
xìn dài é dù
  • line of credit;credit limit
  1. 夏普说,已要求大型金融机构提高对它的信贷额度,帮助解决公司的财务问题。

    Sharp said it has asked its major financial lenders to extend a greater line of credit to help with its finances .

  2. 但去年末,安哥拉政府将其认为中基公司本会提供的信贷额度预测调降了三分之二。

    But late last year the Angolan government downgraded by two-thirds its estimates of the line of credit the CIF was thought to have provided .

  3. 福特(Ford)也已表示,它需要一笔信贷额度。

    Ford has also said it will need a credit line .

  4. Knight在摩根大通拥有现成的信贷额度。

    Knight has an existing credit line with JPMorgan .

  5. Su强调,TMT有多达10亿美元的信贷额度。

    TMT had credit lines of up to $ 1bn , Mr Su insisted .

  6. KKRFinancial还表示,自己另有未雨绸缪的融资安排&其中包括近20亿美元的无追索权信贷额度和3.4亿美元的担保信贷安排。

    KKR Financial also noted that it had arranged additional financing for a rainy day – including almost $ 2bn in non-recourse credit lines and a $ 340m secured credit facility .

  7. 初步迹象显示,墨西哥宣布申请IMF新的灵活信贷额度(FlexibleCreditLine),得到的是奖励而非惩罚。这种信贷额度只提供给那些政策历史记录良好的国家。

    The preliminary signs are that Mexico has been rewarded rather than punished for announcing its application for the IMF 's new flexible credit line , which is available only to governments with a strong policy track record .

  8. 由于imf的限制性条件过多,同时人们觉得,使用此类临时信贷额度的国家会损及声名,这种机制以往已失灵。

    Such mechanisms have failed in the past because of excessive IMF conditions and the perception that there was a stigma attached to countries that drew on such contingency lines .

  9. 甚至连被视为最脆弱的生产商之一、负债累累的切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)本周也争取到按重新谈判的条件维持40亿美元的银行信贷额度,从而确保自己能够存活得更久一点。

    Even heavily indebted Chesapeake Energy , seen as one of the most vulnerable , this week managed to secure its future for a while longer with a renegotiated $ 4bn bank lending facility .

  10. 国家控股的中国各银行经常提供廉价融资帮助企业海外扩张,华为在中国国家开发银行(CDB)安排了350亿美元的信贷额度。

    Chinese state-controlled banks regularly provide cheap financing for offshore expansion and Huawei has a $ 35bn standing credit line from China Development Bank .

  11. 但EFSF关键的力量是在没有得到政府批准救助的情况下提高信贷额度,这实质上是国际货币基金组织如何运作的问题。

    But the key new power for the EFSF is the ability to extend credit lines to governments without bailout approval , which is essentially how the IMF operates .

  12. 在危机到来之前,运转良好的国家就有资格获得灵活信贷额度(fcl),而且贷款发放时很少附带条件。

    The flexible credit line , for which well-run countries can prequalify before a crisis hits , is given out with very few strings attached .

  13. 尽管细节还未敲定,但这部分增加的资金可用于补充imf的信贷额度,以预防希腊危机向意大利和西班牙蔓延,或者用于对欧洲银行进行资本重组。

    Although details have not yet been worked out , the increased firepower could be used to finance IMF credit lines to prevent financial contagion from the Greek crisis spreading to Italy and Spain , or to recapitalise European banks .

  14. 官员也在考虑改变规则,允许欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)基金向借款困难、但又不需要接受为期数年的纾困计划的国家提供短期信贷额度。

    Officials are also considering rule changes that would allow the fund the European financial stability facility to provide short-term lines of credit to countries struggling to borrow money but not in need of multiyear bail-out packages .

  15. 澳航的首席执行长乔伊斯(AlanJoyce)说,澳航的现金余额超过30亿澳元,还未动用的信贷额度有3亿澳元,如果欧洲的经济问题影响到全球,冲击到商业航空市场,那么澳航可以动用这些信贷额度。

    Chief Executive Alan Joyce said Qantas has a cash balance of more than A $ 3 billion and an undrawn debt facility of A $ 300 million that it can draw on if Europe 's economic problems turn global , hitting commercial aviation .

  16. 因此,我们不能给你提供更多的信贷额度。

    Therefore , we cannot give you any more credit .

  17. 这就是我们有10亿美元信贷额度的原因。

    That 's why we have $ 1bn credit lines .

  18. 商业银行信贷额度分配模型分析

    Analysis of Commercial Bank Loan Resource Allocation Model Credit Cycles

  19. 本信贷额度将签订贷款协议。

    This credit line is to be evidenced by a loan agreement .

  20. 中国还在扩大出口商的信贷额度和退税力度。

    China is also expanding credit lines and tax rebates for exporters .

  21. 一连串叫不出名字的特别信贷额度被提供给非储蓄金融机构。

    Special credit lines with unpronounceable acronyms were made available to nondepository institutions .

  22. 他们把无数信用卡上的信贷额度用完了。

    They spent their limit on numerous credit cards .

  23. 在年景好的时候,这些信贷额度似乎不会带来什么问题。

    In good times , these credit lines appeared to present few problems .

  24. 但正是这些信贷额度造成了近来的麻烦。

    But it has been such credit lines that have created the recent difficulties .

  25. 信用贷款不断增加而未受限制.减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度

    The use of credit continues / grows unchecked . Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility

  26. 它能提供各种援助,从全面贷款计划,到更灵活的信贷额度。

    It offers assistance ranging from a full lending programme to more flexible credit lines .

  27. 莱茵兰基金要求德国产业投资银行提供一个信贷额度,正像结构性投资工具规则所要求的。

    Rhineland asked IKB to provide a credit line , as the rules of SIVs require .

  28. 该公司称,今年4月份用掉了这80亿美元信贷额度中的最后30亿美元。

    The company said it drew down $ 3 billion from that credit line in April .

  29. “证:”好了,它的12500,你毅然你整个信贷额度。

    Rep : Well , it 's $ 12,500 , you took your whole credit line .

  30. 减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度

    Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility