
xìn xī sǔn hào
  • information loss
  1. 信息损耗的存在使企业中的工作人员提高了同企业的谈判能力,使他们获得的工资可能高于市场的均衡水平。

    We show that information loss would happen with employee turnover and could enhance the bargaining power of the employees .

  2. 本文试图从信息论视角来探讨翻译中的信息损耗和过载现象,旨在挖掘现象背后的原因及其本质。

    This thesis attempts to discuss the phenomena of information loss and overload in translation from the perspective of information theory , aiming to dig out the reasons and nature behind the phenomena .

  3. 时间单向性探源:信息损耗原理

    Searching for the Origin of Time Arrow : Information Dissipation Principle

  4. 电视科技专题节目的信息损耗、溶注与表达

    Information Consumption 、 Fusion and Manifestation on Science and Technology Special TV Program

  5. WILD:基于加权信息损耗的离散化算法

    WILD : A Discretization Algorithm Based on Weighted Information-Loss

  6. 在此基础上,根据系统论原理,结合新闻传播理论与新闻工作实践,本文从微观和宏观两个层次上,提出了解决信息损耗的对策&信息溶注和信息表达。

    On the base of the conclusion , combining with the system , journalism and communication theories and the practice experiences of journalism and communication , the article points out the way to settle information consumption - information fusion and information manifestation on the levers of microcosmic and macrocosmic .

  7. 语言是东北味的,接近普通话,易被接受,信息量损耗少。

    Language is a taste of the Northeast , close to Mandarin , easily acceptable , less the amount of information loss .

  8. 静态提升安全级的算法能够保证在信息易用性损耗较小的情况下控制推理通道。

    Static upgrade of the security level algorithm can guarantee controlling inference channels with less information loss .

  9. 指出,翻译过程中文化信息在传播过程中通常会发生变化,具体表现为:文化信息误解,文化信息损耗和文化信息附加三种情况。

    Then it points out that three major changes take place in the course of communicating cultural information : misunderstanding , loss and addition of cultural information .