
  • 网络chief information officer;CIO Chief Information Officer
  1. 信息主管的角色、职责与素质

    The Roles , Responsibilities and Quality of CIO

  2. 建立信息主管制度&优化企业组织结构、保障企业竞争取胜。

    And the construction of building CIO regulation to perfect enterprise organizational structure and to ensure enterprise 's victory in competition .

  3. 信息主管CIO(ChiefInformationofficer)、知识主管CKO(ChiefKnowledgeOfficer)等概念及相应的管理理念给信息管理研究领域及新知识经济研究带来了新的思想。

    The concepts such as CIO ( Chief Information Officer ), CKO ( Chief Knowledge Officer ) and the related management ideas has brought new thoughts into the study of Information Management and New Knowledge economy studies .

  4. 根据企业信息主管的工作特点和工作职能,提出了基于企业信息化水平的CIO素质评价指标体系,并将层次分析法和模糊数学相结合,构建了企业CIO的静态优选模型。

    A CIO quality estimation index system is presented based on the CIO working analysis A static optimal model for CIO selection is established using AHP and the fuzzy method .

  5. 认为CIO自20世纪70年代以来先后经历过两次大的角色转变,第一次是从技术主管转向信息主管,第二次是从信息主管转向知识主管。

    The author thinks that the role of CIO has changed twice since 1970s , the first change is from the chief technology officer to the chief information officer , and the second is from the chief information officer to the chief knowledge officer .

  6. 学校亟需信息主管

    Desiderate of Information Director in School

  7. 探讨信息主管所承担的角色与职责以及扮演这些角色和胜任这些职责所必备的素质。

    Discusses the roles and responsibilities of CIO and the quality necessary for being competent at them .

  8. 学校信息主管应同时具备教育技术学、计算机科学、现代教育管理等方面的知识。

    The information director should have correlative knowledge in educational technology , computer science and modern educational management .

  9. 在这中间,我们有自己的信息主管,他将面临巨大的挑战。

    In the middle of this , we have our chief information officer , who has enormous challenges .

  10. 最后,对初步培训体系进行了两次修正和完善,构建了有效的和实用性强的中小学信息主管培训体系。

    Last but not the least , the paper revises the preliminary training system twice , and builds an effective and practical training system for CIO of primary and secondary school .

  11. 近年来,面临互联网经济巨大的前景和风险共存的事实,安全问题逐步成为企业信息主管关注和讨论的焦点。

    As the fact of huge prospect of The Internet Economy existing with the venture in recent years , the safe problem has gradually become the focus of enterprise information and the manager 's attention and discussion .

  12. 目前勘察设计行业信息化建设中存在多种弊端,如何对症下药使行业信息化走上良性循环的发展道路是信息主管部门必须深层考虑的问题。

    Investigate the information-based management of the design profession to exist various irregularities currently , how prescribe medicine for specific ailment base the profession on information to walk is an information supervisor up the development road of virtuous cycle section have to the problem of deep consideration .

  13. 再次,以浦东新区中小学信息主管培训为个案,分别对第一期和第二期培训开展行动实践,结合具体问题详细阐述了行动过程。

    Then , taking CIO training of primary and secondary school in Shanghai Pudong New District as a case study , the paper focuses on the action research separately on the first and second phase training , and details the whole process of the action research with specific cases .

  14. 媒体采购机构传立媒体(mindshare)的信息交流主管保罗罗林森(paulrowlinson)表示,电视广告主提供超本地化服务的能力,与本地化社区正在发生的变化相吻合。

    Paul Rowlinson , head of exchange at media buyer mindshare , says the ability for TV advertisers to go hyper - local chimes with changes taking place in local communities .

  15. 论文站在信息技术主管部门的角度提出了劳动就业与社会保险管理信息系统建设,首先从湖南劳动保障信息管理现状分析找到我省劳动保障管理信息系统开发中存在的问题;

    From the perspective of information technology manage center , the article puts forward the public demand in employment and insurance .

  16. 太多的IT团队无法在足够长的时间里脱去技术帽子,从而对不关心如何定位信息的主管没有意义,仅此而已。

    Too many IT teams can 't take off their technical hats long enough to make sense to business executives who don 't care how the information is located , just that it is .

  17. 合同系统作为合同信息的主管系统,本系统的成功应用,对后续业务的顺利开展以及相关系统的建设和接口实现有较大影响。

    Contract as a contract information system in charge of the system , the successful application of this system , the smooth development of the follow-up business and building related systems and interfaces to achieve a greater impact .

  18. 国家海洋水族馆的动物保护及信息部主管保罗考可斯说:有关樽海鞘的信息很少,然而它们经常出没在温度较低的海洋里,其中以南大洋中的数量最多。

    Paul Cox , director of conservation and communication at the National Marine Aquarium , said : ' Little is known about these salps , however , they are often found in colder seas , with the most abundant concentration found in the Southern Ocean .

  19. 她已成为新信息中心的主管。

    She has become the director of the new information centre .

  20. 分析及反馈修理信息给服务主管;

    Analyze and feedback repair information to service supervisor ;

  21. 创建计划,以便将业务信息集成为主管可理解和可容易地访问的格式。

    Create a plan for integrating the business information into a format that â™ s understandable and easily accessible to executives .

  22. 人际公平和信息公平对主管情感承诺具有显著正向影响,同时信息公平对组织情感承诺亦有显著正向影响。

    Interpersonal justice and information justice has a significant positive effect on employee affective commitment , and information justice also has a significant positive effect on organizational affective commitment .

  23. 目前,如何更好地利用大量的国土信息为国土主管部门和大众服务,已经成为国土资源信息化需要解决的一个重要问题。

    Currently , it is an important problem how to make good use of the abundant information of land resources to serve the department of land resources and the public .

  24. 随着我国信息化建设的不断发展,社会需要越来越多的CIO(ChiefInformationofficer)即首席信息官员或信息主管。

    Along with the development in national information construction , more CIOs ( Chief Information Officer ) are needed .

  25. 风险评估信息将与QRM主管共享,由后者为想要执行这一项目的竞标公司进行风险评估。

    The risk assessment information is shared with the QRM lead who then assesses the risk for the bidding company in executing the project .

  26. 信息不对称下政府主管部门与食品企业的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis between Director Departments of Government and Food Corporations in Information Asymmetry

  27. 信息应足以从主管卖方获得质量和准确“预算”报价。

    The information should be adequate to get quality and accurate " budget " quotations from competent vendors .

  28. 作为北京一家信息技术公司的主管,卢云飞在业余时间里管理着这家网站。他表示:我们比很多政府机构有效多了。

    We are much more efficient than many government institutions , said Lu Yunfei , director of an IT company in Beijing , who edits the website in his spare time .

  29. 2008年,一名前银行IT顾问将偷到的汇丰账户持有人详细信息交给法国主管部门。两年后,法国主管部门把可能偷税者的名单转给英国等其他国家。

    A former bank IT consultant handed stolen details of HSBC account holders to French authorities in 2008 , and two years later they passed on lists of potential tax evaders to other countries including the UK .

  30. 信息时代里,CIO作为企业的首席信息主管,在企业中的地位逐渐上升。

    In information age , CIO is the chief information officer in the enterprise , his status is more and more important .