
xìn dài zī jīn
  • credit funds
  1. 基于LotusDomino/Notes的信贷资金清算系统

    Credit funds of clear accounts information system based on Lotus Domino / Notes

  2. 基于STR模型的金融机构信贷资金投放与中国经济增长的实证研究

    Empirical Study On the Investment of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions and China 's Economic Growth Based on STR Model

  3. 信贷资金一直是中国农业资金最重要的来源之一,误差修正模型对1978~2001年间中国农业GDP与农业信贷作出了Granger因果关系检验。

    Based on co-integration analysis and the error correction model , the Granger causality of agri-GDP and agri-credit in China ( 1978-2001 ) is tested .

  4. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)今年4月发布的一份报告显示,发放给近600家企业的大约4000亿美元信贷资金被认为存在风险,占中国企业借款总额的14%。

    In a report released in April , the International Monetary Fund found that nearly 600 companies had almost $ 400 billion of debt that was considered at risk , accounting for 14 percent of total corporate borrowing in China .

  5. 我国西部信贷资金配置效益研究

    On the Effect of Collocation of Credit Fund for Western China

  6. 关于银行信贷资金入市的思考

    Inflow to the stock market of credit capital of the banks

  7. 高校信贷资金形势分析与建议

    Analysis and Advises on the Situation of Credit Funds in University

  8. 集团客户信贷资金管理

    Group client lending management Customer 's Treasury Cut Customer Credit Cycles

  9. 对国有商业银行信贷资金效率问题的思考

    On efficiency of credit funds of state - owned Commercial Banks

  10. 农业政策性信贷资金运行的实证研究(Ⅰ)&对四川省产粮大县、产棉大县和国定贫困县的比较分析

    Normative Research on the Operation of Agricultural Policy Credit Funds

  11. 构建农村信贷资金安全保障机制的思考

    Thought about the Establishment of Rural Credit Capital Ensure and Guarantee Mechanism

  12. 中国信贷资金市场巨额存差分析

    Analysis of China 's Capital Market Deposit Overplus Credit Cycles

  13. 新农村建设的信贷资金支持:强制还是鼓励?

    Loan Fund Support in New Countryside Construction : Obliging or Encouraging ;

  14. 引入行业风险评级制度,优化信贷资金投向;

    Import the evaluation system , optimize the credit capital ;

  15. 浅谈当前农村信贷资金不足的原因及对策

    On the Cause and Countermeasures of Lack of Rural Credit Funds Currently

  16. 信贷资金规模控制需要合适的财务指标体系来控制。

    Credit capital scale control requires appropriate financial index system to realize .

  17. 本文是关于信贷资金效率问题的研究。

    This dissertation zeroes in the efficiency problem of the credit funds .

  18. 中国国有商业银行信贷资金地区配置状况研究

    Research on the Regional Loan Allocation of State-owned Commercial Banks in China

  19. 我国信贷资金的非均衡流动与差异性金融政策实施的研究

    A Study of Imbalance Credit Flow and Differential Financial Policies

  20. 美国政府希望信贷资金再次流向负债累累的美国消费者。

    Washington wants to get credit flowing again to indebted US consumers .

  21. 信贷资金配置方式与配置效率&以浙江制造业贷款为例的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Loan Allocation and Allocation Efficiency

  22. 我国信贷资金运行季节性波动的实证研究:广东个案

    An Empirical Study of Quarterly Credit Fluctuation : A Case of Guangdong

  23. 信贷资金管理体制演变与经济变迁(1949-1998)

    The Evolution of Credit Fund Management System and Economical Vicissitude ( 1949-1998 );

  24. 浅谈高校信贷资金的风险控制

    A Discussion on the Management of University Credit Fund and its Risk Control

  25. 如何看待银行信贷资金的几个问题

    How to Look upon a Number of Problems about Credit Funds from Banks

  26. 但并非所有的信贷资金都得到了有效的使用。

    But not all credit is being usefully deployed .

  27. 我国工业行业信贷资金配置效率研究

    Research on Allocation Efficiency of Chinese Industries Credit

  28. 农民增收与农业信贷资金支持互动的研究

    A research on the increase of farmers and the credit funds support of Agriculture

  29. 浅谈我国银行信贷资金的风险防范

    Bank Credit Funds Risk Preventation in Our Country

  30. 论中国金融制度变迁中的国家模型与效用函数&及以信贷资金管理体制的变迁为例的解释

    The State Model and Utility Function During the Transition of China 's Financial System