
Research on Accounting Errors ' Information Noises of Listed Companies
A Study on Nonrecurring Gins and Losses Information Noise of listed companies
Information Noise on Internet and Countermeasures of Internet Editor
Audit noisy information will lead to the audit information being distorted the truth of information , and reducing the quality of audit information .
This study investigates the information noises of non-recurring items based on the data from 1168 A-share listed companies that had non-recurring items in 2003 in the Chinese stock market .
Will develop the technology to help users extract relevant and meaningful information noise . I want to see the technology , so that everyone is on the earth clean water , electricity and a phone .
The findings are as follows : ( 1 ) There exists apparent information noise in the behaviors of huge amount write off and earnings management induced by policy-based factors which are carried through in accounting errors .
Abatement of Noise in the Process of Message Communication in Environmental Management
An Algorithm for the Elimination of the Noise in Web Pages Based on Visual Layout Information
The new model can reserve the object information effectually , eliminate the noise , augment image gradient , and pose stronger constringency effect .
Nevertheless , financial economists modify the neoclassic financial theory by establishing noisy rational expectations models based on information asymmetry and positive feedback models based on behavioral finance , and provide theoretical foundation for technical analysis .
Important information and a large number of noise co-exist in the large time-series data , so academics during the study of more complex time-series , to make them more suitable for the project study , often will model them effectively at first .
An economist , Fischer Black , described this information as " noise ";
Noise is controlled in the transmission of teaching information for slide projector
The reason why block node frequency is used instead of entropy property is to make the method more efficiency .
In order to avoid information loss and reduce noise , relevant processing techniques are adopted to improve the accuracy of figures .
After information releasing , the noise traders are no longer act as price followers , but lead the forming of the market price .
Elastic impedance inversion approach overcomes the limitations of acoustic impedance inversion and AVO method , which preserves the information of prestack data , also avoids the effects of noise .
Besides , a wrong institution , such as ban of short sell can induce investors to degenerate : from an information trader to a noise trader , which can explain the formation of strong speculation in China stock market .
Is voluntary disclosure information obvious information noises ?
From the perspective of Information System Theory of communication , the factors such as information , noise , feedback and evaluation influence the application of translation method on alcoholic drink brand name translation greatly .
This paper expounds the relationship between PR and infor-mation from four angles : flow of information , feed-back of information , informa-tion noise treatment , and the ultimate aim of information flow .
The information explosion makes more and more useful information drowning into information noise , so how to extract the needed information and take advantage of it is the key to support the steady development of a region or an industry .
Superimposed holograms in 3-dimensional volume holographic storage will introduce noise into the readout messages .
Shark search algorithm uses the links context information , but the links context information is often filled with noise . So , it will interfere with the link prediction .
Based on the images ' data and noise were mutual independent , ICA was applied to obtain the statistic information from noise-free images , and removed the independent noise from noise image using the statistic information .
This article holds that the fundamental purpose of audit activities is to provide the relevant information of the status of audited firms . Due to various factors exists , the audit information may include noise , and then the quality of information is in the decline .
Firstly , acquiring the text content block according to the DOM tree parsed from the web pages , and then analyzing the characteristics of noise information in the text content block in order to remove the noise information .