑕疵的继承三节。

    Chapter one : A summary of trust property , in this chapter , introduced the definition and scope of trust property , the legal nature of trust property right and the trust property tracing .

  26. 本文从信托、房地产信托以及房地产投资信托的概念入手,分析了房地产投资信托与其他投资方式相比具有的优势。

    This paper focuses on the study of Real-estate Investment Trusts ( REITS ) by understanding its relevance and analyzing its exclusive advantages superior to other trust products .

  27. 首先,从各国学者对表决权信托含义的理解着手,探讨了表决权信托的概念、特征和法律属性。

    First of all , in order to explore the concept , nature and characteristics of voting trust , the definition of various countries will be presented .

  28. 鉴于我国信托的特点,本文从投资人的角度提出了资金信托违约风险的概念;

    Referring to the characteristic of trust products in China , the basic concept of the default risk of money trust is introduced in the view of the investors .

  29. 在此部分主要讨论了房地产投资信托的含义和特征、房地产投资信托的种类及其房地产投资信托与相关概念的辨析以及中国房地产投资信托的现状。

    This section mainly discusses the meaning of real estate investment trusts and characteristics , the kind of the real estate investment trusts , and its discrimination with relevant concepts and the situation of real estate investment trusts .